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Good Morning

Everyone! 
Expanding Our
Philosophical Frames :
Western & Non-Western
Realize the value of doing

philosophy in obtaining a
broad perspective in life
3 Great Original Centers of Philosophy in
the World
 Greek(Western) , Indian & Chinese ;
arose as critical reflection on their own
cultural traditions
 Asian classics of the Indians & Chinese
predate the oldest of Western Classics
Facts :
 Indian & Chinese philosophers of
note also lived earlier than their
Greek counter parts
 Greeks before Thales did not have
 There was a reversal during the
Greek triumvirate of Socrates, Plato
& Aristotle .
Three attitudinal
imperatives that we must
bear in mind if we are to
appreciate either Oriental or
Occidental mindset and to
situate them in their proper
Attitudinal imperatives

1.West think in a linear

manner, that is, in terms of
beginning and ending in a
straight line
Attitudinal imperatives

- Oriental thought runs in a

circular manner in which the
end conjoins the beginning in
a cyclic style.
2. The attitudinal
imperative is the
assumption that the East
does not make a rigorous
distinction between religion
and philosophy.
-Religion is Philosophy and
Philosophy is Religion
-The Oriental does not cut
off philosophy that is
thought from religion that is
life in action.
-Life for Oriental thinkers
is a translation of thought,
a philosophy in action

-an extension of thought,

its fruit and application
3. The acceptance of the validity of intuition and
-Orientals are perceived of transcending the limitations
of the human intellect and treading on a no-man’s land
where verification of its premise is not possible.
- does not follow structured mode .
3. The West has to theorize and
speculate;no application to life is
As Quito (1991) remarked :

The concept of all-at –

once-ness which is the
hallmark of the mind of
Asia is annoying to the
Western mind
As Quito (1991) remarked :

Asian mind balks at the

‘illogic of applying the
same principles pertaining
only to the fragments to that
of whole’
If log ic i s no long er a bl e to solve a l ife proble m, Asia n mind resorts to i ntuition, they re sort to me ans othe r tha n the us ual me nta l proc es ses applic able to the piec emea l or fra gmentary, when s itua tion de ma ds ,it reve rse s the log ica l pa tte rns.
The Knower & the Known : East & West

Known Knower Known

Eastern Vision Western Vision

Thinking : From
Local to Global
1. Loob : Holistic & Interior Dimensions

Loob puts one in touch

with his fellow beings
loob ang kabutihang loob
show care for others
1. Loob : Holistic & Interior Dimensions

The Filipino
believes in the
innate goodness of
the human being.
2.Filipino Philosophy of Time

 believes in the gulong ng palad .

 Time is considered cyclic
 Filipino time delayed in the
committed time of arrival .
 Concept of “ Siesta time” or “power
naps” is also important for Filipino
culture that must not be necessarily
considered negative.
3. Bahala Na

 One of the most outstanding

Filipino virtues
 Seen as fatalistic, sort of leaving
everything to God or to chances
– such is the uncertainty of life.
4.Filipino Thought and Values : Positive and Negative Aspects

 It is believed that the Philippine

values and system, in line with
Filipino philosophy, are in dire need
to be used as positive motivation.
 Utang na loob
 Bayanihan
Philosophy : Transcending & Aiming for a Life of Abundance

 Abundance comes from the Latin

term , “abundare” ( Aguilar 2010)
meaning, to overflow nonstop”.
 Abundance is out flowing than
incoming with others, ourselves and
with nature.
 Our very life belongs to God.
(Aguilar 2010)
Abundance is not what we gather but what we scatter.

 Abundance is equated with

materialism,but it is when we raise our
empty hands & surrender,when we do
not grab,when we are unattached to
anything/ anyone, when we offer oneself-
all these are abundance. Only if have
empty hands can we receive full
Abundance is not what we keep but what we give away

 To live an abundant life, one must pursue one’s

desires and inner self.
 One must go after what fulfills, before making
more money.
 To be able to have ,we must first let go . To be
able to acquire, we must first control ourselves.
 There is a karma in our thoughts, words &
Abundance is not what we hold but what we share

 Money should not matters match (Aguilar

 Abundance comes to the one who has
money and heart, money & values, money
& relationships, money and deeper
 Abundance is more our ambitions : there are
more precious things such as people that
Abundance is a choice

Abundance is more of an effort

than mind alone ( Aguillar
According to “The Secret” ,
our dreams come true because
we attract them
Abundance is to evolve into higher being

 Covers both external & internal life.

 We cannot truly live without
material consideration, but external
are not all there are : values, for
instance , matter.
 Means evolving to a higher being
“Life is an echo. What you send
out comes back “ . –Zig Ziglars

A million thanks to those who listened!

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