Report Writing

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Chapter Objectives

1) The Characteristics of a well-written research report

2) The Characteristics of a good oral presentation



Purpose of the report

• “Why” of the research.

• Types of Reports:
i. Information

ii. Information + Suggestions

iii. Information + Advantages + Disadvantages + Suggestions + Alternatives + Solutions

iv. Scholarly Publications

Audience of the Report

• “For Whom” the report is written.

• The letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary, Tables, Graphs, Charts,

Facts & Figures = Idiosyncrasy

• Different Executives, Different Orientations = Prescribed Format

• Defensive Executives = Nonjudgmental Findings

Characteristics of a well-written report

• Clear, Concise, Coherence, emphasis on right aspects, meaningfully

organized paragraphs, smooth transition, choice of words, Double
spaced, wide margins, headings & subheadings, logical manner,
appearance, readability.

• Technical & Statistical Jargons, grammatical and spelling mistakes,

opinions, assumptions.
Contents of the Research Report

• Title Page+ Executive Summary / Abstract+ Preface+ Table of contents.

• Problem studied+ Purpose of study+ Research question+ Background study.

• Conceptual Background+ Study Framework+ Hypotheses+ Sampling Design+

Data collections+ Data Analysis+ Results.

• Findings+ Conclusion+ Recommendations+ Limitations of study+ List of

References+ Appendix.
Title, Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents

• Descriptive, Informative, Persuasive and a Catchy title.

• Own + Supervisor name, Roll number, Institution + Department name, Date.

• Brief summary / Overview of the entire Research study.

• A guide for the Report, Headings and Subheadings, Page Numbering, List of

Tables, Charts, Maps, Photographs and Figures.

The Start & The Body
• Background Information+ Reason for Research+ Research Objectives
& Research Questions+ Scope of the Study+ Research Methods+
Structure and Division of Chapters.
• Theoretical Part = Relevant Literature+ Theoretical Framework+
• Empirical Part = Sampling+ Data Collection Methods+ Time Horizon+
Field Settings+ Unit of Analysis+ Participants+ Material+ Methods+
The End, References, Appendix
1. The main Findings
2. Managerial Implications of the results
3. Recommendations
4. Limitations and Future implications
• References on new page
• Appendix will be the last page

Oral Presentation

• Months-long reports to be presented in 10 minutes to audience that

hasn’t read the article.

• Interest of the audience through stimuli (charts, tables, clips, etc.)

• Crafting, Planning, Organizing and Rehearsing the presentation.

• Dress, Manners, Gestures, Voice Modulation, Speak Audible and

Clear, Right speed, Length of sentences, Eye contact, Tone variations.
Deciding on the Content

• Presentation = The problem investigated+ The Results+ The

Conclusion+ The Recommendations+ Implementations.

• Q & A = Research Design+ Sample details+ Data Collection methods+

Data Analysis.

• Type of Audience
Visual Aids, The Presenter
• A picture is worth a thousand words.
• Slides, Flip charts, handout material, Graphs, Charts, Tables.
• Material selection depends upon audience.
• Unstressed Presenter = Effective Presentation
• Eye contact, speak audibly, nonverbal reactions of audience, time
frame, concentration on point of interests.
• Extreme Nervousness, stumbling for words, exceeding time limit,
distracting mannerism, speaking inaudibly.
The Presentation, Handling Questions
• Opening Remarks = Attention of the audience.
• Important aspects of presentation must be discussed at least thrice.
• The presenter is more knowledgeable then anyone in the audience.
• Handling questions with confidence and poise.
• Openness to suggestions.
• Flawed questions to be answered in nonjudgmental fashion.

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