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Academic Writing

Your Lecturer:

Dr. Robert Tivaratchai

Network: ARUL-WIFI
Password: 1nt3rn3t@Arul
My LinkedIn:

Dr. Robert Tivaratchai

Network: ARUL-WIFI
Password: 1nt3rn3t@Arul
Overview of Session:

• Teaching and Learning Opportunity on Assignment

• Detailed review of high quality academic writing skills

for reports and assessments.
Reason for Academic Skills

• Your future employer needs you to write reports effectively

• Communicate efficiently and clearly in writing and presenting
• Perform proper research and find reliable information
• Think on your own and be creative with original ideas
• Not copy and paste other people's ideas and information
Reason for Academic Skills

Can you copy this song and make money?

It is not fair to the artist and his original work!

Reason for Academic Skills
Can you copy these book and
the story and sell it for money?

It is not fair to the artist and

her original work!

Therefore, your work should be

original and your own creation!
Reason for Academic Skills

If you cheat, or buy papers, you will always have to cheat and buy papers to

Eventually you will get caught and at the end, need to learn the skills
anyways to pass, so why not learn the skills correctly the first time.

There is also a sense of pride in earning the Bachelor's Degree and knowing
what you are talking about when you talk to others who have also graduated.
Why do we reference?
• Do you believe everything you hear?

• Do you believe everything you read?

• Is some news fake news?

• Is every story, report or research true and factual?

• What if I said TESLA is making flying cars? I am a Dr.? Do you believe me?
What is a reliable source?
• Reliable or Not? • Reliable or Not?

• Academic Journals • Wikipedia

• Academic Textbooks • Newspapers
• Government Websites • CNN / BBC ?
• United Nations • Investopedia ?
• Google Scholar • UK
• Office of National Statistics • Financial Times ?
• Euromonitor • YouTube
• Nielsen’s ? • Social Media / Blog Post?
• TED Talks • Bill Gates / Philip Kotler ?
• World Health Organization • Annual Reports ?
What is a reliable source?
• Reliable or Not? • Reliable or Not?

• Academic Journals • Wikipedia

• Academic Textbooks • Newspapers
• Government Websites • CNN / BBC ?
• United Nations • Investopedia ?
• Google Scholar • UK !!!
• Office of National Statistics • Financial Times ?
• Euromonitor • YouTube
• Nielsen’s ? • Social Media / Blog Post?
• TED Talks • Bill Gates / Philip Kotler ?
• World Health Organization • Annual Reports ?
What is the Difference?

• Who is the author?

• What is the purpose of the information?
• How was the data gathered? Is it real data or just opinion?
• Who is the editor and what is their purpose?
• Is it used to make money, is the information biased or political?
• Is it peer reviewed?
• Is it fact or fiction, is it academic?
• Difference between Wiki, Fox News, CNN, Financial Times?
What is the Difference?

• Who writes the information for Wikipedia?

• Do companies pay for the Financial Times to write a story for them?
• What if I said last year I sold 440 cars online? Where is the data from?
• CNN, FOX News, The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, who do they support?
• Does the United Nations or the Government need to make money?
• Is there a difference between a news editor and a blind peer review?
• True, the Education systems and Academia do need to make money, but who is
the supplier and who is the consumer, and for what exact purpose? Is there a
Use all the sources
Remember, you can read all of the information from all of the different sources, you can learn many
new things from each one.

But when you write your report, you can only cite and reference only sources that are consider
academic and reliable.

You can read Wikipedia and what you discovered, you can further search for related academic
sources, but do not reference Wikipedia!

You may reference another person’s Dissertation or Thesis, but only if it the information is necessary!

If you reference any other Essays, you will fail!


Using the previous list of reliable sources, go through and try to find some examples
of reliable information.

Write down your findings and provide some examples.

We will go through your findings in class.

Database, Journal, Peer Review?


You will have access through at your University Library.

Database, Journal, Peer Review?

• What is an Academic Journal? – AMA, ABS Ranking


• Who are the people who actually perform the peer reviews for an academic journal?

• Who does the peer review for Wikipedia?

Database, Journal, Peer Review?
• Let’s go and find an actual Academic Journal from an database online!

What does it say? What information did we find?

