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Properties of
Internal energy of substance
Internal energy is the microscopic energy contained in a substance, given by the
random, disordered kinetic energy of the molecules. In addition it includes the potential
energy between these molecules
Heat capacity
Heat capacity or thermal
capacity is a physical property of
matter, defined as the amount of
heat to be supplied to a given
mass of a material to produce a
unit change in its temperature.
The SI unit of heat capacity is
joule per kelvin
Specific heat capacity

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy

required to raise the temperature of a substance per
unit of mass. The specific heat capacity of a material
is a physical property.

 J· kg−1· K−1.

To determine the
specific heat
capacity of solid
Melting and
Melting is the change of
state from a solid to a liquid.
The change of state from a
liquid to a solid is called
solidification or freezing
What happens when solid melt
Melting occurs when a solid is heated and turns to liquid. The particles in a solid gain enough energy to
overcome the bonding forces holding them firmly in place. Typically, during melting, the particles start to
move about, staying close to their neighbouring particles, then move more freely.
To determine the melting point of ice

Take some crushed ice and put them quickly in the beaker.
Gently push the thermometer into the ice until the bulb is surrounded by the
ice but not touching the base of the beaker.
Record the temperature reading and start heating the ice over small flame.
Record the temperature reading every minute until all the ice has melted and
temperature of the water reaches 10 degree celcius.
Plot a graph of temperature against time and deduce the melting point of ice.
To determine the freezing point of naphthalene

Fill about one-third of boiling tube with some naphthalene.

Put the boiling tube into a beaker of boiling water.
Insert a thermometer into a boiling tube when all the naphthalene has melted.
When the temperature of the naphthalene reaches about 90 degree Celsius lift the
boiling tube and the thermometer out of the beaker.
Record the temperature reading of the naphthalene every minute until the
temperature is about 65 degree Celsius.
Plot a graph of temperature against time.
What happens when a liquid freezes?
Boiling is the process by which a liquid turns into a vapor
when it is heated to its boiling point.

Condensation is the process of water vapor turning back

into liquid water
curve of
What happens when
liquid boils?
If a liquid is heated the
particles are given more energy
and move faster and faster
expanding the liquid. ... Liquids
evaporate faster as they heat up
and more particles have enough
energy to break away. The
particles need energy to
overcome the attractions
between them
Boiling is the process by which a liquid turns into a vapor
when it is heated to its boiling point.
Condensation is the process of water vapor turning back
into liquid water
What happens when liquid boils?

If a liquid is heated the particles are

given more energy and move faster and
faster expanding the liquid. ... Liquids
evaporate faster as they heat up and more
particles have enough energy to break
away. The particles need energy to
overcome the attractions between them
latent heat
The heat required to convert a solid into a liquid or vapour, or a liquid into a
vapour, without change of temperature.

Two common forms of latent heat are latent heat of fusion (melting) and latent heat of
vaporization (boiling). These names describe the direction of energy flow when changing from
one phase to the next: from solid to liquid, and liquid to gas.
latent heat of fusion
Latent heat of fusion is the amount of thermal energy required to change
A substance from solid state to liquid state, without a change in temperature.
The S.I unit for latent heat of fusion is JOULE (J)
latent heat of vaporization
Latent heat of vaporization is the amount of energy required to change a substance from
liquid state to gaseous state, without a change in temperature.
The S.I unit for latent heat of vaporization is JOULE(J)

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