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Conrad Foundation Students and Teams

Presented by The Conrad Foundation July, 2011

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The Students
A small sample of our alumni
Team Leader Mikayla Diesch
This 16 year old knows how to manage her team and deliver results. Already a veteran of three political campaigns she recently held a staff position during the 2010 re-election campaign of a high profile state politician. As Field Director, Mikayla ran a grass roots outreach campaign that knocked on over 20,000 voter doors and made phone calls to thousands more. She was responsible for supervision of dozens of adult volunteers including a trustee from Mikayla s own high school s board of education. She has received two special tributes from the Governor of Michigan, served as an intern to the Michigan House of Representatives, launched her STEM bar on the Space Shuttle Endeavor and won the Conrad Foundation 2010 Spirit of Innovation Awards.

The Environmentalist Daniel Jang

As a passionate activist for environmental causes, this high school junior understands that our very way of life depends upon developing and implementing sustainable practices through social entrepreneurship and pubic policy. Daniel serves as president of his school s Environmental Impact Club, Public Forum Debate Team and Science Olympiad. He has lobbied politicians in his home state of Virginia in a effort to implement clean energy policies to implement inclining block rates and funding for solar initiatives. Daniel as been a finalist in the USA Physics and USA Biology Olympiads as well as the Conrad Foundation Spirit of Innovation Awards.

The Public Speaker Brent Heard

A High School Senior who knows how to turn even a die hard skeptic into a true believer using nothing more than his words and exceptional skills of persuasion. Brent was captain of his high school Forensics Speech and Debate Team and has been ranked as one of the top 24 extemporaneous speakers in the nation. In addition to his work as a research assistant at Carnegie Mellon University, Brent was a two time finalist in the Young Epidemiology Scholars Competition, a member of the winning team in the NASA BHALF competition and a winner of the 2011 Conrad Spirit of Innovation Awards. He volunteers his time at the St. Clair Hospital s Emergency Department and plans to pursue a double major in Economics and Environmental policy.

The Marketing Guru Azeem Hill

Like any great marketer, this 17 year old from West Philly understands the value of building a network. As the PR and marketing spokesperson for the Hybrid X Team, Azeem has excelled at mastering the art of networking. He has been a panelist at the Annual Leadership Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus and has spoken at some of this nations most prestigious educational institutions including MIT, University of Pennsylvania and Rutgers . Azeem has represented the Hybrid X team in presentations at McKinley Technical High School, the Michigan International speedway for the X prize and even at the White House with President Obama.

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The Students
The Design Thinker Liam Carter-Hawkins
He has turned recycled products into bio digestive systems that turn human waste into clean energy. He was won an international young designers award. He has been invited into the prestigious Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle for showing extraordinary potential for scientific achievement. He is Liam Carter Hawkins, high school student and design genius extraordinaire. Currently working to productize his sanitation system for use in disaster relief world wide, Liam will soon be undertaking an extensive tour of Beijing to explore some of the issues currently faced by China as part of a global design business challenge. Liam plans to undertake a degree in Industrial Design and Technology and is currently setting up a student led sustainable design group.

The Computer Genius Ada Taylor

Ada had already achieved the rank of Emeritus Technical Staff with the Shodor Education Foundation before the end of her junior year of high school. Attending the nationally recognized North Carolina School of Science and Math (NCSSM) as both a student and application programming instructor she has been appointed to its executive board as Director of Information Technology. She sits on the national advisory boards for and, a national internet safety program developed in partnership between Microsoft and Girl Scouts USA. Ada is a recipient the National Aspirations in Computing Award from the National Center for Women and Technology, won a national competition hosted by Microsoft was awarded a 2011 Spirit of Innovation Award for Cyber Security.

The Mechanic Brandon Ford

This 11th grader has used his mechanical engineering and design skills to build an award winning light electric vehicle. Brandon provides the muscle and know how to a team which also climbed under the hood of a Ford focus sedan and turned its lack luster fuel economy into a 65 mile per gallon wonder car. In addition to his fulltime studies at the West Philly Auto and Technology Academy, Brandon is a member of the West Philly Hybrid X Team that took home the Clean Energy Challenge at the 2011 Conrad Foundation Spirit of Innovation Awards. Brandon has been invited to the White House and sat with Michelle Obama during the President s State of the Union Address.

The Science Geek - Shannon Diesch

A Spirit of Innovation Award winner who has accumulated quite a mathematical and scientific resume at age 15. Shannon took her first high school class in 6th grade and started attending Western Michigan University a year later. She studied both calculus and physics while still in 8th grade and completed advanced chemistry and biology her freshman year. As a member of the John Hopkins CTY program she attended a residential architecture and engineering program in Madrid Spain when she was just 13 years old. Along with her sister Mikayla, Shannon invented a process to stabilize Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), an Omega 3 long chain fatty acid for use in food products. At the same time they also created a nutrition bar specifically designed to NASA specifications for space flight. The result, called the STEM Bar flew on STS 134 in May 2011.

