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Unit 20
Prepositions of place and time
Prepositions of PLACE
Prepositions of PLACE
Streets and lines.
• Office Max is on Carranza Ave.
• I used to live in Nogales which is on the Mexican-American border.
• Nuevo Vallarta is on the Pacific coast.
Walls, ceilings and floor.
• There’s a beautiful surrealist picture on the wall.
• The lamp is on the ceiling.
• Transportation.
• I’ll see you on the plane.
• Ron and Harry were on the train.
• However…..She’s in the car.
Across or Over

What a beautiful view

across/over the valley.

There’s a footbridge across/over the

There’s a track across/over the

Come over here.

I flew across the Pacific Ocean. It was kind of boring.
Above and Over
• We built a new room above / over the garage.

• There’s a towel over a chair.

Under and Below
• There’s an area below the lobby.

• The beach is below the hotel.

• The cabin is in the valley below.

Along and Through
• There are lovely trees along both sides of the street.

• I absolutely love strolling along the beach.

• The River Thames flows through London.

• Walk through a crowd of people.

By and Beside
• There’s a bakery by/beside the bank.

• I’d love to live in a cabin by/beside a lake.

• There’s a restaurant by the bank.

Between and Among

• There’s a stange man between two ferns.

• Mauricio is the most economically successful among my friends.

Beyond and behind

Success is beyond your comfort zone.

The children are behind the wall.

Prepositions of time
• I met Fernanda at the start(beginning) of her degree.

• I’ll see you at 8 pm.

• I usually go swimming at noon.

• My mom is travelling to USA at the moment.

• Brirtish. What are you doing at Easter?

• What did you do at Christmas?

• I’ll see you on Monday.

• My birthday is on December 26th. I like black t-shirts and tools.

• The last time I saw my cousin Ruben was on my wedding.

1.What will you do when you retire?
2.What will happen when we continue polluting the Earth?
3.What will happen if stop using plastic bags?
4.What will happen if______________________?
5.What will you do if______________________?

6.If there suddenly was no internet, how would the world change?
7.How would you spend $100 000 in 12 hours?
8.What would you do if_____________________________?
9.What would happen if_____________________________?

10.If you had been born in a different country, what would have been different in your life?
11.If you could have studied something else, what would that have been?
12.How would your life have changed if you had done something different that one time?
13.What would have happened last weekend if you had partied all night long?

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