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What is an IA Leader?

is an IA member chosen by
other IA members through
election. He is expected to lead
them in performing their tasks and
responsibilities relative to
irrigation so they can attain the
goals and objectives of the
Basic Criteria

Must be a FILIPINO
Citizen A member in
Good standing

Good moral character and

reputation in the community
Basic Criteria

Know how to
Read and
Engaged in actual
farming within the
area of operation of
the IA
Must not be holding any elective
position in the government higher
than a barangay councilman nor
actively engaged in partisan
1. Has initiative.
2. Willing to assume responsibilities.
3. Can be relied upon.
4. Possesses basic skills in relating with
5. Must be functionally literate.
6. Has basic analytical skills.
7. Manifests collective style of leadership,
believes in it and is willing to practice it.



1. Has initiative; works without being prodded.
2. Manifests diligence in work and sincere in his
undertakings and in dealing with others.
3. Demonstrates basic problem solving and
decision making skills.
4. Knows how to relate/deal with different levels
of IA members.
5. Practices collective leadership.
6. Accepts constructive criticisms and is willing
to rectify errors.
1. Understands and sees the need for change
but is somehow reluctant to assume
2. Has less initiative; needs intensive
assistance from the leaders in accomplishing
assigned tasks. He needs some prodding in
order to act.
3. Demonstrate basic problem solving and
decision making skills.
4. Manifests collective leadership style or is at
least willing to learn and practice it.

1. Usually influenced by decadent and

feudal beliefs/practices. Reluctant
to assume major responsibilities or
participate in mass actions.
2. Has no initiative. Takes action only
with intensive assistance/
motivation from his recognized/
respective leaders.
1. knows what he 5. demands
wanted to do. excellence.
2. tells people what 6. takes care of his
to do, not how to people.
3. does his 7. is humble
4. leads by example. 8. has good character
Role and Functions of IA
• Introduction
• The role of am IA Leader involves the ability to
help the members and officers make sound
decisions and implement them. The IA leaders
whether in the various levels have people under
them. Some leaders prefer to lead in front while
others lead from behind. The leaders should know
his roles in charting the organization’s activities to
justify the trust placed on him.
Roles of IA Leaders
• A necessary ingredient for the IA success is
the IA Leader. With him the whole
organization should act like a team.
Without him, the team maybe able to play
their roles together but will find difficulty in
reaching their objectives/goal. Without an
effective leader, the IA will be poorly
managed and will not be effective.
Roles of IA Leaders
• 1. Catalyzer
– Helps the IA establish and find means to
achieve its goals.
– Helps the IA choose direction of action but not
to use the IA for his own ends; neither
manipulates or coerces members into action,
but rather encourages and develops their
initiatives and innovativeness
Roles of IA Leaders
• 2. Enabler
• 2.1 Facilitates the institutionalization of collective
leadership and decision making
• 2.2 Encourages members to verbalize
• 2.3 Nurtures good interpersonal relationships
• 2.4 Consistently guides the IA to realize its
potentialities and strengths in cooperative work
Roles of IA Leaders
• 3. Consultant
• 3.1 Provides data, experience and resource
• 3.2 Acquaints the IA members with programs
developed within the service area and
elsewhere to gain useful principles and
• 3.3 Provides evaluation and interpretation of
the process of collective action
Roles of IA Leaders
• 4. Change Agent
• 4.1 Helps the farmers become aware of the need for change
• 4.2 Facilitate farmers/leaders decision upon a problem
involving others, particularly in decision, planning action and
implementing these plans
• 4.3 Support the members as they carry out their plans
successfully and productively
• 4.4 Guides the members in the evaluation and assessment of
their progress, methods of work and their relations to others
• 4.5 Make provisions that any change/progress being carried in
assured of continuity, spread, maintenance and transfer
Management Functions of IA Leaders

• Meaning of management
– Management is the group of leaders (FIG.
Committee or BOT) within the IA who run the
affairs of the IA as distinguished from the
– Management is the process of getting things
done through people by way of planning,
implementing/monitoring and evaluating the
IA’s operations
Management Functions of IA Leaders

• 1. Planning is laying the course of action to

achieve desired results. It is the process of
thinking ahead with the help of careful analysis of
past and present events. The financial plan, the O
& M Plan and the organizational development
plan are concrete examples of the planning efforts
for the IA leaders. The most common venue for
planning either long range or short range is a
meeting among IA leaders.
Management Functions of IA Leaders

• 2. Implementing/Monitoring
• Implementing is the part of management function concerned
with getting things done according to standards set. The
actual meetings among leaders to formalize plans on the
regular canal maintenance activity or on ISF collection are
some examples of the IA leaders implementing functions.
• Monitoring is the process of actual assessment and review of
plans to ensure the attainment of IA’s objectives based on
quality, quantity, time and cost standards. Monitoring can
start right after implementation phase begins; and end before
evaluationfunction begins. In actual practice, monitoring
function can be exercised by the IA leader to see to it that the
collection targets is set and remitted on time.
Management Functions of IA Leaders

• 3. Evaluation
• Evaluating is a management function exercised by the
IA leaders when, during or at the end of the activity
they stop and look at the status of implementation or
how they fared in terms of the set objectives against
actual accomplishment of task. Appraisal or formal
review sessions are forms of evaluating performance
against objectives and overall impact with the
purpose of improving next time

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