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Professional Practices

“The Structure of
• Organization
• Legal Forms of Organizations
– Sole proprietorship
– Partnership
– corporation
• Companies
– Constitution of a company
– Directors and company secretary
– Disclosure requirements
– Corporate governance

“An organized group of people with a

particular purpose, such as a business or
government department”
• It is impossible to live in a civilized society
without close contact with many large
organizations such as
– Schools
– Universities
– Government departments
– Health service
– Commercial and industrial companies
Legal Form of Organization
• Fundamentally the law recognizes individuals
that is the individuals has a legal existence.
• They can
– enter into the contracts which can be enforced by
the courts
– Sued for damages
– Give evidences...
Legal Form of Organization
• Legal Form of Organization in Business Plan
• The legal form of organization in business plan is used to decide how the company will function, how roles
will be assigned and how relationships will work.
• 1. Starting a Business
2. Business Type Requirements

The legal form of organization in business plan is used to decide how the organization will function, how
roles will be arranged and assigned, and how relationships will work. These organizational steps should
take place at the beginning of the business formation.

Starting a Business
• The first step when beginning a business is to name the business. The name must be unique and not in
use by another existing entity. The next step is to decide on the organization type your business will use.
Each business entity has specific requirements on how they are run including how income is reported. The
business types include:
• Sole proprietorship.
• Partnership.
• Limited Liability Company.
• Limited Liability Partnership.
• Corporation.
Legal Form of Organization
• After adopting any specific legal configuration, organizations take
different legal forms.
• Four basic legal forms of organization are Sole Proprietorship;
Partnerships, Corporations and Limited Liability Company.

• Sole Proprietorship
– The vast majority of small businesses start out as sole proprietorships. 
– These firms are owned by one person, usually the individual who has day-to-
day responsibility for running the business. 
– Sole proprietorships own all the assets of the business and the profits
generated by it. 
– They also assume complete responsibility for any of its liabilities or debts. 
– In the eyes of the law and the public, you are one in the same with the
Legal Form of Organization
• Partnerships
– In a Partnership, two or more people share ownership of a
single business.
– Like proprietorships, the law does not distinguish between the
business and its owners.
– The Partners should have a legal agreement that sets forth how
decisions will be made, profits will be shared, disputes will be
resolved, how future partners will be admitted to the
partnership or what steps will be taken to dissolve the
partnership when needed. 
– They also must decide up front how much time and capital
each will contribute, etc.
Legal Form of Organization
• Corporations
A corporation is a legal entity created by individuals, stockholders, or
shareholders, with the purpose of operating for profit. Corporations are allowed
to enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own assets, remit federal and state
taxes, and borrow money from financial institutions.. 
• The creation of a corporation involves a legal process called incorporation
where legal documents containing the primary purpose of the business, name
and location, and the number of shares and types of stock issued, are drafted.
• The process of incorporation gives the business entity a distinct feature that
protects its owners from being personally liable in the event of a lawsuit or
legal claim.
– A Corporation can be taxed; it can be sued; it can enter into contractual agreements. 
– The owners of a corporation are its shareholders. 
– The shareholders elect a board of directors to oversee the major policies and decisions. 
– The corporation has a life of its own and does not dissolve when ownership changes.
• A company is a legal entity made up of an
association of people.
• Company members share a common purpose,
and unite in order to focus their various
talents and organize their collectively available
skills or resources to achieve specific, declared
• The essence of a company is that it enjoys an
independent existence as a legal person.
• Ownership of the company is divided into a
number of shares.
• An individual or another company may own one
or more shares.
• Individuals who own shares in a company are
known as the shareholders or members of the

Public Private
Limited Unlimited
• Public companies are allowed to offer their
share to the public and their names must end
with the word “Public limited company”.
• A public company has a minimum paid up
capital of Rs. 5 lacs.
• There is no limit for the number of members.
• A private company cannot offer its shares to the
public and its name must end with the word
• It has a minimum paid up capital of Rs. 1 lakh.
• It has limited members up to 200.
• It prohibits any invitation from public for
subscription to shares and any acceptance of
deposits from persons other than members or
• In an unlimited company, the shareholders
are personally liable for all the company’s
• The shareholders (or members) of this type of
company have unlimited liability.
• This means each member is jointly and
severally liable for the debts of the company
in the event of its winding-up.

