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LECTURER : Prof. Dra. Hj. Suwarsih Madya, M.A., Ph.D.





1. Second language teaching is a 2. speaking plays the most prominent role

supremely complex hustle in human communication.

3. Teachers’ role in teaching process 4. Communicative competence

5. EFL teachers can apply Task-based Nunan ( 2004)
Instruction (TBI) TBI has been carried out in
language learning to boost
meaningful use of the second
language and develop
communicative competence

(Lou et al., 2016)

TBI was superior methodology

in language learning

teaching speaking is not a convenient tasks.

EFL teachers find troblesome in forming students get implicated
in speaking skill.
Several learners have a right capability in the grammar structure but
they are not skilled to speak communicatively.
They are competent to speak with correct grammar but
they are not powerful to say something suitable followed in the social context.

Also, some other students are still mislead in comprehending

an individual message which is stated through spoken language.
So, they have a low motivation to speak English
The Component Underlying Speaking Effectiveness


Discourse Competence.

Sociolinguitic Competence

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Principles of Teaching Speaking

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Give students opportunities to initiate oral

Encourage the development of speaking strategy

Characteristic of Communicative Language Teaching

Overall goals Fluency and accuracy

Relationship of form and function.

Focus on real-world contexts
Autonomy and strategic involvement

Teacher roles.
Student roles.
Task-Based Instruction

What is Taks?
Nunan (2004) desribes task as an activity that
occur privately as fundamental unit and cover
authentic language interaction, comprehension,
manipulating while regarding meaning rather
than form

Martin (2001) describes task is an activity that

requires student to use a language which focus
on meaning to reach a goal of learning.
Figure 1. Framewok for TBLT by Nunan (2004;, 25)
Characteristics of The Effective Task :

1. Meaning is key

2. The topic problem is available to tackle

3. There is connection in real-world

4. The priority in doing task is important

5. To assess the task based on the result

Framework in applying Task-based
Language Teaching

• Pre-task • During- • Post-task

1. Pre-task
 The teacher introduces the topic and gives the students
clear instructions on what they will have to do at the
task stage and might help the students to recall some
language that may be useful for the task.
 Students start performing a communication task, by the
background language they have already learned.
 Additonally, Barrot (2017) provided that task can be
categorized in many ways ; (1) personal information, (2)
narrative, (3)decision-making task communication, (4)
enabling task pedagogic, (5) target task, (6) problem
solving, (7) structured input task.
4. Problem solving
1. Listing

2. Ordering and Sorting 3. Sharing personal experiences

Creative task
5. Comparing
1. Repeat performance

The students do repeating performace of the

task. It will give them better output. Such as
they will be more fluent and more natural in
language use 2. Reflection
The task for teacher is to give the student about
how the task is showed in form of a report
(oral/written). She may be asked to comment
on their performances.
3. Problem Solving
Here, the student may have facing problem
during the tas
The principles of TBLT

7. Reflection 1.Scaffolding

6.Reproduction 2.Task
to creation dependency

4. Active
5.Integration 3. Recycling
Characteristic of TBLT

 (Brown, 2015)

 Task ultimately point learners beyond the form of language

alone to real-world contexts
 Task specifically contribute to th communicative goals of
 Their elements are carefully designed and not simply
haphazardly or idionsyncractically thrown together
 Their objectives are well specified so that you can at some late
point accurately determine the succes of one task over anoother
 Tasks enggage learners, at some level in genuine problem-
solving activity.
Strengths and Weakness of TBLT

2. Students’ need

• process is
enjoyable and
1. Free to control 3. A lot time to
Langauage communicate/practice
Weakness of Task Based Language Teaching

 Therefore, not all the scientics accept this strength and it

also resides a controversial approach. Bruton, (2002)
agreed with Swan (2005) that Task based learning is
unsuitable for low-level students.

 Such as in the during task phase, student is required to

communicate with classmate and weak student often lack
proficiency to speak in the target language to fullfill the
assigned task.
Improving speaking through TBI
 The connection for language teachers to aplly CLT as a
means of set up their students for interaction in the real
world. Moreover, communicative tasks drived under
TBLT will allow the students not only increase their
spontaneous spoken discourse but also prepare them for
real-life interaction such as lectures and broadcasts.
 TBLT is one of trends of Communicative Language
Teaching (CLT). The teacher can uses TBLT in the
speaking classroom.
 (Tryadi et al., 2020) : The students who are thought with
the TBLT have better speaking skill than those who are
 Albino (2017) : felt encouraged to speak,the students
believed in thier potentials to use second language, the
students felt vocabulary also increase and they recognized
the relevance of the TBLT approach help them.
 Stepani, (2016) : TBLT as a benefit approach because
TBLT contributes to students’ sepaking skill and enhances
students’ participation
 she also found that there were some challenges in TBLT
such as teacher’s competence, availability of time, and
mixed ability students. She also recommend that TBLT
can be used in a long period time.
However, Barrot (2017) (issue and
challange) in using TBLT.
 (a) it constrains turn-taking; (b) it leads to minimalization
minimal volume of language) and indexicality because learners
focus more on accomplishing the task than producing language; and
(c) tasks spawn too many clarification requests, comprehension
checks, confirmation checks, and self-repetition which are unproven
and unprovable as to their role in second language acquisition.
Finally, TBLT narrowly considers contexts and lacks
consideration of sociopolitical, historical, and cultural aspects of
language. Hence, many scholars advocated for intercultural
approach. With this, Seedhouse argued that task-based learning may
be well fit within ESP approach in which the aim is to expose
learners to real-life tasks. As to its role in general English, Nunan
claimed that as long as the tasks are within the realities of the
learners when they are outside the classroom, tasks may be an option
I required to teacher to consider following
some aspects before do the task;

1. Selecting the topic

5. Reviewing 2. Guidance

4. Teachers’
3. Teachers’autonomy
 TBLT here is essential approach to assits the students’
opportunities to improve their speaking skills based on
the framerwork of TBLT it self. Like in the pre-task,
during-task and also post-test. However, in doing this
approach, the teacher should attention about the aspects
what the writer write above. in implementing Task Based
Language Teaching particulary in speaking skill,
hopefully the teacher is already having a good
communicative competence before, because if the teacher
does not have communicative competence, its impossible
for his/her train student to have the good competence.

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