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Development of Science

and Technology
1. Pre Historic Period
This the era where the human life where not yet
recorded or even no written account for happened in
this era but through the scientific evidence proved
that it exists.
This Era is subdivided into three major time which
are Stone age, Bronze age and Iron Age
Stone Age
Old Stone Age also known as
-This was the time where in the
human regards stones and bones
as the main tool for living.
-The time where humans lived in
caves or simple huts temporarily.
-They cooked their food, using
controlled fire.
Middle Stone age also known as
This is the time where humans in this time still
using stones just like in the Paleolithic era but there
were a bit polished in their small stones and bones.
They also do things crafted this materials with
points to serve as spears and arrows.
They often lived in the near bodies of waters for the
use of spears and arrows.
This time the agriculture was introduced which lead
to more permanent settlements in villages
New Stone Age or Neolithic
-Ancient humans switched from hunter mode to
agriculture and food production.
- They domesticated animals and cultivated cereal
grains and application of mechanical principles was
achieved by creating pottery.
- In this time, they used polished stone axes, adzes
for ploughing and tilling the land and started to settle
in the plains.
- advancement were made not only in tools but also
in farming, home construction and art that includes
pottery, sewing and weaving.
Bronze age
This is the time where the
metalworking advances were made
as well as the discovery of bronze,
copper, tin and alloy.
This period open a way for the
advancement in architectural art
and inventions including potter’s
wheel and textiles
This period also has the organized
government and law as well as the
beginning of religion.
Iron Age
Iron Age
- The discovery of ways to heat and
forge iron
- Architectural advances in building
- Water wheel was also invented
during this time that serve as part of
their water system
Ancient Era or Classical Antiquity Era
-Began on 8th Century BC up to 6th
Century AD
-This is also subdivided into there
period such as Classical period,
Hellenistic period and Roman Empire
Classical Antiquity
In this period there was different civilization
occur in different area of the world namely,
Mesopotamian civilization that has Sumerian
and Babylonian civilization, Egyptian civilization,
Ancient Chinese civilization, Greek civilization
and Roman civilization.
The development of these things occur
during classical antiquity
1. Invention of Cuneiform used as number system, first wheeled vehicles, sun dried bricks and
irrigation for farming
2. Babylonian Star Calendar where they use the astronomical aspects to determine the specific
date and time
3. The construction of pyramids that serves as tombs for their kings, this was the time where the
mathematical constant value of pi (3.140 were calculated and also the invention of papyrus for
writing purposes.
4. During this period the development of gun powder, paper, woodblock printing, and compass
5. In this time the invention of water mills was introduced as well as the development of different
structural columns.
6. Odometer development that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle.

7. First Alarm Clock were invented during this time

8. Cartography that is a practice of making maps during this time.

3. Middle Ages or Medieval Era
- This era is the beginning of early modern science
and this is approximately from 5th to the late 15th
- This was the time when the Black Death occur that
killed about 75 to 200 million people in four years
similar to the current situation with covid-19
In this Era the development of such occurred:

1. New horses harness that touches the agricultural aspect during that time, the
heavy plow and horse collar.
2. Invention of water mill and wind mill
3. The improvement of clocks during this time occurred.
4. The development of Mariner’s magnetic compass that were used for navigation
5. Development of sternpost rudder for ships.
6. The invention of lenses and spectacle
7. The development of gunpowder and cannon.
8. The time paper were also improved.
9. Printing of different arts
10. Distillation of water and alcohol preservation
11. Prognosis where the diagnosis was limited to inspection
of urine and done by astrologist.

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