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Overview of the course

Data structure and Algorithms

VNU University of Technology and Engineering

➢Objectives of the course
➢Main contents of the course
➢Materials and requirements

Data Structures and Algorithms 2


➢ Lecturer's name: Ngô Thị Duyên

➢ Department: UET-FIT, Department of Computer Science
➢ Email:
➢ Understand basic structures to represent data in
➢ Understand basic algorithms to solve problems
➢ Analyze time complexity of algorithms
➢ Apply an appropriate data structure and a suitable
algorithm to solve a particular problem
➢ Implement data structures and algorithms on a
particular programming language (prefer C++
programming language)

Data Structures and Algorithms 3

Computer Program
➢ ➢What is a computer program?
➢ A computer program is a set of instructions that perform
specific tasks when executed by computers.

"Program = Data structures+ Algorithms" [N. Wirth]

The main content

➢Lecture 1: introduction to DSA

➢Lecture 2: basic data structures
➢Lecture 3: complexity analysis
➢Lecture 4: set, map and hash table
➢Lecture 5&6: Tree
➢Lecture 7: introduction to algorithms
➢Lecture 8&9: advanced algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms 4
The main content
➢Lecture 10: introduction to graphs
➢Lecture 11&12: Algorithms on graphs
➢Lecture 13: string processing
➢Lecture 14: data structure review
➢Lecture 15: algorithm and graph review

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Lecture 2
basic data structures
➢Array structure:
❖Build structure
• Initialization
• Checking whether a list is empty or full
• Insertion
• Deletion
• Travelling a list

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Lecture 2
basic data structures
➢ Linked list
❖ Singly linked list
❖ Double linked list
❖ Operations: Initialization, insertion, deletion, traversal
➢ Stack
❖ Structure
❖ Operations
➢ Queue
❖ Structure
❖ Operations

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Lecture 3
complexity analysis

➢The concept of time complexity concept

➢Types of time complexity: worse case,
average case, best-case
➢ Big Oh notation

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Lecture 4
set, map and hash table

❖Concept of set
❖Operations: Union, Minus, intersection
❖C/C++ Library
❖Concept of map
❖Operations: get, put, remove
❖C/C++ Library
Data Structures and Algorithms 9
Lecture 4
set, map and hash table

➢Hash table
❖Concept of hash function
❖Collisions and collision handling
❖C/C++ Library

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Lecture 5&6
➢ Tree definition
➢ Tree terminology:
❖external and internal nodes
❖Ancestors of a node, Descendant of a node
❖Depth of a node
❖Height of a tree

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Lecture 5&6
➢ Tree structure
➢ Tree traveling algorithms
➢ Binary tree: structure and operations
➢ Heap tree

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Lecture 7
Introduction to algorithms

➢Algorithm concept
➢Characteristics of an algorithm
➢Algorithm designing strategies: basic
algorithms, Bruce-force, Greedy, divide and
conquer, Dynamic programming, graph
theories, string/text algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms 13

Lecture 8&9
Advanced algorithms
➢ Divide and conquer
❖Binary searching
❖Merge sort
➢ Dynamic programming
❖Problem solving strategy
➢ Greedy algorithms
❖Problem solving strategy

Data Structures and Algorithms 14

Lecture 10
➢ Definition of graph
➢ Graph terminology
❖Directed and undirected edge
❖Directed and undirected graph
❖End vertices
❖Edges incident on a vertex
❖Adjacent vertices
❖Degree of a vertex

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Lecture 10
➢ Graph terminology
❖Simple cycle
❖Weighted and un-weighted graphs
➢ Graph representation
❖Adjacency matrix
❖ Linked list

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Lecture 10

➢Travelling algorithms
❖Breath-First Search (BFS)
❖Depth-First Search (DFS)

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Lecture 11&12
Algorithms on graph
➢ Shortest path finding algorithms
❖Dijkstra algorithm
❖Floyd algorithm
➢ Topological sorting
❖Using Depth-First Search (DFS)
➢ Minimum spanning tree
❖PRIM algorithm
❖KRUSKAL algorithm

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Lecture 13
string processing

➢Definition of string
➢String matching
❖Algorithms: Naïve and Knuth Morris Pratt
➢Regular expression
Data Structures and Algorithms 19
Learning methodology
➢ Theoretical learning
➢ Practical learning:
❖Divided to groups to practice in practical rooms
(G2 building)
❖Programing language: C/C++ (or others)
❖Implement basic structures and algorithms
❖Tested on standard inputs and output
❖Solving small projects
➢ Self-study: student using the CodePower
system ( to self practice

Data Structures and Algorithms 20

Requirements for the course
➢Prerequisite subject: THCS 4; advanced
programming language (prefer C/C++)
➢Attending to class and practical rooms
❖Middle assignment: on practical rooms
❖ Final exam: paper based exam

Data Structures and Algorithms 21

➢Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật: PGS.TS.
Đinh Mạnh Tường
➢Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition
Thomas H. Cormen
➢Fundamentals of Data Structures by Ellis
Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni Addison Wesley
–The Practice of programming How to
program C++

Data Structures and Algorithms 22

➢ Course specification, Lectures, lab
assigments, and quiz are available at:
➢ UET CodeHub:

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