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1. The effectiveness of
using lemongrass as an
ingredient in mosquito
As dengue and other
mosquito related diseases
continue to be widespread in
the country, we should not
keep our guard down.

Organic mosquito repellents

are still not deemed to be as
effective as mosquito
repellents made up of
synthetic chemicals, yet we
would like to test the
effectiveness of using
lemongrass (Cymbopogon
citratus), especially in
dengue risk areas to
possibly lessen cases all
while being an organic and
sustainable alternative.
Lemongrass contains citronella, which is the reason behind the strong
odor that causes for the mosquitos to repel.



2. Effect of Oven
Drying Temperatures
in Preserving fruit
One (1) million tons of fruits are wasted every year in the
Philippines because of decaying.

In order to decrease the waste of fruit, our group decided to

construct a research about the effect of oven drying
temperatures in preserving fruits, wherein we will test different
temperatures on different fruits in order to discover certain
temperatures that are needed to preserve fruits inside our

This research can also be a source of livelihood for people and

can prevent food spoilage until it can be consumed.
How Drying Preserves Food:

Drying removes the moisture from

the food so bacteria, yeast and mold
cannot grow and spoil the food.
Drying also slows down the action of
enzymes (naturally occurring
substances which cause foods to
ripen), but does not inactivate them.

Oven Drying Method in preserving

Place the food in a single layer on a
tray or in a shallow pan. Place in an
oven preheated to 160°F for 30
PRETREATING FRUITS: Pretreating light-
colored fruits before drying is important for the
quality and safety of the final product. Soaking the
sliced fruit in an acidic solution preserves the color
and texture of the dried fruits, and it increases the
destruction of potentially harmful bacteria during
drying. These treatment methods are courtesy of
Colorado State University Extension.

Acidic Solutions:
1. Ascorbic Acid Pretreatment: Pure crystals of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can be found at
supermarkets and drug stores. Stir 2½ tablespoons of pure ascorbic acid crystals into 1 quart of
cold water. This amount of solution treats about 10 quarts of cut fruit. For smaller batches,
adjust proportions accordingly. Soak the fruit for 10 minutes, then remove it with a slotted
spoon, drain it well and dehydrate it.
2. Citric Acid Pretreatment: Citric acid is available in the canning section of many supermarkets.
Stir 1 teaspoon of citric acid into 1 quart of cold water. Add the fruit and allow it to soak for 10
minutes, then remove it with a slotted spoon, drain it well and dehydrate it.
3. Lemon Juice Pretreatment: Mix equal parts of lemon juice and cold water. Add the fruit and
allow it to soak for 10 minutes, then remove it with a slotted spoon, drain it well and dehydrate
Drying is not a precise method of Test your oven to be sure it can maintain a
food preservation, and the amount low enough temperature; otherwise, “case
hardening” may occur. This is the formation
of drying time will vary of a “crust” on the food, which prevents the
depending on the equipment, interior from drying properly. To test your
moisture content of the fruit and oven, set it to the lowest setting. Place an
the humidity in the air. Spray a oven-safe thermometer on the rack where
cookie sheet or similar flat tray food will be placed. Leave the oven door
with vegetable spray, or line the open 2 to 6 inches. Place a fan near the open
tray with plastic wrap or door to circulate air. Check the temperature.
parchment paper and spray with If your oven can maintain a low enough
temperature (140 to 145 F), it may be used
vegetable spray. Another option is for food dehydration. Racks should be 2
to use the specially designed inches apart, with at least 3 inches of
plastic sheets for electric clearance from the top or bottom to the
dehydrators and follow the rack.
manufacturer’s directions. SOURCE:
3. Extraction of DNA
in Aratilis and Kamias
fruits that are
accessible in our
We found that various DNA found in plants have similar
structure to a human being's DNA. While researching for
the topic proposal, we found that DNA extraction is
frequently the early step in various diagnostic methods
used to detect bacteria and viruses in our environment in
addition to diagnosing disease and genetic disorders. With
regards to the way humans utilize DNA to seek genetic
disorders, study current diseases and such, we thought of
the possibility to do the same method with plants.

In addition, it is cost effective if we were to investigate it

DNA is the hereditary material in all cells. The
experiment described below allows you to isolate DNA
from fruit.
For this experiment you will need:

Experiment to purify DNA from fruit:

Step 1: Mash up the fruit of your choice in a bowl. Bananas, kiwis

and strawberries all work well. (Remove the skin of the bananas
and kiwi, we just want the insides!)

Step 2: In a separate bowl, mix the washing up liquid, salt and tap
water. Stir gently trying to avoid making too many bubbles in the
mixture. This is your extraction buffer.

Step 3: Add the fruit to the extraction buffer and mix again. Mash
your fruit sample as much as you can, but again, try to avoid
making too many bubbles.
Step 4: Make a water bath with a temperature of about 60 °C. (A large washing up
bowl works well for this.) Leave the fruit extraction mixture to incubate for 15

Step 5: After 15 minutes, filter your fruit mixture through a fine sieve or coffee filter.
This will remove all the solid material that you don’t want. You should be left with a
clear(ish) liquid.

