Grammar Translation Method

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Grammar Translation

What does grammar translation method mean?

Grammar Translation Method is a foreign language teaching method that

originated in the late 19th and early 20th century. This method is usually
taught the classical or dead language for example; Latin and Greek. The
main purpose of this method is to enrich their literature and language
reading proficiency as well. And for this reason, this method is also called
the Classical Method. However, in the 19th century, this Classical method is
recognized as the Grammar Translation Method.
• The Grammar Translation Method was the traditional way Latin and
Greek were taught in Europe.

• In the 19th century it began to be used to teach “modern” languages such

as French, German, and English, and it is still used in some countries
• Help students read and appreciate foreign language literature
• Study grammar of the target language
• Better understand grammar of the native language through familiarity
• Speak and write their native language better
• Intellectual growth through grammar exercises
Characteristics of the Grammar Translation
Let us know the major characteristics of the Grammar Translation Method:
• The main purpose of the Grammar Translation Method is to learn a language
in order to read its literature to benefit from mental discipline and intellectual
• As far as skills are concerned reading and writing skills are more focused
than listening and speaking.
• GTM takes vocabulary from reading texts the teachers teach through
translation, memorisation and dictionary study.
Characteristics of the Grammar Translation Method
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• It chooses the sentences as the basic part of teaching and language

practice as well.
• It focuses on the accuracy of grammar and translation.
• In GTM, teachers teach the grammar rules then gives examples.
• Teachers teach in the mother tongue with little active use of the targeted
• Teachers and learners maintain traditional roles of knowledge transmitter
and knowledge receiver.
Objectives of GTM

As we mentioned before that the main objectives of the Grammar Translation

Method are to enrich the Latin and Greek literature in order to get the benefit of
the mental discipline and intellectual abilities which is the result from the foreign
language study. Let us see the main objectives of the Grammar Translation
Method in the below sentences:
• Students are able to read the literature which is written in the targeted language.
• They are able to translate from and into the targeted language
• They are able to enhance their skills in reading and writing.
Techniques of GTM
Larsen-Freeman (2000) discusses the following techniques of the Grammar
Translation Method:
• In GTM students translate literary extracts from the target language into
their mother tongue.
• The students read comprehensive texts and try to find information, make
inferences and relate to personal experiences.
• They find synonyms and antonyms for words that occur in the text.
Techniques of GTM
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• The learners identify cognate by learning spelling and sound patterns
between mother language and targeted language.
• They try to understand the grammar structure first and later apply them to
• In GTM students memorize bilingual vocabularies, grammar rules and
grammatical paradigms.
Techniques of GTM
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• Learners usually used to memorize vocabulary to apply them in sentences.
• They write paragraphs, essays or summaries on a particular topic using
targeted language.
Advantages of GTM
Let us know the major advantages of GTM:
• The teachers need a few specialized skills on particular topics.
• Students get the opportunity to achieve maximum accuracy on targeted
• The learners have to read the classic literature which develops their
mental and intellectual ability.
• Literature also helps to enrich multiple potentials of the learners.
Advantages of GTM
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• The leaners have to memorize a lot of vocabularies which help them to
make different kinds of sentences.
• GTM also helps students to improve the reading and writing proficiency
of the targeted language.
Let us know the major disadvantages of GTM:
• The students get less opportunity to engage in several segments, unlike
Communicative Language Teaching.
• Grammar Translation Method mainly a teacher-centred method that’s why
learners get less opportunity to interact with the teachers.
• The students are not offered to produce their own sentences in the
(Continued …)
• They get less opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills.
• Oral interaction is avoided in GTM.
• In GTM accuracy is more emphasized then fluency.
• The leaners can develop their reading and writing skills but fail to
communicate with the real world.
Concluding Remarks
Although the Grammar Translation Method has some limitation but the
learners get a lot of benefits to develop their skills in their targeted language.
The instructors also get the opportunity to teach a huge number of students
in the classroom and they don’t need to give more efforts to take the class.
Further, it helps the students to develop their mental and intellectual
Answer the following questions!
1: What are the goals of teachers using
• Develop ability to read foreign language literature
• learning grammar rules
• Learning foreign language vocabulary
• Studying foreign language is good for student mental exercise
2: Which language skills are
• Vocabulary
• Grammar
• Reading skills: literary text reading
• Writing skills : comprehension questions and composition writing
3: What is the role of students’
native language?
• Language of classroom interaction between teacher and students
• Language used for understanding and translating the foreign language text
4: How is evaluation accomplished?
• Written tests focusing on translation from one language to the other
• Questions about foreign language culture
• Questions on the application of foreign language grammar rules.
5: Teacher’s response to student
• Correction is emphasized/ appreciated
• Errors as unnecessary and signs of failure
• Accuracy to be attained
• Teacher knows the RIGHT answer

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