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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



y In the present scenario,

electricity is transmitted only through wires leading to significant amount of losses. y Significant amount of the budget is spend on making transmission artifacts.

y The resistance of the wire used in the electrical grid system causes a loss of 262630% of the generation. y As a result of this, cost per unit of production increases. y Loss in the transmission also implies loss in the natural resources.

Early Theories of Electromagnetic Propagation

In pre-World War I physics, scientists postulated a number of theories to explain the propagation of electromagnetic energy through the ether. There were three popular theories present in the literature of the late 1800's and early 1900's. They were: y Transmission through or along the Earth, y Propagation as a result of terrestrial resonances, y Coupling to the ionosphere using propagation through electrified gases.


Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was the genius who lit the world, whose discoveries in the field of alternating polyphase current electricity advanced the United States and the rest of the world into the modern industrial era. Tesla's discoveries include the Tesla Coil, fluorescent light,wireless transmission of electrical energy, radio, remote control, discovery of cosmic radio waves and use of ionosphere for scientific purposes.


The most well-known and famous Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower) was designed and constructed mainly for wireless transmission of electrical power, rather than telegraphy. The most popular concept known is Tesla Theory in which it was firmly believed that Wardenclyffe would permit wireless transmission and reception across large distances with negligible losses. In spite of this he had made numerous experiments of high quality to validate his claim of possibility of wireless transmission of electricity. But this was an unfortunate incidence that people of that century was not in a position to recognise his splendid work otherwise today we may transmit electricity wirelessly and will convert our mother earth a wonderful adobe full of electricity

Colorado Experiment
It was not until 1954-1959 when experimental measurements were made of the frequency that is propagated in the resonant cavity surrounding the Earth, recent analysis shows that it was Nikola Tesla who, in 1899, first noticed the existence of stationary waves in the Schumann cavity. Tesla's experimental measurements of the wave length and frequency involved closely match Schumann's theoretical calculations. Some of these observations were made in 1899 while Tesla was monitoring the electromagnetic radiations due to lightning discharges in a thunderstorm which passed over his Colorado Springs laboratory and then moved more than 200 miles eastward across the plains. In his Colorado Springs Notes, Tesla noted that these stationary waves "... can be produced with an oscillator,"

Ideas of esla
Tesla thought of a project where he would be transmitting power to the whole world through the power generated in the Niagra Falls hydroelectric power house

Experimental Station at Colorado Springs where the first wireless transmission experiments were preformed (1899(1899-1900).

It has been proven that electrical energy can be propagated around the world between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere at extreme low frequencies in what is known as the Schumann Cavity Knowing that a Cavity. resonant cavity can be excited and that power can be delivered to that cavity similar to the methods used in microwave ovens for home use, it should be possible to resonate and deliver power via the Schumann Cavity to any point on Earth. This will result in practical wireless transmission of electrical power.

Schumann cavity
Schumann Resonance is analogous to pushing a pendulum. The intent of Project Tesla is to create pulses or electrical disturbances that would travel in all directions around the Earth in the thin membrane of nonnonconductive air between the ground and the ionosphere. The pulses or waves would follow the surface of the Earth in all directions expanding outward to the maximum circumference of the Earth and contracting inward until meeting at a point opposite to that of the transmitter. This point is called the anti-pode. The antitraveling waves would be reflected back from the anti-pode to the transmitter to be antireinforced and sent out again.


The MIT design consists of two copper coils. One, attached to the power source, is the sending unit. Rather than send out electromagnetic waves, it fills the space around it with a magnetic field oscillating at a particular frequency. The second copper coil is designed to resonate with that oscillating magnetic field. A copper coil within an oscillating magnetic field generates a current, enough, in MIT's case, to power a light bulb. Power transformers make use of something 1) Power from mains to antenna, which is made similar, called magnetic induction, to transmit of copper power between coils over short distances. But 2) Antenna resonates at a frequency of 6.4MHz, those coils aren't designed to resonate with each emitting electromagnetic waves other. Resonant coupling makes the transfer of 3) 'Tails' of energy from antenna 'tunnel' up to energy almost a million times more efficient. 5m (16.4ft) Since the magnetic field doesn't radiate, most of 4) Electricity picked up by laptop's antenna, the power that isn't picked up by the receiving which must also be resonating at 6.4MHz. unit is bound to the originating coil, rather than Energy used to re-charge device 5) Energy not transferred to laptop re-absorbed being lost into the environment. That also means by source antenna. People/other objects not that this system has a limited range, and the affected as not resonating at 6.4MHz smaller the receiver, the smaller that range is.

y y y y y



We know that the basic principle of transponders is to convert em wave signal to electrical pulses.

Thus we can convert electric signals to a particular frequency of em wave and design a transponder which will work on that particular frequency, then we can easily transmit electricity without wires

Future Advancements
Nowadays there are a lot of talks on cleaner fuels. If wireless transmission of electricity is possible then we produce power in the solar cells in the space stations and transmit it to the earth wirelessly. wirelessly.


An electrical distribution system, based on this method would eliminate the need an inefficient, costly, and capital intensive grid of cables, towers, and substations. The system would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the consumer and rid the landscape of wires, cables, and transmission towers. There are areas of the world where the need for electrical power exists, yet there is no method for delivering power. Africa is in need of power to run pumps to tap into the vast resources of water under the Sahara Desert. Rural areas, such as those in China, require the electrical power necessary to bring them into the 20th century and to equal standing with western nations. The electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance, so there will be no transmission and distribution loss. To transmit wireless power to any distance without limit,it makes no difference what the distance is. The efficiency of the transmission can be as high as 96 or 97 per cent, and there are practically no losses.

Biological Impact - One common criticism of Impact: the Tesla wireless power system is regarding its possible biological effects. Calculating the circulating reactive power, it was found that the frequency is very small and such a frequency is very biologically compatible

Economic Impact
The concept looks to be costly initially. In terms of economic theory, many countries will benefit from this service. Only private, dispersed receiving stations will be needed. Just like television and radio, a single resonant energy receiver is required, which may eventually be built into appliances, so no power cord will be necessary! Monthly electric utility bills from old-fashioned, fossil-fuelled, lossprone electrified wire-grid delivery services will be optional, much like cable TV of today. In the 21st century, Direct TV is the rage, which is an exact parallel of Tesla s Direct Electricity.

CONCLUSION without wires is not a theory or y The transmission of power

a mere possibility. The electric signals can be economically transferred to any terrestrial distance without wires. y Wireless transmission of electricity have tremendous merits like high transmission integrity and low cost (90(9097% efficient) and can be transmitted anywhere globally. y It has a tremendous economic impact on human society. Many countries will benefit from this service.

"We are living on a conducting globe surrounded by a thin layer of insulating air, above which is a rarefied and conducting atmosphere... The Hertz waves represent energy which is radiated and unrecoverable. The current energy, on the other hand, is preserved and can be recovered, theoretically at least, in its entirety." NICOLA TESLA

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