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Table of content
01. 02.
Introduction Difference’s
What is EQ & IQ? Between EQ and IQ

03. 04.
Emotional Our Opinion
Intelligence at
What is EQ and IQ?
Emotional Intelligence
•The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others,
for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in
ourselves and in our relationships.

•Includes five emotional and social competencies:

❖ Self-awareness
❖ Empathy
❖ Social skills
❖ Self-regulation
❖ Motivation
Intelligence Quotient
❏ Intelligence quotient or IQ is a score received from
standardized assessments designed to test intelligence.

❏ IQ relates directly to intellectual pursuits such as the ability to

learn as well as understand and apply information to skill sets.

❏ IQ covers logical reasoning, word comprehension and math


❏ People with higher IQ can think in abstracts and make

connections by making generalizations easier.
What’s more important - EQ/IQ
● There are differing perspectives on whether EQ or IQ is
more important. Those in the EQ camp say "A high IQ will
get you through school, a high EQ will get you through life."
● There are also those who believe cognitive ability (IQ) is a
better predictor of success and EQ is overrated, sometimes
even in emotionally demanding jobs. One meta-study
compiled results from several studies comparing IQ and EQ,
and researchers found that IQ accounted for more than 14%
of job performance; emotional intelligence for less than 1%.
Between EQ and IQ
Emotional Intelligence General Intelligence

Acquisition It is learned and improved ability. It is an inborn ability.

Ability Recognize, control and express Learn, understand and implement

one's own emotion's, perceive and knowledge, logical reasoning and
assess other's emotions. abstract thinking.

Ensures Success in life. Success in school.

Leaders, Captains, Managers and People with high intellect, common

people with social challenges. sense, mental challenges, etc.
03. Intelligence at work
Emotional Intelligence at work
Developing EI can help individuals better understand themselves, equipping them with the
skills needed to guide future thought processes and actions.

Examples of emotional intelligence in action in the workplace include:

● Constructive feedback instead of personal criticism and challenging behaviors,

not people.
● Supporting colleagues through recognizing their emotions and working to
reduce stress.
● Keeping calm and productive under pressure.
● Helping to resolve conflicts that arise between team members.
● Creating a workplace where people are free to express themselves openly.
Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
in the Workplace
● Working towards the organization's goals regardless of obstacles that arise.
● Greater motivation among staff to understand their own emotions and those of their
● Healthy communication that produces common goals across the business.
● The workforce having a positive outlook when it comes to the job at hand.
● Positive relationships and deeper connections between employees.
● Flexibility; high EI means employees can respond to change effectively and handle any
additional stress it brings.
● Improved efficiencies with empathetic staff making decisions based on what is best for
everyone involved.
● Career progression, staff with high EI are likely to excel in leadership positions.
How to Improve Emotional
Intelligence in the Workplace
1. Understanding your emotions

Start by focusing on the first pillar, and learn to be aware of and understand your
emotions.Becoming more aware of these factors is vital to improving emotional intelligence. A
simple tool to get started is to name the emotions you feel as they arise.

2. Get feedback

You may discover some hard truths you don't like or want to hear. But learning to accept criticism
without becoming offended or defensive is another critical part of developing emotional intelligence
leading to two lessons in one.
How to Improve Emotional
Intelligence in the Workplace
3. Respond don't react

When disagreements or conflicts occur in the workplace, many people are prone to emotional
outbursts or venting their displeasure.Emotionally intelligent people learn to stay calm during
stressful situations. Instead of reacting impulsively, they take a second to understand their
emotions and respond in a more calm manner that gets them closer to a resolution rather than
making the situation worse.

4. Active listening

Listening and paying attention to nonverbal cues is vital to developing emotional intelligence.
Waiting for your turn to speak without taking the time to understand your colleague's point of view
is a quick way to cause issues in the workplace.
Our Opinion
As per our opinion Intelligent Quotient or IQ can not be compared to
Emotional Intelligence or EI. IQ is the thing which can not be just learnt or
increased by anyone it comes with the day to day experience of one’s work.
Even the maximum IQ recorded till the date is 198 no one is able to touch the
mark of 200. But, emotional intelligence is the thing which can be developed
by many emotional factors which are developed by one when he interacts and
tries to understand the emotions of the person in front of him. But, in work
places Intelligence is more preferable as we have to do work by mind keeping
one’s emotions aside.
Emotional quotient is not the antonym of intelligence quotient.
There is no war in which heart triumphs over head or vice versa.
In the ideal situation, achieving your full potential happens when
both heart and brain are dancing to the same song.
Thank You

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