Week 1understanding Learning and Knowledge Acquisition

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Week 1: Understanding
Learning and Knowledge Dr. Marian H. Alejandrino
Acquisition CSA-Professor

❑ Explain the basic principle of the different theories of
❑ Determine how to use rewards in the learning process
more effectively.
❑ Explain Tolmans’ purposive behaviorism.

❑ Explain Bandura’s social learning theory.

❑ Give specific application of each theory in teaching.

Metaphors are catalysts of new
knowledge. Like any transplant, a
metaphor is not a mere add-on;
rather, it is often a source of a whole
new way of speaking, that is, of a
new discourse. As such, it is a source
of new ways of seeing things.

What is learning?
▪ Learning is the process of
acquiring new understanding,
knowledge, behaviors, skills,
values, attitudes, and

▪ Behaviorism is based on the idea
that knowledge is independent
and on the exterior of the learner.
In a behaviorist’s mind, the
learner is a blank slate that
should be provided with the
information to be learnt.

▪ Major Theorist – Watson, Pavlov, Skinner, Canter

▪ View on Learning-learning happens through repetition and positive

reinforcement(operant conditioning); outside stimulus and response=learning

▪ Implications for Teaching-teacher models correct behaviors and provides

extrinsic motivation for engagement

▪ Implications for Management-set clear boundaries, offer incentives, token

economies, clear consistent consequences.

▪ Implications for Language – language learning occurs through rehearsal,

correction, and reinforcement.

▪ Behaviorism is based on the idea
that knowledge is independent
and on the exterior of the learner.
In a behaviorist’s mind, the
learner is a blank slate that
should be provided with the
information to be learnt.
◤ ▪ Through this interaction,
new associations are made
and thus learning occurs.
Learning is achieved when
the provided stimulus
changes behavior. A non-
educational example of this
is the work done by Pavlov

▪ Major Theorists- Gestalt, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bloom, Gagne

▪ View on Learning-learners process information received and

organize it in their mind to form new meanings.

▪ Implications for Teaching- teachers promote discovery and rely on

students’ intrinsic motivation, inquiry-based teaching , cultural
contexts and ZPD must be considered

▪ Implications for Management-learning environment should be goal

oriented and learner-centered, based on knowledge of child

▪ Implications for Language – scaffolding and learner-focused

instruction, language in natural contexts.

▪ Constructivism is the theory that says
learners construct knowledge rather
than just passively take in information.
As people experience the world and
reflect upon those experiences, they
build their own representations and
incorporate new information into their
pre-existing knowledge.

▪ Major Theorist-Bandura, Bruner, Gardner, Ericson, Rogers, Maslov, Drelikur,

▪ View on Learning-All learning is based on connections to prior knowledge,

learning is a social process

▪ Implications for Teaching- Teachers are facilitators who monitor the learning
process closely and make adjustments as needed, multiple intelligences are

▪ Implications for Management-Teachers consider stages of development and

motivation for behaviors, humans have a hierarchy of needs that must be met,
trusting relationships is the key to positive environment of learning

▪ Implication for language- Language must be developed organically and first

languages are important because all learning is social and cultural

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