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• FACULTY:Humanitarian and languages

• PROFESSION: Teaching of the English language

• Group:948x2

1.1.2 Defines the main idea listening and
answering questions
2.1.3 Takes part in discussions about the

Aim of our lesson is:To get
detailed information abut
Karabakh.About the martyrs
and about the occupation of
our lands.Details and etc .

A once famous cultural and business city in the
Karabakh region of southwestern Azerbaijan was
turned into a ghost town after being completely
destroyed during 27 years of Armenian occupation. 

Armenian forces occupied 77% of Agdam in
1993, displacing thousands of civilians from the
district which was recaptured and liberated by
Azerbaijani forces on Nov. 20, 2020.

Armenian forces destroy Khan palace, tomb

The palace of Panah Ali Khan was also turned into ruins
by Armenian forces while Khan and his family
members’ tombs, which were located within the fortress
premises, were also destroyed.
"Before the occupation, there was a garden. Everywhere
were flowers, museums, mosques. But Armenia has
destroyed all those historical and landmark places. Even
the graves of Khan and his family members were
destroyed," Isazada said.

Capture of Shusha

On 26 January 1992, the Azerbaijani forces stationed in Shusha

encircled and attacked the nearby Armenian village Karintak
(located on the way from Shusha to Stepanakert) in an attempt to
capture it. This operation was conducted by Azerbaijan's then-
defence minister Tajedin Mekhtiev and was supposed to prepare
the ground for a future attack on Stepanakert. The operation
failed as the villagers and the Armenian fighters strongly
retaliated. Mekhtiev was ambushed and up to 70 Azeri soldiers
died. After this debacle, Mekhtiev left Shusha and was fired as
defence minister

On 28 March, Azerbaijani troops deployed to attack Stepanakert,
attacked Armenian positions above the village Kərkicahan from the
village of Dzhangasan. During the afternoon of the next day,
Azerbaijani units took up positions in close proximity to the city,
but were quickly repulsed by the Armenians

Military Before the start of hostilities on 27
September 2020, Armenia was occupying the
Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding
districts on the territory of Azerbaijan. The signature
of the nine-point ceasefire agreement on 9 November
2020 led to the termination of fighting between
warring parties and also changed the existing
territorial status quo. Under the deal, Azerbaijan
regains control of all seven surrounding districts and
the parts of Nagorno-Karabakh itself. Only the core of
Nagorno-Karabakh region remains under the control
of the Armenia-backed separatists.f Azerbaijan by

The Process of the lesson
Warmer/Lead-in/Motivation (3-6 minutes)

For motivation I encourage my
students to answer some of my
questions such as:
1.when was Karabakh occupied?
2.When was Karabakh liberated?
3.Which territories were liberated


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