Step 6: Take the ice cold alcohol and very slowly, drop by drop, pour it down the
inside of the container with your fruit mixture. What you want to do is produce a layer
of the alcohol floating on top of the fruit mixture.

Step 7: At the interface between the alcohol and the fruit mixture, you should see a
white cloud-like substance forming. Use a hook (a bent paperclip would work) to
slowly draw the DNA up and out of the solution.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is located in
cells of all living organisms. In its strands lies
the blueprint for life. The DNA molecule
directs the synthesis of every protein and
contains all the genetic information that is
passed on to new cells. In complex
eukaryotic cells such as those from plants,
animals, fungi and protists, most of the DNA
is located on the cell nucleus (chloroplasts,
mitochondria, and ribosomes also carry some

By contrast, in simpler cells called

prokaryotes, including the eubacteria and
archaea, DNA is not separated from the
cytoplasm by a nuclear envelope. Although
DNA is an incredibly small molecule, in large SOURCE:
quantities, it can be seen. tion%20from%20fruit.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2iPZoUwgN5Ghd_
4. Hydrogeochemical
Analysis and Modeling
of Groundwater
Intense water pollution has resulted from the demand for water and the constant increase
of our population. Drinking water that is microbiologically contaminated can spread
diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhoid, polio, and diarrhea and is thought to be
responsible for 485,000 diarrhea-related deaths annually.

The main causes of water pollution are bacteria, viruses, parasites, insecticides,
radioactive materials, fertilizers, and pesticides.

For home, drinking, irrigation, and industrial uses, groundwater is crucial, especially in
areas with limited access to freshwater resources. Therefore, we decided to conduct a
research about "Hydrogeochemical Analysis and Modeling of Groundwater" so that we
can analyze what chemical elements are present in a certain area's groundwater to
determine if it's safe to use/drink and to understand how our groundwater flows.

In conclusion, hydrogeochemical analysis of groundwater can help us identify the chemical

components that are currently present in a certain groundwater location. And Modeling of
groundwater can help us determine the hypothetical flow of groundwater by creating a
model of it, these two can help us prevent diseases to occur.
Although surface water is polluted to varying degrees, it is still a good source of water for
agricultural production. Groundwater resources are not only used for agricultural production
but also serve as a source of drinking water for millions of people. With the rapid development
of urbanization in Dehui City today, understanding the status of groundwater quality is of
considerable significance for sustainable development and ensuring the safety of residents’
water supply.

Determining the source and time of groundwater recharge, identifying mineral make-up of
aquifer materials, estimating how long water has been in an aquifer, examining how water
from various sources mix and interact and evaluating what types of geochemical processes
have occurred during the water's journey through the system It is indicative of the water’s
origin and history of passage through underground materials which water has been in contact
with, in shallow and deep-seated conditions
The rapid population growth and farming has also subjected the limited water
available to a lot of pressure in efforts to meet the various needs leading to its

A need for hydrogeochemical analysis and modelling of ground water in order to

determine its suitability for consumption and also predict the changes associated
with its quality. Groundwater hydrochemistry provides researchers with all the
information needed to understand the physical processes and chemical reactions
through which the groundwater undergoes, starting from rainfall, runoff, and
infiltration to the roots which it passes through to reach the vadose zone and
finally recharge the aquifer

*One very valuable reservoir of water underground are called "aquifers". Simply,
aquifers are layers and areas of rocks below ground where all the cracks, crevices,
and spaces between rock particles are full of water. The water is able to move
through aquifers and people drill wells into them and pull the water out to use for
their own uses.
Maia, M.F., Moore, S.J. 2011. Plant-based insect repellents: a review of their efficacy, development and testing.

Baldacchino, F., Tramut, C., Salem, A., Liénard, E., Delétré, E., Franc, M., Martin, T., Duvallet, G., & Jay-Robert, P.
(2013). The repellency of lemongrass oil against stable flies, tested using video tracking. Parasite (Paris,
France), 20, 21.

Elizabeth, O.M., Banjo, M.G, Oresegun, M.O., Ogunbiyi, A.T., Ayoola, A., Awolu,O.O, Emmanuel, O.O. (2017). Analytical
investigation of the extract of lemon grass leaves in repelling mosquito. Research Gate.

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service and Environmental Sciences and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
cooperating. 1914. Preserving Food: Drying Fruits and Vegetables.

Robinson, J.G. (2017). Food Preservation: Dying Fruits. NDSU.

Future Learn. N.d. Experiment: DNA Extraction from fruit.
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources: University of Hawai’I at Manoa. N.d. DNA extraction from fruit.

Chai, Y., Xiao, C., Li, M., & Liang, X. (2020). Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and Groundwater Quality Evaluation Based
on Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Water, 12(10), 2792. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Kumar, P.J.S., Kuriachan, L. (2020) 

Chemometric appraisal of groundwater quality for domestic, irrigation and industrial purposes in Lower Bhavani River ba
sin, Tamil Nadu, India
. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 0:0, pages 1-24.
Leader: Conocido, Jennarey A.
Secretary: De Padua, Ken Carla D.
Ermita, Avery Nicole O.
Rosel, Clarence Jayne M.
Tolentino, Phoebie Ann Marie A.
De Leon, Charlette Joice D.
Serrano, Ezekiel Aron L.

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