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Definition of Ready (DoR)

& Definition of Done

● Overview
● Definition of Ready
● Sample Definitions of Ready
● Definition of Done
● Sample Definitions of Done
● Summary
● Next Steps

Ready User Stories Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Ready
 Business value is clearly articulated (“As a type of user, I want some goal so that some reason”).

 Details are sufficiently understood by the development team so it can make an informed decision as to whether
it can complete the product backlog.

 Dependencies are identified and no external dependencies would block the product backlog from being

 Team is staffed appropriately to complete the product backlog.

 The product backlog is estimated and small enough to comfortably be completed in one sprint.

 Acceptance criteria are clear and testable.

 Performance criteria, if any, are defined and testable.

DoR Examples
Definition of Ready for a user story: Definition of Ready for a sprint:
● Well-defined User story 
● User story acceptance criteria defined ● Prioritized sprint backlog 
● User story sized by the delivery team ● Defects, user stories and other work the team
● Scrum team accepts user experience has committed to are contained in the sprint
artifacts backlog
● Performance criteria identified
● The Person who will accept the user story is ● No hidden work 
identified ● All team members have calculated their
● A Team is able to ‘demo’ the user story. individual capacity for the sprint
● Full Time on project=X hours per day.
● All users stories meet the definition of
Definition of Done
 Code Complete
 Unit Tested
 Test Case Created and Reviewed
 Finished Testing (SAT + UAT)
 Meets Acceptance Criteria
 Acceptance from Product Owner
DoD Examples
● Builds without errors
● Unit tests written and passing
● Deployed to system test environment and passed system tests
● Passed UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and signed off as meeting requirements
● Any build / deployment / configuration changes are implemented / documented /
● Relevant documentation / diagrams produced and / or updated
● Remaining hours for task set to zero and task closed
 Whereas a Definition of Ready is focused on user story level characteristics, the Definition of
Done is focused on the sprint or release level. Essentially, a DoD represents the acceptance
criteria for a sprint or release. It spells out what the Development Team has to cover in order for
the product increment to be considered “done”.
 The Definition of Done is an agreement between Development Team and the Product Owner on
what needs to be completed for each user story – and it is often standardized across the company
in order to guarantee consistent delivery of quality.
Next Steps
● Create an initial draft of the team’s Definition of Ready and Definition of
● Regroup and present ideas
● Consolidate and refine DoR and DoD
● Upload to Confluence
C6 DoR & DoD
Definition of Ready Definition of Done

• User story is understood by the • User story is built without errors

team • User story is tested against
• user story has clear business acceptance criteria (specific to
value each user story)
• user story is estimated • User story is demoed to
• Dependencies for each user story stakeholders
are identified • User story approved by product
• User story is small owner
• User story acceptance criteria • - documentation is updated

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