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History of Automotive Technology

What is Automotive technology

 Is the study of how self-propelled vehicles or machines.

Refers to the creation and design of vehicle technology and

remediation or repairs required.
History of Automotive Technology
The first vehicles were developed in the late 1700s. Those first
“vehicles” were powered by steam. It was an energy source that had been
used for many years to power trains. However, it wasn’t until the 1870s
that steam power became more practical in small vehicles. Despite
improvements, there were still a lot of shortcomings. Steam-powered
vehicles took a very long time to start up and the range was limited.
In the early 1800s, inventors around the world begun building
electric-powered buggies. While some of the very first cars were powered
by steam engines, dating back to 1700s, It was Karl Benz in 1885 who
invented the first gas-powered car, which he later received a patent for in
1886. Benz first car had three wheels, looked much like an elongated
tricycle and sat two people. Four wheeled gas-powered cars were later
introduced in 1891.
History of Automotive Technology
The first cars didn't have windshields, doors, turn signals etc..
At that time electric vehicles were on their way to being the norm,
but there’s a problem. It was too expensive for the middle class to own
It wasn’t until henry ford’s1908 Model T that automobiles started
to resemble what were familiar with today. The gas-powered Model T
could be mass-produced and became affordable for the general
population. Ford had been working with Thomas Edison to create a
better battery for electric vehicles, but the success of the affordable
Model T halted the progress. Another factor was the invention of the
electric starter in 1912. It eliminated the need to hand-crank gas-
History of Automotive Technology
In 1930s-present along with mass production came new features,
some of the first being speedometer, seatbelts, windshields, rearview
mirrors and turn signals. Then cars started to get fancy, with power
steering (1951), cruise control (1957), three-point seatbelts (1959),
heated seats (1966) and passenger airbag (1973).
In the late 80’s and early 90’s keyless entry system, electric doors
and windows, sunroofs and CD players began to be standard features.
This about he time when technology became a big selling point.
This bring us to modern-day cars with Bluetooth, hard drives,
advanced safety system, GPS, Wi-Fi and even the ability to parallel park

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