• Let us take something we think is very important and useful out of that academic
journal paper and try to paraphrase it together…

Start Searching!
Exercise – Science Direct Search
Exercise – Science Direct Search
Exercise - Paraphrasing
Paraphrasing and Plagiarism

• After reading, did we find anything important and interesting inside the journal
paper? What did it say:

• Use a thesaurus for synonyms -

• Let’s restructure and paraphrase the sentence:

(open a word doc and paraphrase live)

Exercise - Paraphrasing
Exercise - Paraphrasing
• From actual research paper:
The research also found that more Thais are shopping online and suggested that
viral marketing plays a critical role in consumer marketing in the near future.

• Use - – to help change the words

• Our paraphrase of the sentence:

(perform a paraphrase of the sentence from the actual research paper)

Exercise - Paraphrasing
• From actual research paper:
The research also found that more Thais are shopping online and suggested that
viral marketing plays a critical role in consumer marketing in the near future.

• Use - – to help change the words

• Our paraphrase of the sentence:

A study discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet and propose that viral advertising will have a significant effect
towards customer promotion techniques in upcoming future.
Exercise - Paraphrasing
• Our paraphrase of the sentence:
A study discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet and propose that viral advertising will have a significant effect
towards customer promotion techniques in upcoming future.

• Further paraphrasing to limit possible plagiarism:

Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer promotion
techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study discovered that a
greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods through the Internet.
Exercise - Paraphrasing
• We are not done yet, do not forget the author!:
Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer promotion
techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study discovered that a
greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods through the Internet
(Thoumrungroje, 2014).

• What is the difference?:

Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer promotion
techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study by Thoumrungroje
(2014) discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet.
Note the Justified Alignment. Always use Justified Alignment in your academic writing.
Exercise - Paraphrasing
• In-text, indirect citation:
Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer promotion
techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study discovered that a
greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods through the Internet
(Thoumrungroje, 2014).

• In-text, direct citation:

Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer promotion
techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study by Thoumrungroje
(2014) discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet.
In which sentence do we actually “say” the name out loud when we read it?
Exercise - Paraphrasing

• In-text, indirect citation:

Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer
promotion techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study
discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet (Thoumrungroje, 2014).

What does this citation mean? How can we add our own contribution,
thoughts and ideas to this citation?
Exercise - Paraphrasing

• In-text, indirect citation:

Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer
promotion techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study
discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet (Thoumrungroje, 2014).

This suggests that there needs to be further research into the field of viral
marketing and how it can affect online businesses not only in Asia, but in
other locations around the world.
Exercise - Paraphrasing
• In-text, indirect citation:
Viral advertising will have a significant effect towards customer
promotion techniques in the upcoming future because a previous study
discovered that a greater amount of Thai people are purchasing goods
through the Internet (Thoumrungroje, 2014). This suggests that there
needs to be further research into the field of viral marketing and how it
can affect online businesses not only in Asia, but in other locations
around the world.

We can contribute our own writing and ideas with other authors paraphrased citations as to confirm our position
In-text Citation

• Let us now use our paraphrased reference and cite that source in-text!
(apply in-text citations to paraphrased sentence)

• Direct In-text Citation: surname (year) = Thoumrungroje, (2014)

• Indirect In-text Citation: (surname, year) = (Thoumrungroje, 2014)

• Now where can we find the actual reference for this in-text citation?
In-text Citation

Everyone find an academic journal, copy the original sentence, then

paraphrase the sentence.

You will all be asked to share your academic skill.

Exercise – Reference List

• Harvard Style:

Author, Initials., Year. Title of article. Full Title of Journal, Volume number

(Issue/Part number), Page number(s).

Thoumrungroje, A., 2014. The influence of social media intensity and

EWOM on conspicuous consumption. Procedia-Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 148, pp.7-15.

Use this website for all Harvard reference types -

Exercise – Reference List
• Shortcut – go to Google Scholar, search using the paper Title:
Exercise – Reference List
• Probably the only thing you can copy and paste!
Exercise – Reference List
• But remember, it may not always be in the perfect format, so double check!
Paraphrasing and Plagiarism

• So why do we need to paraphrase?

• Can we copy a song from Post Malone and put it on YouTube?

