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• A set of instructions for the researcher; to gather and analyze data in
certain ways that will control who and what are to be studied.
• Thus, the choice of design us made when the question is finalized,
Research Design
• Refers to a scheme or plan of acting for meeting the objectives
• A blueprint for conducting a study that maximizes control over factors
that would interfere with the validity of the findings.
• The researcher’s plan
• How the study will be conducted
• Type of data that will be collected and
• The means to be used to obtain these data (which are determined after
variables are identified and quantified)
Research Design
• The purpose? – To provide a plan in answering research question
• Each design has its own applicability depending on the problems and
objectives of the study
• Important consideration – to minimize possible errors and maximize
the reliability and validity of data
• Refers to the consistency, stability, or dependability of the data
• A research method should yield the same results, even if onducted
twice or more
• Refers to data that are not only reliability but also true and accurate
• It refers to which extent an instrument is able to actually measure
what it is supposed to measure
Threats of Validity
Threats of Validity
1. History

- Refers to the events that may occur during the time frame of the
study which are not actually part of the study.
- They produce effects that influence the results of the study, either
increasing or decreasing the expected results
Threats of Validity
2. Selection

- Occurs when respondents of the study are chosen not only

individually but as a group.
Threats of Validity
3. Testing

-refers to the pre-test given that result in an improved performance in

the post-test
- To avoid this threat, a pre-test may not be needed for administration
- However, if a ore-test is given, another measure is recommended to
use as an alternate form of instruments.
Threats of Validity
4. Instrumentation

- It refers to unreliable in measuring instruments that may result to an

invalid measurement of performance
- The change in instrument used between the pre-test and post-test
may result in an effect not caused by a treatment introduced.
Threats of Validity
5. Maturation

- This factor refers to the physiologic and psychologic changes that may
happen to the respondents of the study over a period of time
- If the time frame of a training program is quite long and rigid, the
participants may experience some psychological discomfort due to
boredom, tiredness, hunger and the like.
Threats of Validity
6. Mortality

- It refers to loss of participants during the post-test stage or even

during the implementation of the time frame of the study
- When the same group of individuals is studied over a long period of
- By the time a follow-up study is conducted on the same group, some
members may have dropped out or may refuse to cooperate further
in the study.
Characteristics of a Research
Characteristics of a Research Design
1. The setting in which the research occurs

a. Laboratory Studies

- Designed to be more highly controlled in relation to both the

environment in which the study is conducted and the control of
extraneous and intervening variables
Characteristics of
of aa Research
Research Design
b. Field Studies

– Occur outside laboratory setting

- This occurs on natural setting and use a variety of methods such as:
- Field experiments
- Participant’s observations in village or hospital wards
- Interviews in the home or office
- Questionnaires
- Anything at all that does not occur in a controlled laboratory setting
Characteristics of a Research Design
2. Timing of data collection

a. Prospective or Longitudinal Studies - Events that are underway or

expected to occur in the future

b. Retrospective, ex post facto or historical studies – have occurred in the past

c. Cross-sectional studies – Those in which data collection is strictly in the

present of time
Characteristics of a Research Design
3. The subjects to be included in the research

- The sample size or number of subjects in the study

- The method used to collect the data
- The researcher’s plan for communicating the findings
Types of Basic Research Design
Types of Basic Research
• Descriptive Design
• Experimental Design
• Qualitative Method
Types of Basic Research
1. Descriptive Design

- Most common method used in researches

- Used when the purpose of the study is to inquire about the prevailing
conditions of events, object or people
- The method describes ‘what is’ in relation to the variables under
Types of Basic Research
Characteristics of Descriptive Research

1. It ascertains prevailing conditions of facts in a group or case study

2. It gives either a quantitative or qualitative, or both, description of
the general characteristics on the group or case under study
3. What caused the prevailing conditions is not emphasized
4. The study of conditions at different periods of time may be made
and the change that took place between the periods may be
evaluated for any given value
Types of Basic Research
Characteristics of Descriptive Research

5. Comparison of the characteristics of two groups may be made to

determine their similarities and differences
6. The variables involved in the study are not usually controlled
7. Studies on prevailing conditions may or can be repeated for purpose
of comparison and verification
Types of Basic Research
1. Exploratory Descriptive Design
2. Descriptive survey Design
3. Correlational Design
4. Comparative Design
5. Case Study
6. Feasibility Study
Types of Basic Research
2. Experimental Design

a. 1 Central Characteristics – Manipulating the independent variables

and measuring the effect on the dependent variable
b. The classical experimental designs consists of the experimental
group and the control group
Types of Basic Research
2. Experimental Design

Experimental Group
- refers to independent variable that can be manipulated

- While in the control group, the dependent variable is measured when

no alteration has been made on the independent variable
Types of Basic Research
2. Experimental Design

Control Group
- The dependent variable is measured in the experimental group the
same way. An at the same time, as in the control group
Independent variable Dependent variable
Experimental Group Changed Measured
Control Group Unchanged Measured
• Means the researcher works on the independent variable so that
some of the subjects are affected
• Some variables in the experiment may not be manipulated
• The researcher uses one or more measures to control the experiment,
including the use of an unmanipulated control group that is compared
with an experimental group
Types of Experimental Design
• Pre-Experimental
• True – Experimental
• Quasi-Experimental
Types of Basic Research
3. Qualitative Method

• Historical Method
- This method is past oriented
- Objective is to interpret events in the light of the present situation

• Ethnographic Method
• Phenomenological Method

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