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Lecture 5


 Enumeration
 Information obtained from the Enumeration
 Techniques of Enumeration
 Enumeration types :
 Countermeasure
 Enumeration involves an attacker creating active connections with a
target system and performing directed queries to gain more
information about the target
 Attackers use the extracted information to identify points for a
system attack and perform password attacks to gain unauthorized
access to information system resources
 Enumeration techniques are conducted in an intranet environment
Information obtained from Enumeration
 Network Resources
 Network Shares
 Routing Tables
 Machine Names
 Users and Groups
 Application and Banners
 SNMP and FQDN details
 Audit and Service Settings
Enumeration Tools
 NetBIOS Enumerator
 nmap –sV -v --script nbtstat.nse <target _ IP @ >
 Advanced IP Scanner
 Hyena
 Global Network Inventory
SNMP Enumeration Tools
 Snmpcheck (snmp_enum Module)
 Softperfect Network Scanner
 Network Performance Monitor (
 Engineers ToolSet
LDAP Enumeration Tools
 Softerra LDAP Administrator
 LDAP Admin Tool(
 LDAP Account Manager(
 LDAP Search (
NTP Enumeration Tools
 PRTG Network Monitor
 Wireshark
 NTP Server Scanner
DNS Enumeration using Zone Transfer

 DNS Zone transfer is the process of transferring a copy of the DNS

Zone file from the primary DNS server to the secondary DNS server
 An attacker can perform DNS Zone transfer( if enabled in the target )
and enumerate information such as DNS server names, hostnames,
machine names, usernames, and IP addresses assigned within a target
 Tools such as : nslookup, dig command, DNS Recon can be used
DNS Enumeration using Zone Transfer
UNIX / LINUX Enumeration
 Unix / Linux user enumeration provides a list of users along with
details such as username, host name, start date, and time of each
 The following command–line utilities can be used to perform Unix /
Linux enumeration
 rusers , rwho , finger
UNIX / LINUX Enumeration ( contd)
Telnet Enumeration
 If the Telnet port is found open, attackers can access shared
information, including the hardware and software information of the
 Telnet enumeration enables attackers to exploit identified
vulnerabilities and perform brute-force attacks to gain unauthorized
access to the target and launch further attacks
• Nmap –p 23 <target domain>
• Nmap –p 23 –script telnet-ntlm-info <Terget IP>
• Nmap –p 23 –script telnet-brute.nse -script-args
Telnet Enumeration (contd)
Enumeration countermeasures : SNMP
 Remove the SNMP agent or turn off the SNMP service
 If the shutting of SNMP is not an option then change the default
community string names
 Upgrade to SNMP3 which encrypts the passwords and messages
Enumeration countermeasures : DNS
 Disable the DNS Zone transfer to the untrusted hosts
 Ensure the private hosts and their IP addresses are not published in
DNS zone files of public DNS servers
Enumeration countermeasures : LDAP
 By default LDAP traffic is transmitted unsecured; use SSL or
StartTLS technology to encrypt the traffic file
 Select a username different from your email address and enable
account lockout
Enumeration countermeasures : NFS
 Implement proper permissions( read /write must be restricted to
specific users) on exported file systems
 Implement firewall rules to block NFS port 2049
 Log requests to access system files on the NFS server
Enumeration countermeasures : Telnet
 Implement Secure Telnet [ use Encryption]
 Implement strong passwords
 Configure filtering rules

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