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Form a 3 group and give at

least 5 word that are
synonym with the word
1.What is existentialism for you?
2.How important this kind of
philosophy in teaching?
3.Can you describe this in your own
Our Philosophical heritage :
Philosophies of education

-is the philosophical belief. We are
each responsible for creating
purpose or meaning in our own
The Main Concern of the

-Help students understand and

appreciate themselves as
unique individuals who accept
complete responsibility for
their thoughts, feelings and
The Role of existentialist teacher
-is to help students define their own essence
by exposing them to various paths they take
in life and by creating an environment in
which they freely choose their own preferred
In an existentialist curriculum, students are given a

wide variety of options from which to choose."

Students are afforded great latitude in their choice o
subject matter.
The humanities, however, are
given tremendous emphasis to
"provide students with
vicarious experiences that will
help unleash their own
creativity and self expression.
Moreover, vocational education is
regarded more. as a means of
teaching students about themselves
and their potential than of earning a
In teaching art, existentialism
encourages individual creativity
and imagination more than
copying and imitating
established models."
Examples :rather than emphasizing historical
events, existentialists focus upon the actions of
historical individuals, each of whom provides
possible models for the students' own behavior.
How to teach:
Teaching well is an art rooted in practical, applied,
behavioral sciences. There are definitely techniques
that have been proven to work better than the typical
“stand and deliver” lecture or presenting them with
only linear or sequential information such as reading or
listening to lecture.
Existentialism is viewed to have many disadvantages.

Firstly, while its focus on individuality is its strength, its weakness is still anchored on
individuality itself.

Secondly, the extreme emphasis of existentialism on the personalization or

customization of education is seen as a disadvantage by some educators .

Thirdly, when existentialist teachers allow learners to pursue their own curriculum,
then the idea of a coherent curriculum serving as the foundation for community
becomes impossible.

Finally, because of its emphasis on humanities, arts, history, and literature,

existentialism has become one-sided. It fails to put into fore the value of science,
technology, and practical arts in the curriculum.
One advantage of existentialism is its emphasis on learners individuality and
autonomy. It presents fat everything in life is a choice and self-actualization is
the ultimate goal of life. Learners are encouraged to focus on their decisions
and are given the free will to make choices.

Another main strength of existentialism is its optimism. Rather than focusing

on the limitations of the learners, it focuses on the development of their
potentials to become great its emphasis is on what learners have to do in order
to be healthy and happy leading to their self-actualization.
“Discuss or share something to
the class the importance of this
philosophy to the future
In your group portrait about having a good personal
values of being a good teacher and a good students.
(Perform it in 10 minutes.)
(Rubrics – Mastery- 20pts
-Cooperation 20pts
-stage presents 10pts
- Audience impact 10pts
IV. EvaluationDirection: choose the correct letter that correspond to
the questions given.

1. What is existentialism?
A. philosophy concerned with the meaning of life
B . religion based on the pursuit of worldly pleasure
C . a philosophy concerned with death
D . a school of thought based on the idea nothing matters

Existentialism is concerned with finding the self through:

A. Freewill
B. Choice
C. Personality Responsibility
D. All of the above
3. This philosophy was responding to what idea
A.Politics are inherently evil.
B. People are inherently good
A. God gives meaning to life
B. Heaven awaits those who repent

4. Existentialism is defined by which of the following con

C.wealth, pleasure, honor= the good life.
D.Living authentically
C. Science will make everything better
D. Accept that life “is what it is”
C. Science will make everything betterD. Accept that life "is what it is“

5. According to Kierkegaard, who is responsible for giving meaning to life?

A. Society
B. B. Religion
C. C. Your parents
D. D. the individual

6. When did the existentialist school of thought come into being?

E. The Enlightenment Era
F. After WWII
G. Before WWID.
H. The American Revolutionary War When did the existentialist school of thought come

7. Where did this idea start?

I. Africa
J. The United StatesEur
C. Europe
D. Australia
8. When did existentialism begin?
A. around the 16th and 17th centuries
B. around the 18th century
C. around the 14th and 15th centuries
D. around the 19th and 20th centuries

9. an existentialist can be...

A. an agnostic relativist
B. . Amoral atheist
C. . religious moralist

10. who is noted for bringing the most international attention to existentialism in the 20th century?
D. Kierkegaard
E. . Jean-Paul Sartre
F. . Hegel
d. Simon De Beauvoir
V. Assignment

(Please to an advance study about Perenialism and take note all those
important words.)

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