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Persons & Career and

Career Pathways

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

A. Explain thorough understanding the concepts of
career and life goals that can help in career planning;

B. Identify the personal factors influencing career

choices and in relation to your life goals;
C. Prepare a career plan based on your personal goal
and external factors influencing career choices.
Personal Development and
Career Management
Personal development can be defined as activities that improve
awareness and identity, develop your talents and potential, and build
human capital. In other words, personal development is doing things
that improve you and the world around you. Personal development can
include your hobbies, as well as books
S you read. In this lesson, we're
going to explore ideas for personal development that you can
Career Managements a life-long process of investing
resources to accomplish your future career goals. It is a
continuing process that allows you to adapt to the changing

demands of our lives.  The career management process
embraces various concepts: 
Career development planning/career exploration
Life-long learning
Career Development
Career is defined as a profession for which one is being trained and
undertaken as a permanent calling. One’s career choice is not just a one-
shot deal.
Career development
• The process of choosing a career, improving your skills,
and advancing along a career path. It's a lifelong process

of learning and decision-making that brings you closer to
your ideal job, skillset, and lifestyle.
• The process of self-knowledge, exploration, and decision-
making that shapes your career. It requires successfully
navigating your occupational options to choose and train
for jobs that suit your personality, skills, and interests.
Factors and Barriers That Influence
Career DevelopmentS
Several factors and the interactions between them influence career
development. Others may be barriers to it. Let's look at several of them:
1. Personal Characteristics: Personality type, interests, aptitudes, and

work-related values make all of us who we are. These personal
characteristics play a significant role in career development since they
influence which occupations we find satisfying, as well as the types of
work environments in which we will succeed.
2. Financial Resources: Pursuing certain
career options can be costly. If you choose an
occupation, for example, that requires you to

attend college, you may be limited by your
ability to pay for it. You could end up altering
your plans.
3. Financial Obligations: You may find yourself working in a
job or occupation just for the paycheck. It lets you keep up
with your bills but doesn't satisfy you in any other way. You
would like to go after other opportunities but feel inhibited by

your financial obligations such as a mortgage, rent, student
loans, or even your children's college tuition.
4. Physical, Mental, and Emotional Impairments: Some of us
are better suited to some careers than we are to others due to our
physical and mental abilities, and limitations. For example, you
may want to become a doctor but don't have the intellectual ability
to get into medical school.
5. Lack of Support from Family: Going after a
hard-to-achieve goal is even more difficult if your
loved ones aren't behind you. You have a greater
chance of succeeding if you can
5. convince them to
become your cheerleaders but if that is unlikely to
happen, you may have to find motivation from other
people in your life.
6. Age: Our age, or our perception of it, can hinder us in our
career development. During a large part of our lives, we may
worry about being too young to pursue a particular path,
advance in our careers, or make a career change, and for
another lengthy stretch, we fret about being too old to do those
things. Instead of focusing on your age, concentrate on your
abilities and how motivated you are.
7. Family Obligations: An individual's
career development may stall if he or she
takes time off from work to take care of
children or elderly parents. He or she has
several options including getting outside
help to provide childcare or eldercare if
the individual desires it.
Four categories of career development theories:

a. Trait factors were skills, values, interests, and personality

characteristics are analyzed and matched with job factors or
an occupational profile.

b. Psychological or personality categories: realistic,

investigative, social, conventional, enterprising, and artistic
are usually found in all persons but there are more
categories that are dominant than the others. Confusion
happens when a person has mixed dominant types.
c. Decision based on the theory of self-efficacy
states that the belief in one’s capacity to plan,
organize and execute a set of actions is tied up to
motivation, which is an important driver in one’s
career development.