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CIRPSICSR: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Alexandria, VA USA
Team CIRPSICSR includes four high school juniors from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. In light of the worsening international water crisis, the team has designed the ULTRApod as a way to help developing countries obtain clean, disease-free drinking water through the use of hydrokinetic energy. Team CIRPSICSR has created an ULTRApod, an underwater unit that uses turbines to harness hydrokinetic energy from a flowing river. The ULTRApod uses the electricity to power an ultraviolet chamber that disinfects and purifies the river water.

Put simply, the ULTRApod uses the river to clean the river. 2011 Pete Conrad Scholar and People s Choice Award WInner Commercial: Team Video: Facebook:

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Dependable Ride
Dependable Ride/Team R Squared: Beverly Hills High School Beverly Hills, California

Dependable Ride: Dependable Ride is a mobile application that allows users to send a notification to all nearby friends alerting them of their need for a safe mode of transportation. It will allow users to easily get rides from nearby friends.

2011 Winner of the SOIA Facebook Challenge website: TechCrunch Interview: Facebook: YouTube Commercial 1min: YouTube Product Video: Tag Line: A free and easy way to get rides from near by contacts.

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STEM Bar: Shannon and MikaylaDiesch Battle Creek, Michigan
After competing on the team that won both the nutrition category and the Peoples Choice Award in the 2010 Sprit of Innovation Awards, Shannon and MikaylaDiesch (15 and 16 years old) invented a patentable process to stabilize Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), an Omega 3 long chain fatty acid for use in food products. They created a nutrition bar specifically designed to NASA specifications for space flight called the STEM Bar which flew on STS 134 in May 2011. They have travelled across the US speaking about the space program and STEM education to students, edcuators and policy makers including President Obama who invited them to the White House Science Fair.
MTV GEEK: CNN: Fox News: Elle Girl: Presenting at Student Career Expo: School Math Project:

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Green B.A.C.O.N: Charlottesville High School Charlottesville, Virginia

Team Green B.A.C.O.N stands for Best Allround Club Of Nerds. They created a Solar Hybrid Lighting System which uses natural sunlight to reduce the energy consumption for lighting purposes by acting as a lighting supplement.
Interview with TechCrunch: A4a7VI0YH YouTube video:

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Team UniSecurity
MedPal/Team UniSecurity: North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Durham, North Carolina
MedPal/Team UniSecurity: MedPAL is a smartphone application that works in conjunction with a Bluetooth enabled heart rate monitor worn by the user. In response to irregularities in heart rate, MedPAL will automatically contact a call center and/or personal emergency contacts based on GPS coordinates, as well as alerting those in the vicinity verbally and displaying important medical information.

2011 Pete Conrad Scholars for Cyber Security Facebook: TechCrunchInterview: MedPalCommercial: YouTube Video:

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Team Pe-U
Pe-U: St. Ninians High School Douglas, Isle of Man, United Kingdom

The Pe-U concept: is a systematic design that uses innovative, eco-friendly portable toilets made from entirely recycled materials to create clean energy. These toilets are distributed in rapid production lines to both consumer festival markets and disaster zones and once the toilets have fulfilled their temporary use, they are disposed of into biodigestive systems to create clean, renewable methane fuel energy and rich organic fertilizer.

Mission: To bring festival goers a clean toilet and disaster victims a way to rebuild their lives! Promotional Video and Interview: Team Video: Facebook:

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Team Ouroboros
Ouroboros: Upper Clair High School, Pittsburg, PA

Their Perpetual Harvest Space Nutrition System that takes organic waste created during long-duration space flight and creates compost used to grow fresh foods while serving as an air filter for human habitation.

TechCrunch Interview: yRT1H#ooid=swcWZmMjotLwnTUbZOvFDvNtOhwyRT1H Facebook: YouTube video:

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SARA (Sexual Assault Response Application): North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Durham, North Carolina
S.A.R.A. is a multi-platform smartphone application that is designed to respond to cases of sexual assault. It accomplishes this by autonomously contacting emergency services and by gathering information valuable to the prosecution by using the microphone, GPS locator, and video camera data accessible from a smartphone.

TechCrunchInterview: M2dmMjoOs7T75NiinkSj4lXJzfspXc YouTube Video: Facebook: BoopersReel:

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Team STAR: Milken Community High School Mitchell Academy of Science and Technology

Team STAR: Augmented Reality System: A headset that monitors vital signs, and the position of the user constantly and provides the user with that information quickly and reliably.

TechCrunch: Team Video:

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West Philly EVX

West Philly EVX: West Philly EVX Team, West Philadelphia High School Auto Academy, West Philadelphia, PA
Their Electric Very Light Car (EVLC) is being prepared for commercial market and will set the standard for electric vehicle efficiency. Four of team. This automotive class of high school students has achieved world-renowned success as it builds experimental and hybrid energy efficient vehicles for international competitions. Four students were invited to meet President Obama at the White House last year and another student attended the State of the Union Address. TechCrunch Interview: =AzM2dmMjpeZ26bEXrhSLuKhsI9610NxL website: Facebook: Twitter:!/evxteam YouTube video: Celebrity Teen Magazine:

13 Contents of this document are the sole property of The Conrad Foundation

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