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Rizal’s Works and

Group 3
Holgado, Marjorie M.
Jabay, Kathleen Kaye S.
Lozano, Kristine Mae B.
Mabanta, Jherlie R.
Nacional, Janna Tricia M.
Nogas, Rhea C.
A La Juventud
(To the Filipino youth)

History of A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino youth)
 A la juventud filipina is a poem written in Spanish by Filipino
writer and patriot José Rizal, first presented in 1879 in Manila,
while he was studying at the University of Santo Tomas.
 It won him first prize in a competition at the University of Santo
 It is a classic Philippine literature because it was the first
Spanish poem written by a Filipino and was recognized by
Spanish literary authority. 

The effect of A La Juventud Filipina on you as a youth
Although this poetry was written during the Spanish
colonialism, I believe the message is still applicable in today's
generation. The Philippines is currently experiencing various
difficulties, and as a young person, we will be dealing with
these issues in the coming years. Dr. Jose Rizal's poetry
motivates me to do more than merely sit about, but to serve
my countrymen to the best of my ability. It also fuels my
desire to improve my talents and skills so that I may
contribute to my country's development.
The lesson it may touch the people of today
 The importance of one's love and appreciation to our dialect or
 Value our education

Goodbye to

History of Goodbye to Leonor
 Also known as Adios A Leonor
 “Goodbye to Leonor’ was written
by Jose Rizal for his lady love,
Leonor Rivera who was only 13
years old when Rizal met her in

History of Goodbye to Leonor
 They kept along distance
relationship by sending letters and
photographs to one another but their
love affair was strongly disapproved
by Leonor’s parents.

History of Goodbye to Leonor

 Later on Rizal’s sweetheart for 11

years was married to Henry Kipping
which saddened Rizal terribly, thus
this melancholic poem for Leonor.
 He wrote this poem as a goodbye to
Leonor Rivera for his departure to
Goodbye to Leonor

By: Jose Rizal

And so it has arrived -- the fatal instant,

The dismal injunction of my cruel fate;

So it has come at last -- the moment, the date,

When I must separate myself from you.


Goodbye, Leonor, goodbye! I take my leave,

Leaving behind with you my lover's heart!

Goodbye, Leonor: from here I now depart.

O Melancholy absence! Ah, what pain!

The effect of Goodbye to Leonor on you as a youth
 The poem was beautifully written because even though it was really
short and didn’t have a lot of words you can still feel the emotions that
the writer was trying to convey. It is a poem filled with sorrow and pain
because his cruel fate of being separated from his beloved Leonor has
taken its toll. It seems like, behind all of his accomplishments, there lies
a lonely broken heart that still longs for her. Jose Rizal truly loved
Leonor Rivera. It was such a perfect love that bloomed at the wrong
time. 11
The lesson it may touch the people of today
 Parent should only guide their children not deciding what to do
and do they want especially in choosing your children loved
 After reading the poem we realized that being away to your
love ones is the hardest thing to do
 Choose to love the country first before having to love anyone’s
else. 13
Mi ultimo adios
(My Last Farewell)

History of Mi ultimo adios

 The Mi último adiós is a poem written by Philippine national

hero José Rizal on the eve of his execution on December 30,

 His friend and fellow reformist, Mariano Ponce, gave it the title
of MI ÚLTIMO ADIÓS, as it originally had none.

 On the afternoon of Dec. 29, 1896, a day before his execution, Dr.

José Rizal was visited by his mother, Teodora Alonzo, sisters
Lucia, Josefa, Trinidad, Maria and Narcisa, and two nephews.
History of Mi ultimo adios

  On it was written an unsigned, untitled and undated poem of 14

five-line stanzas. 
 In 1897, Mariano Ponce in Hong Kong had the poem printed with
the title “Mi Ultimo Pensamiento”.
 Fr. Mariano Dacanay, who received a copy of the poem while a
prisoner in Bilibid (jail)
 published it in the first issue of La Independencia on Sept. 25,
1898 with the title Último Adiós. 

The effect of Mi Ultimo Adios on you as a youth

 Rizal is hopeful that his death would serve as an inspiration to

everyone especially to the youth Rizal encouraged the youth to
continue dreaming and fulfill it.

 Mi Ultimo Adios is a poem that tells us how beautiful the

Philippines is and how Rizal wants us to learn from our past and to
see the truth about how the world views us

 Mi Ultimo Adios is one piece of evidence that Rizal did not retract
his belief and as a youth, you need to stand for what you believe is
right special if you want to fight for the freedom of our country.
The lesson it may touch the people of today

 Fighting for our country is like fighting for what we love.

Fighting for our country is fighting for the freedom of
ourselves, family, friends, and love ones. We consider Dr. Jose
Rizal as our national hero because he showed us that its not
about fighting using a sword or anything that can hurt others. A
pen can also seek freedom. In this poem he shows that after the
hardships and sacrifices we will meet the freedom. Being a
hero is not having a power like being invisible,lightning etc. A
hero is a person who fights for his/her family, friends and love

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