Limited by
Limited Shares
Company Limited by
• Company limited by Guarantee:
– Commonly used where companies are formed for
non-commercial purposes, such as professional
bodies or charities.
– The members guarantee the payment of certain
fixed, usually small amount towards the
company’s debts if the company wound up
– Otherwise they have no economic rights in
relation to the company.
• Company limited by Shares
• It is the most common form of company used for business ventures. The
business venture definition is a new business that is formed with a plan and
expectation that financial gain will follow. Often, this kind of business is
referred to as a small business, as it typically begins with a small amount of
financial resources. 
• A business venture is usually formed out of a need for a service or product
that is lacking in the market. This need is often a product consumers are
requesting or something that serves a particular purpose. After the need is
determined, an investor or small-business person with the time and resources
to develop and market the new service or product can start a business

– Specifically, a limited company is a company in which the liability of each shareholder

is limited to the amount individually invested
– Corporations are the most common example of a limited company.


Directors and
Constitution Disclosure Corporate
the Company
of a Company Requirements Governance
Constitution of a Company
• All companies must have a written
constitution, which consists of two documents
– Memorandum of association....which controls its
external relations
– Articles of association.... which states how
internal affairs are to be run.
The Memorandum of Association
• This document covers the following matters
– The name of the company
– The country in which its registered office will be
– The objects of the company
– A liability clause
– The company’s authorised share capital and the
number and nominal value of its shares.
The Articles of Association
• This document usually addresses the following
– The rules to be applied in alloting new shares
– The rules governing the transfer of shares
– The rules regarding meeting of shareholders or
– Appointment and removal of directors
– Powers of directors
– Dividends and reserves
Directors and the Company Secretary

• Directors are elected by shareholders to run

the company on their behalf.
• They have considerable powers and in a large
company with many shareholders, the
effective democratic control is very weak.
Directors and the Company Secretary
• This situation is balanced by a series of obligations
– Directors must act in good faith and for the benefit of
– Directors must exercise the skill and care in carrying
out their duties that might be expected from someone
of their qualifications and experience.
– A director who has an interest in a contract made with
the company must disclose this interest to the board
of directors.
Directors and the Company Secretary

• Most companies have both executive and non-

executive directors.
– Executive directors are normally also employees
of the company, with specific responsibility.
– Non-executive directors act in advisory capacity
only. Typically they attend monthly board
meetings to offer the benefit of their advice and
are paid a fee for their services.
Directors and the Company Secretary

• A company is required to have a company

secretary whose duty is to keep various
records that a company is obliged to maintain.
• Because of the technical expertise required,
small companies often appoint an outside
professional advisor as a company secretary.
Disclosure Requirements
• The limited companies are required to disclose
information about their operations.
• All limited companies must submit an annual
return and copies of their accounts to the
registrar of companies.
Corporate governance
“Relationship between stakeholders in companies and
its most senior management is known as corporate
Corporate governance is the 
system of rules, practices, and processes by which a
firm is directed and controlled. Corporate governance
essentially involves balancing the interests of a
company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders,
senior management executives, customers, suppliers,
financiers, the government, and the community.
Corporate governance
• Corporate governance is the structure of rules, practices, and
processes used to direct and manage a company.
• A company's board of directors is the primary force influencing
corporate governance.
• Bad corporate governance can cast doubt on a company's
operations and its ultimate profitability.
• Corporate governance covers the areas of environmental
awareness, ethical behavior, corporate strategy, compensation,
and risk management.
• The basic principles of corporate governance are accountability,
transparency, fairness, responsibility, and risk management.

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