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Department of Science and Technology’s

(DOST) Role on Scientific Research

in the Philippines

Leticia V. Catris, Ph.D.

Deputy Director
Science Education Institute
Department of Science and Technology

Department of Science and Technology

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is

the premiere science and technology body in the
country charged with the twin mandate of providing
central direction, leadership and coordination of all
scientific and technological activities, and of
formulating policies, programs and projects to support
national development.

DOST Vision Statement
An excellent provider of new knowledge and useful
innovations, competent human resources and quality
S&T services that uplift the socio economic well being
of the Filipino people and ensure sustainability for
future generations.

DOST Mandate
Provide central direction, leadership, and coordination
of scientific and technological efforts and ensure that
the results are geared and utilized in area of maximum
economic and social benefits for the people.

DOST Program & Project Areas
Agriculture, Forestry and Natural
Aquaculture Industry and Business
Education Information and Communication
Biotechnology Technology
Energy Natural Disaster and Mitigation
Food and Nutrition Environmental Education &
Nanotechnology Sustainable Development
Health/Medical Sciences

DOST Research and Development
Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI)
Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI)
Forests Product Research and Development Institute
Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI)
Metal Industry Research and Development Center
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI)

Advanced Science and Technology Institute

ASTI is one of the research and development institutes

of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
tasked in conducting scientific research and
development in the advanced fields of Information and
Communications Technology and Microelectronics.

Food and Nutrition Research Institute
The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), the
principal research arm of the government in food and
nutrition, is one of the research and development
institutes of the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST). The Institute continues to
provide relevant technologies and scientific
information on food and nutrition.

Forests Product Research and
Development Institute (FPRDI)
The Forest Products Research and Development
Institute (FPRDI) is the research and development arm
on forest products utilization of the Philippines'
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the
body that coordinates and manages the national
science and technology system.

Industrial Technology Development
Institute (ITDI)
The Industrial Technology Development Institute or
ITDI is one of the research and development institutes
(RDIs) under the Department of Science and
Technology. It is the flagship agency of the
Department, generating a large pool of technologies
while providing technical services to industry.

Metal Industry Research and Development
Center (MIRDC)
The Metals Industry Research and Development
Center (MIRDC), an agency of the Department of
Science and Technology, is the sole government entity
directly supporting the metals and engineering
industry with services designed to enhance its
competitive advantage.

Philippine Nuclear Research Institute

PNRI is mandated to undertake research and

development activities in the peaceful uses of nuclear
energy, to institute regulations on the said uses and to
carry out the enforcement of said regulations to protect
the health and safety of radiation workers and the
general public.

Philippine Textile Research Institute
The Philippine Textile Research Institute as a line
agency of the Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) supports the local textile and allied industries
achieve global competitiveness through utilization of
indigenous resources, and development of technical
competence in textile production and quality

In addition….

Academic Endeavor on
Scientific Research

University of the Philippines
National Institute of Physics (UP-NIP)
the Institute is the best school of physics in the Philippines
and aims to become one of the best in this area of the Pacific.
The Institute offers the following degree programs: BS
Physics, BS Applied Physics (with concentrations in materials
physics and instrumentation physics), Diploma in Physics,
MA Physics, MS Physics and Ph.D. Physics.
Aside from academic functions, the Institute is the leading
center of scientific research in physics and applied physics in
the Philippines. The NIP research groups are autonomous
clusters within the institute that help realize the objective to
become one of the best school of physics in this region of the

UP-NIP Research Areas
Condensed Matter Physics
Fields and Particles Physics
Instrumentation Physics
Photonics Research
Plasma Physics
Structure and Dynamics
Theoretical Physics

University of the Philippines
National Institute for Science and Education
Development (UP-NISMED)
The National Institute for Science and Mathematics
Education Development is an extension arm of the
University of the Philippines whose goal is to raise the
level of science and mathematics education in the
Philippines at the basic and teacher education levels.
UP NISMED is organized according to science and
mathematics subject areas. Its basic organizational unit
is the Group. The major concern of the subject area
groups is the teaching and learning of science and
mathematics at the elementary, secondary and teacher
education levels.

UP-NISMED 3 Major Functions
Curriculum Development
Teacher Training

UP-NISMED Collaborative Scientific Research with
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational
Achievement (IEA)

Trends in International Mathematics and Science

Study (TIMSS)
Teacher Education and Development Study in
Mathematics (TEDS-M)

Thank you!


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