Child 2.0

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To assess if there are negative effects of having a longer Screen time was assessed with the Childhood Experiences
hours on screen time to the healthy development of Questionnaire. By the use of another instrument which is
children. the Early Development Instrument the developmental
vulnerability versus developmental health in five domains
(physical, social, emotional, language and cognition, and
communication skills) was assessed.


The findings showed that children with more than one There's a negative association for the developmental
hour of daily screen time were more likely to be health outcomes to young children who exceeds the
vulnerable in all five developmental health domain recommended one-hour screen time. Screen-based
compared to children reporting up to one hour of screen activities should be limited for young children.
How are the findings of this research
useful to teachers?

 This research is helpful for teachers to conduct more developmentally

appropriate activities that will improve the children's creativity, brain
functioning, and academic skills. For the teachers to assess what approach
they can do to make learning more engaging for the children.

The high level of poverty and inequality is the mechanism They conducted a survey and an observational setup to
that affects the child and adolescent development, and observe the mechanisms that affect child development
enacting of public policy in Latin America.


It was found that high levels of poverty and economic further research is needed to help improve the overall
inequality affects the development of the child and it has well-being of the child and adolescent.
been a great hindrance to enact public policy for the
protection and improvement of the child and adolescent.
How are the findings of this research
useful to teachers?
Bullying and other risk factors related to
adolescent suicidal behaviors in the
Philippines: a look into the 2011 GSHS Survey

Bullying and other risk factors related to adolescent Survey (GSHS) conducted in 2011. The GSHS is a school-based survey that
is widely used across countries including low and low-medium income areas.
suicidal behaviors in the Philippines: a look into the 2011 This survey was developed by the WHO, in collaboration with United Nations
GSHS Survey Children’s Fund (UNICEF), The un this study utilized a quantitative design,
involving secondary analysis of existing data from the Philippines Global-
School Based Health united Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Joint Program on
HIV/AIDS UNAIDS. The GSHS aims to provide data on adolescents’
physical and mental health, social behavior and advocates developing
resources for school health programs and policies [49].


The study suggests that Filipino adolescents were vulnerable to The study involved a secondary analysis of the Philippines GSHS survey in
thinking about and attempting suicide, and gender played a role 2011 which showed that gender differences, bullying and other risk factors
were associated with adolescent suicidal behavior (including ideation,
in such behavior in 2011. As predicted, bullying is an
planning and attempts). Female students were at higher risk of engaging in
independent predictor linked to adolescents’ suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviors, particularly if exposed to risk factors such as bullying,
suicide attempts in both genders. Suggestions and interventions to having no close friends, loneliness, and alcohol consumption. Male students
prevent adolescents’ bullying and suicidal behavior should were more likely to engage in suicide attempts. The study identified several
involve school teachers, parents, and the students themselves. risk factors in relation to suicidal behavior. Risk determinants include having
no close friends, loneliness, anxiety, getting in troubles due to alcohol use,
alcohol consumption, getting in fights, being bullied, being physically
attacked and truancy
How are the findings of this research
useful to teachers?
 Teachers are a great help to children to stop the bullying that happens inside the
school room. They can teach students good manners. Therefore, the research
finding can be useful to teachers; they can tell their students what the
consequence of bullying is.

Unhealthy food consumption in adolescence: role of Data come from the Italian 2009–10 Health Behavior in
sedentary behaviours and modifiers in 11-, 13- and 15- School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. Data on Eating
year-old Italians patterns, SBs, physical activity, peers network, BMI and
socio-economic status (SES) were collected following the
HBSC study protocol. Hierarchical logistic regression
models were used.


Unhealthy food consumption was significantly associated This study adds evidence to support the importance of investing
with a lower intake of fruit and vegetables and with the more resources in educational initiatives both to increase parents’
increase of SBs in both sexes and in all ages. The risk was awareness to support adolescents on dietary choices and on time
spent in screen-based behaviors, independently of their adiposity
interestingly higher in normal weight adolescents, in status; and to develop youth’s ability to access and appropriately
those with wider relationships with peers and in low SES use media and technologies. Policy makers should also increase
children. their attention on introducing regulatory policies on television
food advertising to which youth are exposed
How are the findings of this research
useful to teachers?
 It will help the Teachers to have an idea on how they will assist the children or
students in their healthy lifestyle, the Teachers are able to guide their students to
help their health more healthier during their adolescents. And also Teachers can be
the way to teach the students to develop their ability to engage or use technologies
 Teachers are able to connect to the parents of the children to give them a proper
advice or instructions so that the parents have an awareness to support the
adolescents on dietary choices.
A School Intervention's Impact on
Adolescents' Health-Related Knowledge and

A School Intervention's Impact on Adolescents' Health- We performed our study at a secondary school in a rural town in East
Hungary between 2016 and 2020. Sessions about healthy lifestyles were
Related Knowledge and Behavior organized regularly for the intervention group to improve students'
knowledge, to help them acquire the right skills and attitudes, and to shape
their behavior accordingly. Data collection was carried out via self-
administered, anonymous questionnaires (n = 192; boys = 49.5%; girls =
50.5%; age range: 14–16). To determine the intervention-specific effect, we
took into account the differences between baseline and post-intervention
status, and between the intervention and control groups using individual
follow-up data. We used generalized estimating equations to assess the
effectiveness of our health promotion program.


Our health promotion program had a positive effect on the Our findings suggest that school health promotion can be
students' health-related knowledge and health behavior in effective in knowledge transfer and lifestyle modification.
the case of unhealthy eating, moderate to vigorous To achieve a more positive impact on health behavior,
physical activity, and alcohol consumption. preventive actions must use a complex approach during
How are the findings of this research
useful to teachers?
 The findings of this research will be useful to Teachers to think of a healthy
lifestyle program that they can share to their students specially to those children
who has an abnormality when it comes to health, and those children who are
exposed in alcohol so that they can provide the proper care and knowledge
about being an health conscious so that the students would have the knowledge
to manage their self properly. And teachers will also be the effective cure to
protect children in various healthy problems and so the students will grow
healthy and safety.

Tila, Davis Ardrian

Abainza, Celine Mae
Magallano, Maria Eleonor
Uy, Angela
Garay, Alexander Lei
Obina, Hanna Mea
Sarte, Rosella
Samonte, Junely
Garces, Marian
Salar, Yra
Bacani, Rodelyn

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