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Let us thank God for a
new life and a new
strength. Thank you God
for sustaining us
everyday, for the good
health and peace in our
As usual we start our
class with a silent
prayer…..In the name of
the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Let us thank God for a
new life and a new
strength. Thank you God
for sustaining us through
this tough week, as we
have been claiming and
declaring your promise
bless the works of our
hands, feet and bless our
hearts in everything we do,
that it may give you glory.
In Jesus name we pray,
Let us all Stand… Feet apart…
about 12 feet inches apart,
stand straight and relax…
5,4,3,2,1. “ I love you Lord”
Remain standing for the
warm –up ……Fundamental
positions of the arms and
feet …..Ready…5,4,3,2,1,
( Video clip
You may sit down now and
get ready for the lesson for
today. Thank you very much.
Lecture Discussion
Traditional dances are
dances of the indigenous
communities that show
cultural traits of peoples
from a specific time and
Custom and traditions
( through dance) are
preserved in traditional dance.
Handed down from generation
to generation with fixed set of
patterns, these dances can
either be ethnic o folk.
According to some
literature, ethnic dance in the
Philippines are classified into
two categories
1. Dances of the non-
Christians referring
to Pre-Hispanic and the
Muslim dances.
2. Dances of the Christians

Performed by the lowland

Filipinos. Dance under this
category have strong
influence from the Western
culture particularly Spain.
Folk dances are classified according to geographical locations and the
nature of the dances. According to geographical locations folk dances can
be national ( dances with a common basic movements, with slight variations)
local / regional ( dance that are
unique to certain localities only).
According to the nature of the
dance ,folk dance can be
occupational dances, festival
dances, wedding dances,
courtship dances, war dances,
comic dances, game dances.
Be ready for the
quiz tomorrow.
God bless.
Discussion Points:
From the picture you have seen a while ago can you classify them according to:
a) Ethnic/Folk
b) geographical locations/Nature
of dances
c) How do you know that a particular dance is a Spanish influence?
“ I Dance because I become
closer to God”

See you tomorrow… God Bless!

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