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Theory of structures III

Matrix Displacement Method

Direct stiffness method

Trusses having thermal

changes & fabrication errors
LEC NO (4)

Ruaa Elnaeem
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices
• Since a truss is composed of many members, we
will develop a method for transforming the member
forces q and disp d defined in local coordinates to
global coordinates
• Global coordinates convention: +ve x to the right
and +ve y upward
• x and y as shown

Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• The cosines of these angles will be used in the

matrix analysis as follows
• These will be identified as l  cos  x ; m  cos  y
• For e.g. consider member NF of the truss as
• The coordinates of N & F
are (xN, yN ) and (xF, yF )
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

xF  x N
l  cos  x 
xF  xN

( xF  x N ) 2  ( y F  y N ) 2

yF  y N
m  cos  y 
yF  yN

( xF  x N ) 2  ( y F  y N ) 2
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• Disp Transformation matrix

– In global coordinates each end of the member can have
2 degrees of freedom or independent disp; namely joint
N has ΔNx and Δ Ny
– Joint F has Δ Fx and Δ Fy
k Near
y end
 (b)
Near j Member Member
x direction direction
end k

i (a) s x
r end
Figure 3.2
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• Disp Transformation matrix

– When the far end is held pinned & the near end is given
a global disp, the corresponding disp along member is
– A disp Δ ny will cause the member to be displaced
Δ Nycosy along the x’ axis
 N   N x cos  x   N y cos  y
 F   Fx cos  x   Fy cos  y
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• Disp Transformation matrix

Let l  cos  x ; m  cos  y
 N   N x l   N y m;  F   Fx l   Fy m
In matrix form,
 N x 
 

 N  l m 0 0  N y 
   0 0 l m   
 F    Fx 
 F 
 y
  T
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• Force Transformation matrix

QFx  q F cos x ; QFy  q F cos y

– If qF is applied to the bar,

the global force components at F are:
QFx  q F cos x ; QFy  q F cos y

– Using l  cos  x ; m  cos  y

QN x  q N l ; QN y  q N m
QFx  qF l ; QFy  q F m
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• Force Transformation matrix

– In matrix form
QN x  l 0 
   
QN y  m 0  q N 
Q   0 l  qF 
 Fx   
QF  0 m
 y
Q  TTq
Displacement & Force Transformation matrices

• Force Transformation matrix

– In this case, TT transforms the 2 local forces q acting at
the ends of the member into 4 global force components
– This force transformation matrix is the transpose of the
disp transformation matrix
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• If some of the members of the truss are subjected

to an increase or decrease in length due to thermal
changes or fabrication errors, then it is necessary to
use the method of superposition to obtain the
• This requires 3 steps :
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• First, the fixed end forces necessary to prevent

movement of the nodes as caused by temperature
or fabrication are calculated
• Second, equal but opposite forces are placed on the
truss at the nodes & the disp of the nodes are
calculated using the matrix analysis
• Third, the actual forces in the members & the
reactions on the truss are determined by
superposing these 2 results
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• This force will hold the nodes of the member fixed

as shown
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• This procedure is only necessary if the truss is

statically indeterminate
• If a truss member of length L is subjected to a
temperature increase T, the member will undergo
an increase in length of L =  TL
• A compressive force q0 applied to the member will
cause a decrease in the member’s length of L’ =
• If we equate these 2 disp q0 = AE T
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• This force will hold the nodes of the member fixed

as shown in the figure
(q N ) 0  AET

(q F ) 0   AET
• If a temperature decrease occurs then T becomes negative & these
forces reverse direction to hold the member in equli.
QN x  l 0  l 
     
QN y  m 0  1  m 
Q   0 AET    AET
 Fx   l   1  l 
  
QF  0 m  m 
 y
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• If a truss member is made too long by an amount

L before it is fitted into a truss, the force q0 needed
to keep the member at its design length L is q0 =
(q N ) 0 
(q F ) 0  
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• If the member is too short, then L becomes

negative & these forces will reverse
• In global coordinates, these forces are:
QN x  l 
  m 
 y  AEL  
Q   L  l 
 Fx   
QF    m
 y
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• With the truss subjected to applied forces,

temperature changes and fabrication errors, the
initial force-disp relationship for the truss then
Q  KD  Q0
• Qo is the column matrix for the entire truss of the
initial fixed-end forces caused by temperature
changes & fabrication errors
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• Carrying out the multiplication on the RHS, we

Qk  K11 Du  K12 Dk  (Qk ) 0
Qu  K 21Du  K 22 Dk  (Qu ) 0

• According to the superposition procedure described

above, the unknown disp are determined from the
first eqn by subtracting K12Dk and (Qk)0 from both
sides & then solving for Du
Trusses having thermal changes & fabrication errors

• Once these nodal disp are obtained, the member

forces are determined by superposition:

q  k ' TD  q0
• If this eqn is expanded to determine the force at the far end of the member, we
  Nx
 
AE  N y 
qF   l m l m   (qF ) 0
L 
 Fx 
 F 
 y
Example 14.7
Determine the force in member 1 & 2 of the pin-connected assembly if
member 2 was made 0.01 m too short before it was fitted into place.
• For convenience the origin of the global coordinates in is established
at joint ③, Take AE = 8(103)kN.
1-Structure Stiffness Matrix.
Member 1 l  0, m  1, L  3m, AE  8(10 )kN

Member 2 l  0.8, m  0.6, L  5m, AE  8(10 )kN
Member 3 l  1, m  0, L  4m, AE  8(10 )kN

2-By assembling these matrices, the structure stiffness matrix becomes

Since the member is short, then L = -0.01m.
For member 2, we have

 x  0.8  y  0.6
Assembling the stiffness matrix, we have
Partitioning the matrices as shown & carrying out the multiplication to
obtain the eqn for the unknown disp yields,
Member 1

x  0,  y  1, L  3m, AE  8(10 )kN

q1  5.56kN

Member 2
x  0.8,  y  0.6, L  5m, AE  8(10 )kN

q2  9.26kN
Example 2
Analyze the truss shown in Fig 1, if the temperature of the member (2)
is raised by 40 .The sectional areas of members in square centimeters
are shown in the figure. Assume E = 2× N / mm2 and α =1/ 75,000 per .

Fig 2 Fig 1
The numbering of joints and members are shown in Fig 2
The possible global displacement degrees of freedom are also shown
the displacements u3 = u4 = u5 = u6 = u7 = u8 = 0 due to boundary conditions.

The temperature of the member (2) has been raised by 40 . Thus,

The forces in member (2) due to rise in temperature in global coordinate system
 1 
 2
QN x   
   1 
  m 
QN y    (2  1011
)(20  10 -4
)( 2.2627  10 -3 
) 2 
Q   AET  l    
 1 
 Fx  (3 2 )  10
   2
QF    m
 y  
 1 
 2 
QN x  1 
  1 
QN y   
Q   150.847  1 KN
 Fx   
QF    1
 y 
stiffness matrix of each member in global coordinate system

∗10 3
∗10 6
The global stiffness matrix is of the order 8×8 ,assembling the three member
stiffness matrices, one gets
Writing the load displacement equation for the truss

the displacements u1 and u2 are not known. All other displacements are zero. Also
p1 = p2 = 0 (as no joint loads are applied).Thus,

Thus unknown displacements are

The member end forces

Member (1)

Member (2)

𝐸𝐴 Δ L= 2× 1011 )(20 × 10− 4 )  (
75000 )
( 40 ) =213 . 333 ∗10 −3

−213 . 333 ∗10 −3

Support settlement
• Structural analysis R.C Hibbeler
• Example 14-5

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