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Lecturer : Dr. Hj. Nurhaedah Gailea, M.Hum.
Anggun Nurani (2223200104)
Annisa Kinanti (2223200017)
Muchammad Abduh (2223200099)
Rayna Siti Zahara (2223200069)
Sara Alfi M. Dzikry (2223200101)
Sita Sevianingrum (2223200097)
Drama is the portrayal of fictional or non-fictional
events through the performance of written dialog
(either prose or poetry).
Robert Longley (2019)
The tragedy itself is a type of drama that depicts
a story that deals with the sadness or misfortune
of the main character.
There are some of kinds of
tragedy :
1. Revenge tragedy
The tragedy of blood which derives from
Seneca its materials of murder, revenge,
ghosts, mutilation and carnage.
Example : Romeo and Juliet.

2. Romantic tragedy
Romances which end unhappily or with the
death of the hero and heroine are categorised
as romantic tragedies.
Example : Romeo and Juliet
3. Domestic tragedy
Presented a protagonist from the middle or lower social ranks
who suffer a commonplace or domestic disaster. This was
popularized by eighteenth century writers.
For example, George Lillo's The London Merchant.

4. Heroic Drama
Heroic dramas may not look deeply into the philosophical
questions of good, evil, man's relation to supernatural, etc.
but they abide by the rule of poetic justice and portray
swash-bucking adventures.
For example The Count of Monte Cristo.
A type of drama that has an element of humor in it and
is usually made for the purpose of being entertaining.
Drama skits also often contain innuendos conveyed
through humorous dialogue and generally have happy
endings. One of the most famous comedy-dramas is
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Tragicomedy itself is one type of drama that is a
combined form of comedy-drama and tragedy
drama. The stories usually have a plot like a
tragedy but have some exaggerated parts and
contain elements of comedy, as well as stories that
have a happy ending
The stories and characters depicted in a
melodrama usually include a thrilling
and emotional atmosphere. Most
stories in a melodrama are about
sadness or romance.
Differences Between Melodrama And Tragedy
Seriousness in melodrama is only a Tragedy is known as a serious dramatic
pretense to create theatrical effects for genre but the seriousness
the audience.
Pity in melodrama borders on In tragedy, there is genuine pity and
sentimentality and emotion and when fear fear as the audience empathies with the
is portrayed, it is usually superficial. hero.

In melodrama, the hero faces While in tragedy, the tragic hero commits
overwhelming problems but despite his an error of judgment which leads to his
sufferings, he triumphs in the end. downfall.
Designed to provoke the audience to
hearty laughter ‘belly laugh’. This
type of drama is better known as
slapstick. These dramas usually have
light and funny stories.
Type of drama that prioritizes
movement or dance aspects in its
presentation. Throughout the
performance, the tablo players will
usually only perform a movement or
dance without saying any dialogue at
Is generally referred to as a ‘stage
presentation’ or work that combines music,
costumes, and scenery to relay a story.
Usually, opera is played by a singer and
accompanied by a complete orchestra.
Comic Opera Serious Opera Opera Semiseria
Type of opera often tackles The story revolves around has a serious story but has a
light, not so delicate subject heroes and myths. Emphasis happy ending. This is why some
matter where the ending often is also given to the solo voice loosely define it as a
has a happy resolution. and bel canto style. combination of the elements of
both comic and serious opera

Opera Cornique Grand Opera Opera Verismo

A type of French opera It's an opera of a larger scale, Characters were often based on
wherein instead of singing, from the flamboyant everyday people you may meet
the lines are spoken. costumes to the choruses; it in real life, and the plot is often
also includes ballet. melodramatic.
Type of drama that expresses feelings rather than words. Because feelings when
described in words are certainly incomplete. By practicing pantomime a person
will also hone his imagination, as we know that all human creations on this earth
originate from his imagination. Pantomime is a theater performance that uses
gestures, in the form of facial expressions or gestures, as dialogue.
Minikata / Short Conversation
Drama with short conversations that
rely on therapeutic movements. A play
performed by W.S. Rendra with his
“BengkelTeater” in the performance
number “Bip Bop” and “Rambate-
Rate Average” used very few words.
Any Question?

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