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in Counseling
What is Multiple Relationship?

 Multiple relationships are situation in which therapist is engage

with “one or more additional relationship with a client in addition
to the treatment reationship.

 Multiple relationship maybe sexual or non sexual.

 Multiple Relationships are distinguished from incidental

Non Sexual Multiple Relationships may
includes the following:

 Social

 Familial

 Business or Financial Relationships and possibly others

Ethical Principles of Counseling

 Trustworthy: honouring the trust placed in the practitioner (also

referred to as fidelity).

 Autonomy: respect for the client’s right to be self- governing.

 Beneficence: a commitment to promoting the client’s well-


 Non-maleficence: a commitment to avoiding harm to the client.

 Justice: the fair and impartial treatment of all clients and the
provision of adequate services.
Personal Moral Qualities

 The practitioner’s personal moral qualities are of the utmost

importance to clients.

 Many of the personal qualities considered important in the

provision of services have an ethical or moral component and
are therefore considered as virtues or good personal qualities.
Personal Moral Qualities

 Emphaty  Humility

 Sincerity  Competence

 Integrity  Wisdom

 Resilience  Fairness

 Courage
 Respect
Guidance on Good Practice Counseling

 Good quality of care

 Maintaining competent practice

 Keeping trust

 Respecting privacy and confidentiality

 Responsibilities to all clients

 Providing clients with adequate information

Limitations of Ethical Codes

 Informed Consent

 Confidentiality

 Imposing Values

 Practice and Supervision

 Primum Non Nocere

Becoming an

Aim: helping individual to solve their personal problems

Ethics are guidelines that are based on the basic

principles of the counsellor in the code of ethics.
Therapeutic boundaries are based upon

 Beneficence: A counselor must accept responsibility for

promoting what is good for the client with the expectation that
the client will benefit from the counseling sessions.

 Nonmaleficence: "doing no harm". The counselor must avoid at

all times, (even inadvertently) any activities or situations with the
client that could cause a conflict of interest.

 Autonomy: The counsellor's ethical responsibility to encourage

client independent thinking and decision- making, and to deter
all forms of client dependency.

 Therapeutic relationships are unbalanced (Who has more


 Therapeutic relationships are complicated

 Client’s issues/problems are complicated

 The nature of the relationship itself is complicated

 Therapists are human, and humans are fallible. Ethical

guidelines provide guidance and accountability

Ethical codes are guidelines for what therapists can and cannot do
that have been developed by each therapeutic discipline’s
organizational body, including the ACA & APA.

There are two dimensions to ethical decision making:

1. Principle ethics: Overt ethical obligations that must be


2. Virtue ethics: counselors behave and think in ways that are

morally and ethically appropriate in all situations

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