d. Developmental or life span or life-space theory

believes that humans are in constant flux and go
through their lives doing new things while changing
roles in the process.
Personal Factors and Career Choices
One of the career development theories is called Trait and Factor
(Flanigan,2011). Trait refers to the unique characteristics of a
person and Factor refers to the known requirements for the job.
Understanding of the self in:
a. Attitudes
b. Abilities
c. Interests
d. Ambitions
Understanding of the self in:
e. Resources
f. limitations
Life Goals
A goal is an end towards which one’s effort are all directed. Life goals
provide direction and meaning to why one wakes up in the morning
and continue living. These goals relate to various aspects of life such
1. Family
Assessing One’s Personality
Personality is defined by different authors in the following
• Individually unique, consistent behavioral pattern, and
psychological attributes that endure over time and across
• A combination of long lasting and distinctive behaviors,
thoughts motives and emotions that typically how we
react and adapt to other people and situations.
• The overall pattern or the integration of
structures, modes of behavior, interests,
attitudes, intellectual abilities, aptitudes and
many other.
Personality is a combination of traits unique to each person. No
matter how similar the strength are, the extent of capacities and
abilities are not exactly the same. Moreover, There are different
aspects of personality such as:

1. Physical Aspects

2. Mental aspects

3. Emotional aspects

4. Social aspects

5. Spiritual aspects

6. Moral aspects
External Factors that Influence Career Choices
The following are some external factors influence career
1. Life roles. We play some varied roles throughout our
life span and these roles shape the way we look at
things and our choices.
2. Previous experiences. An individual’s previous work
experiences with people whom they consider to be
positive role models will direct his or her choice of a
specific career.
3. Culture and community. There are values and
expectations unique and important to each culture. This
values and expectations maybe embraced by the
individual out of a need for acceptance within the group
or community where he or she belongs.
4. Social and economic conditions. Varied changes in the
economy may affect choices in career.
5. Childhood fantasies. Most children were asked the
question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
and whatever their answer was influenced their career
6. Ideal job. The career choices of an adolescents maybe
due to his or her perceived ideal job. The idea of a perfect
job still exists and is considered a goal by many.
7. Parents. Records of career counseling show that parents
are an influential factor in career decisions.
The Pros and Cons of Career Options
The following are the basic considerations that you need to
look into when choosing a career:

1. Your choice will now become the object to which you will direct your
focus, commitment, and energy, devoting your every effort to achieve
2. You will undergo an internship or exposure where you will gain
knowledge, skills, and values that will prepare you for the real world of
The Pros and Cons of Career Options
The following are the basic considerations that you need to
look into when choosing a career:

3. Some of the undergraduate programs can be preparatory to higher studies
such as law school, medical school, and masters and doctorate programs.
4. You will meet different individuals such as faculty, classmates and peers
who can inspire you to finish your program choice in college.
5. You could be sent by your school or university to seminars,
trainings, workshops or short term student exchange program
with other universities in the Philippines or outside the country.
6. You will have the chance to bloom and grow in other aspects
of your person, particularly in extra co-curricular activities
which may supplement your academic life.
1. Many career programs in college are expensive. Your
parents may need to shell out a huge amount for you
to finish the entire program.
2. Some of the programs may require you to travel to
other places. This can add up to your expenses. This
may also force you to enroll in an unpopular college
program since it is the only thing available in the college
or universities near your location.
3. You have to ensure that your personal profile,
constructs, and personality will fit in with your career
Seek advice fro your parents, teachers, and guidance
counselors about the pros and cons choosing a career.
1. Parents. Your parents background and experiences may
provide you with practical information related to the
pros and cons of certain career.
2. Teachers. Their varied exposures may provide guidance
to a confused adolescent.
3. Counselors. Part of the counselor’s work is a career
Preparing for a Career Path
Lisa McQuerrey shares the following ideas in preparing a career path.

1. Recall different professions that you find rewarding and fulfilling

2. Explore different career options
3. Decide on an income level you find yourself most comfortable to have
4. Decide which profession you could see yourself engaging in
5. Get enough training related to the field from formal study to skills enhancement
6. Finish your studies related to the career of your choice
7. Connect with professionals related to your career choice
8. Select a professional position that will bring you to your career objectives
9. Decide how long you may want to stay in such position and level and what sort of
additional training or higher education you may be needing to reach your career
10. Evaluate your career path from time to time. With every the new information or
experiences you may find yourself growing at the same time, particularly in the
depth of your decisions and choices.
You are task to create a table and follow the instructions in each activity.

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