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Martina Heimová I.B

 Popolcová streda – Ash  Ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista –
Wednesday Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
 Pôst - Lent  Vzkriesenie Ježiša Krista –

 Palmová nedeľa – Palm Sunday Resurrection of Jesus Christ

 Údená šunka – smoked ham
 Zelený štvrtok – Maundy
 Cviklový šalát – beetroot salad
Thursday/Great Thursday
 Hrudka (traditional Easter food in
 Veľký piatok – Good Friday
Slovakia made of milk and eggs)
 Biela sobota – Holy Saturday
 Polievať dievčatá vodou – pouring
 Veľkonočná nedeľa – Easter
water over girls/water dousing
Day  Šibať dievčatá – whipping girls
 Veľkonočný pondelok – Easter
 Pletený korbáč – the whip made of
Monday willow branches
 Easter is the most
important festival in the
Christian church year. It
begins with Good Friday.
The Romans killed Jesus
Christ in Jerusalem about
two thousand years ago.
Christians believe in the
Resurrection of Jesus
Christ on the third day
after his Crucifixion.
1. Maundy/Great Thursday
 The Royal Maundy is an ancient ceremony
which has its origin in the commandment
Christ gave after washing the feet of his
 Christ's simple act of humility by washing
the feet of the poor. 
2. Good Friday – Hot Cross Buns
 A traditional favourite on Good Friday in England, Hot
Cross Buns are a spicy currant or raisin studded yeast
bun, topped with a ›Cross‹ of lemon flavoured icing.

 There is a story of a widow whose son was a sailor. He

asked his mother to bake him hot cross buns on his
return on Good Friday. But he never came back.
 Every Good Friday his mother made a new bun for him
and hoped that he would come back. She collected all the
buns in a net. When she died her old cottage was
replaced by a pub – ›The Widow's Son‹ where the buns
can be seen today. Every year a sailor adds a new bun to
the collection in the net. Sailors from around Britain
come to the pub and sing and pray for the widow.

Hot cross buns, hot cross

one a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
give them to your sons,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
3. Holy Saturday
 Even though Holy Saturday falls on
sobota 11. apríl 2020, it is a working
 They remember Holy Saturday as the
day when Jesus lay in his tomb.
 Many services are held in the evening
of Holy Saturday, where candles are lit
to proclaim Jesus Christ’s rising.
Holy Saturday
 One tradition that still has symbolic commemorates the
significance today is lighting candles day before Jesus
arose from death. He
during the Easter vigil services. The lit is symbolized as the
candle, known as the Paschal candle, Lamb of God
signifies the light of Jesus Christ, and
that he brings light into darkness.
4. Easter Day
 For Christians Easter Sunday is the high
point of the year. They celebrate the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
 Easter eggs are important in Britain, too.
They are a symbol of rebirth in most
 People decorate them with different
colours using special techniques.
 Children believe that the Easter Rabbit
hides the eggs in the garden. 
 People like to bring home a container of
Easter water to be used at home for family
blessings on persons, house, etc.
 A traditional food is Roast lamb for
dinner on Easter Day.
 5. Easter Monday
 In some areas ›egg rolling‹ is still popular today. People
take the eggs to the top of a hill and roll them down. The
first egg to get to the foot of that hill is the winner.
 An egg hunt is a game during
which decorated eggs or Easter eggs are
hidden for children to find.
 The children typically collect the eggs in
a basket.
 The egg was a symbol of the rebirth of
the earth in pre-Christian celebrations of
spring. However, the Easter egg itself was
defined by early Christians as an
Easter symbol of the resurrection of
Jesus: the egg symbol was likened to the
tomb from which Christ arose.
 The tradition goes that young guys shall visit every
house in the village where they have single girls, they
sprinkle them with water and spank them with whips
made of willow branches.
 This treatment is always held on Easter Monday and is
believed to bring health and beauty to the females.

In some villages you

may still see young
men, sometimes dressed
in traditional folk
costumes, who come
with rattles and braided
whips decorated with
colorful ribbons.
Guys get rewarded for this action
and in return, they receive painted
eggs, sweets, money and are
invited to dine with the girl’s
family. From certain age, the guys
are poured a glass of local spirits
 Easter preparations begin days before Easter. To be ready
for the feast, people bake pastries, cookies and do
extensive grocery shopping.
 Easter menu is always festive: potato salad with
mayonnaise, cooked ham, cold cuts and sandwiches are
served on Easter Sunday as well as on Easter Monday.
 Traditional Easter food in Slovakia is „hrudka“, made
od milk and eggs.
I have little cousins, so I also paint eggs
with them on Easter Day. We hang them
on the windows or dors.
MY EASTER I´m from village so many boys come over
I spend my Easter with my family, in to sprinkle wather on me, my sister and
my village. my mum.
We usually go bless our food in church I also like to cook or bake so I´m always
with baskets. helping my grandma to prepare our Easter

We have smoked I like Easter

ham, sausage, because my
butter, bread, eggs, family is
salt, cheese and together and I
candle in our think that´s
basket. Then we important
cover it with cloth
and wait for Father
Slavo to bless our
Easter food.

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