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Ignacio Ortega
Lionel Cuglia
Katherine Coli
Gabriel Alvarado
 Main Characters

Claude is a little-known Jakinda is very intelligent and

musician of Rwanda. He is in has a strong character. She is a
Berlin to record new songs Brazilian earth scientist
Main Characters

Arash is a computer maniac, Nadia is very good at art

born in Germany he love the and web design, she is
secrets. from England.
Main Characters

American and a fashion

enjoyer, his name is Austin, and
he is very sociable.
History Chapter 1: Claude receives an invitation to a café, later he
discovers that he was getting involved in something bigger.

Chapter 2: They try to increase their followers and start making

propaganda, by the end of the chapter, they need to get 2000 US

Chapter 3: They go to a concert with Claude and his band, and

they get the money to travel to Rwanda

Chapter 4: They travel to Rwanda, make a documentary and

escape from a person that was following them from Germany.

Chapter 5: They take a flight to South Africa to film a rhino, after

some time, Claude reunites with Arash, and they fly to Cuzco,
only to find people following them.

Chapter 6: They escape from the airport and manage to stop the
construction of a road in the rainforest, saving the Pachiua.
Main Conflict
The main conflict is the contamination and the global warming, in the book this
theme is very present, as they travel to different countries who have problems like
this, like Rwanda, or Cuzco in the case of the Pachuia
Solution to the Main Conflict
To solve this problem, the Earthkeepers used every chance they could take. Taking
this risk, they gained rapidly followers and popularity with their messages and
documentaries, and more people helped with their cause to save the world, and
finally, they achieved their objective by making aware a lot of people all over the
world and convincing the government of Cuzco to install a path instead of a road, that
way they cannot damage the forest.
Conclusion In conclusion, the book had themes that
happen in our day to day lives, being very
realistic to the real world and how things
such as global warming, contamination,
pollution, etc. Can affect us badly to the point
where it is impossible to make a change.

The book teaches us how to take care of our

planet and ourselves, trying to make a change
for this planet, so we can extend our lifetime.
Our Thoughts on
the book As group we think the book is great. Is easy to
read, is funny, is easy to understand, is
interesting and give us an important message.
However, we think that the character
development through the book is poor, being
able to improve in later editions. In the same
way, we think that the book extension is too
short, being able to extend more to deepen in
certain subjects. Also, the book plot is very
interesting, especially for a young public.
Finally, we think that the message and the
purpose of the book is very noble and
motivate the kids to fight against the climate
Thanks for your attention!

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