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 Asyifah Az Zahra
 Ismiati Nurqalbi
 Muh.Mufli Nasir
 Nadia Dwi Putri
 NurVahira
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to
find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is
the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through
a process narration.

Teks naratif adalah cerita dengan komplikasi atau peristiwa bermasalah dan
mencoba menemukan resolusi untuk memecahkan masalah. Bagian penting dari
teks naratif adalah mode naratif, seperangkat metode yang digunakan untuk
mengomunikasikan narasi melalui proses narasi.
Narrative text aims to entertain and attract
readers' interest. Narrative text presents a
story or event that has a problem. These
problems can cause conflict and at the end of
the story there is a resolution and have an
unhappy ending
Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the
characters of the story are introduced.
Complication : Where the problems in the story
Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved.
Masalah selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun
buruk “bad ending”.
Coda / reorientation : (optional) – lesson from the story
Kaidah kebahasaan
On the Narrative Text , there are several
characteristics are as follows :
• Using Action Verbs in Past Tense form .
For example : Climbed , Turned , Brought , and so on .
• Using certain nouns as personal pronouns , certain
animals and objects in the story .
For example : the king , the queen , and so on .
• Using adjectives that form the noun phrase .
For example : long black hair , two red apples , and so
on .
KAIDAH kebahasaan

• Using connectives and Conjunctions

Time to sort events . For example : then ,
before , after , soon , and so on .
• Using Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to
show the location of the incident or
event .
For example : here , in the mountain ,
happily ever after , and so on .
Narrative text has the following
language characteristics or
features: Using past tense
(except for conversation) Adverb
of time (one day, once, a long
time ago, etc.) Conjunction of
time (when, then, suddenly)

 1. Fairy taleIn short, fairytales are fairy tales with the genre of fantasy or
unreal stories. Fairytales usually take the form of folk tales or children's
stories whose stories are shrouded in magic. For example Snow White,
Thumbelina, Timun Mas, and Cinderella
 2. Folktale / FolkloreAlmost the same as fairytale, folktale or folklore is a
folk tale that is passed down from generation to generation. In addition,
this folktale usually spreads by word of mouth, so it will be told from
generation to generation until it becomes part of the community's
tradition. One example of the story is Malin Kundang.
 3. Legend is a legendary story that comes from a combination of fairy tale
and folktale. If you've read it, one example of a legend story is The Legend
of Surabaya. Yep! So, a legend is a folk tale that many people consider real
because there is a heroic content in it. Generally, legends tell about how
the origin of a place can be formed. Another example is the Story of Lake

 4. Myth, there are also types of narrative text, namely myth is myth.
Actually, this type of narrative text is not much different from folktale.
However, the difference is that sometimes myth can be found in today's
life. Usually people assume that mythical stories really happen, for
example the stories of Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar.
 5. Science fiction, commonly abbreviated as Sci-Fi, is a story about
science fiction. This type of text usually deals with imaginative and
future concepts using advanced science and technology.
 6. Romance or love story, is a narrative text that contains the struggle of
the main character's love. Examples include Romeo and Juliet and I'm
One of Those Fool Man.
 7. Horror stories The next narrative text is horror stories. Horror text is a
story that contains scary stories such as ghosts and other astral
creatures that are much loved by the public.

 8. FableHave you ever heard a story or stories where the main

character is an animal? Well, that's called narrative text, the
type of fable. Usually this text is intended for children as a
 9. History In addition to the seven types above, history is also an
example of narrative text, lo. As we know, history is a story
about events and what happened in the past, complete with a
chronology of the place, characters, and time of the incident .
 10. Slice of lifeYes, if in Indonesian, slice of life can be
interpreted as "slice of life", slice of life is a text that contains
the daily activities of the author or imaginative figures created
by the author. One well-known example of this type of text is
True Friends.

 11.Personal experienceAnother type

of narrative text is personal
experience or the author's personal
experience. In this type of text, the
writer can pour what has been
experienced by himself into an
interesting story that can be enjoyed
by others.

1.The Myth Of Dewi Sri

Once upon a time, Batara Guru commanded all the gods and goddesses to contribute their
power in order to build a new palace. Anybody who disobeyed this commandment were
considered lazy and would lose their arms and legs.Hearing the Batara Guru’s
commandment, Naga god was very anxious because he didn’t have arms or legs.
He might not be able do the job. So he asked advice from Batara Narada who was the
younger brother of Batara Guru. Unfortunately Narada was also confused. The Naga god
became very upset.
While the Naga god was crying for his bad luck, three teardrops fell on the ground. Not long
after that, those teardrops became three beautiful shining eggs which looked like jewels.
Then Batara Narada advised him to offer those shining eggs to Batara Guru. With the three
eggs in his mouth, the Naga god went to the Batara Guru’s palace. On the way, an eagle
asked him a question. Surely Naga god could not answer the question because he was
holding the eggs in his mouth. Seeing that, the bird thought that Naga god was arrogant and
the bird attacked him.Being attacked, one egg fell to earth. Then Naga god was hiding in
the bushes but the bird was waiting for him.

2.The Legends Of Batu Menangis

On a hill in area of Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her daughter. The girl was
really beautiful. However, she was very lazy and spoiled. She loved to dress up every
day, but never helped her mother.One day, they went down to a village for shopping. A
market was far away from their house. They walked there. The girl got dressed very
nice and walked in front of her mother. While the widow walked behind, carried a
basket, wore dirty clothes. Nobody knew they were mother and daughter. While
entering village, people looked at them. Young men were so fascinated by girl’s
beauty. However, she was in contrast to a woman walking behind her. It made
people wonder. Some young men asked her whether woman was her mother. But
girl arrogantly replied that she was her maid. More people asked her along the
way to market. She gave a same answer that widow was her slave.Eventually,
mother’s heart hurt to hear her daughter’s answer. Mother prayed to God to
punish her ungodly daughter. Suddenly, girl stopped then slowly turned to be a
stone. Daughter cried; she apologized to his mother. But it was too late. A pretty
girl was turned into a stone but continued to tear; it’s called A Crying Stone.

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