• Can we copy a book / movie / Apple or Nike logo and sell it for profit?

• What is plagiarism?

• What is Turnitin similarity check?

Paraphrasing and Plagiarism
A Turnitin Paper Submission
Paraphrasing and Plagiarism

A Turnitin Paper Submission

Do not copy and paste!

• Always paraphrase your work, or the Turnitin system will catch it!

• Use this website for different types of citations and reference formats:

• Multiple authors, books, government organisations, annual reports, videos, websites,

newspapers, etc. There are many different types.

• Make sure you use the correct format!

Do not copy and paste!
• You can use quotation marks, but it will show as similarity on the Turnitin:
• From actual research paper:
“The research also found that more Thais are shopping online and suggested
that viral marketing plays a critical role in consumer marketing in the near future”
(Thoumrungroje, 2014).

• The only time you should use quotation marks is when you need to specifically
express your point using another author’s exact words.
• This method should not be used frequently, as you should always try to express
your ideas in your own words…
Do not copy and paste!

How would you feel if someone copied your work and got credit for it?

Or if someone copied your famous top hit song and made money from your

This is why it is always important to write in your own words…

Reference List

Go and find an academic journal online.

Review the reference list now.

What did we discover?

Reference List Alphabetical Order
Additional Rules of Writing

• Always put your Student ID # on your paper

• Use ‘Justified’ Alignment

• Never write using the first or second person, always in the third person. Do not use ‘I’, ‘He’, ‘She’, ‘We’,
‘They’, ‘Them’, ‘Us’…

• For example: The customer and the waiter are always talking. He never stops. (Who is ‘He’ referring

• Try to use: ‘The researcher’, ‘This study’, ‘The business’, ‘The participants’, ‘Consumers are’,
‘Companies have been’…
Additional Rules of Writing

• Nowadays, Yo, yo, yo, what's up bro! Is this the right lexicon or tone?

• You are a student, why should anyone listen to you? Because you did the research and
used academic citations to justify your arguments!

• Do not cite just Google, VLE, ARU or This demonstrates lack of research
performed and is evident in the writing. Please take time and find the original source!

• Power Thesaurus- search for another word for Nowadays...please!

Additional Rules of Writing

• Formatting paragraphs, not sentences.

• Figures should be close to related paragraphs, not on different pages.

• What social media platform, what TV channel? Be specific.

• Are "quotation marks" supposed to be paraphrased or not? Should they show

similarity on the Turnitin? What does it mean when it does not?
Additional Rules of Writing

• Are "quotation marks" supposed to be paraphrased or not? Should they show

similarity on the Turnitin? What does it mean when it does not?

• Only use quotation marks when the original authors statements are so important to
the research that it should not be said in any other way.

• Otherwise, using too many quotations will demonstrate a lack of effort to produce
research of original quality.
Additional Rules of Writing

• Only one reference in list is required for 2019, not by page.

Additional Rules of Writing

• What is the difference between 8 sources and 22 sources?

• What does using the same source multiple times reflect?

A research by Johnson (2018) suggest.....

A study by Johnson (2018) regarding the effects of social media....

• Always use UK spelling, not US. Search online now for UK/US words!
Additional Rules of Writing

If the chosen product or company of the report is:

Nike, Apple, Tesla, Samsung, Zara, Louis Vuitton, or Merecedes...

Then what shall I search for in Google Scholar?

Provide some examples of related industries to link the research.

Additional Rules of Writing

If the chosen product or company of the report is:

Nike, Apple, Tesla, Samsung, Zara, Louis Vuitton, or Merecedes...

Let's now link what we found to the companies for analysis.

In-text Citation

Everyone find an academic journal, copy the original sentence, then

paraphrase the sentence.

You will all be asked to share your example.

In-text Citation

What is the difference between stating facts and assumptions?

What is the difference between commentary and analysis?

You will all be asked to share your example.

Writing Mistakes

Apple did this, Apple did that....

Nike's marketing strategy is.....
Mercedes target's consumers with high income...

This is all research of previous data and does not include future critical
analysis of possible new consumers.
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
Writing Mistakes
End of Lesson

• Teaching and Learning Opportunity on Assignment

• Detailed review of high quality academic writing skills

for reports and assessments.

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