ES 15 - Lec 2 - Decision Making

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ES 15

Lecture 2
Decision Making
 Introduction
 Effective Decisions
 The Effective Managers
 Decision Process
 Reasons for Poor Decisions
 Elements of Decision Making
 Budgeting the Time
 First Thing First
 Employee Discipline
 Principles of Discipline
D E C I S I O N – M A K I N G

•Decision Making as a Management

•What is Decision Making?
•The Decision Making Process
•Approaches in Solving Problems
•Quantitative Models for Decision-
Decision-Making as a Management

 Decision Making is a responsibilityof

the engineer manager.
 The bigger issue is the manager who
cannot or do want to make decisions.
 Managers must strive to choose a
decision option as correctly as
What is Decision Making

Decision Making:
The process of identifying and
choosing alternative courses of
action in a manner appropriate
to the demands of the
What is Decision Making?

Decision Making:
 Indicates that the engineer
manager must adapt a certain
procedure designed to
determine the best option
available to solve certain
The Decision-Making Process

Diagnose the problem – best

diagnosis; series of questions
Analyze the environment –
points and ends of the problem
Articulate problem opportunity
–view problem as an
opportunity for improvement
Cont. The Decision-Making Process

Develop viable alternatives – cause

and effect analysis
Evaluate alternatives – SWOT
analysis in the developed
Make a choice
Implement Decision
Evaluate and adapt decision results
Decision-Making Process:Expound

What is a Problem?
 Analyze the EnvironmentIdentify the
constraints in both external and Internal

Examples of Internal Limitations:

 Limited funds available for the purchases
 Limited training on the part ofemployees and
designed facilities
The Effective Decision Making
 is the process of making choices by displaying a
decision, gathering information, and assessing
best alternative resolutions.
 It is a process which extends to from strategic
conclusions associated to managerial and
procedural decisions.
 The decision making in the business deals is all
about selecting the right choice or avoid to
compromises meeting the business aims.
 The Effective decisions making results from a
systematic process which distinctly define the
elements handled by a distinct sequence of
various steps.
How to Be an Effective Manager in 7 Simple

1) Delegate work wisely:

 you should assign responsibilities and tasks to your
Most employers feel they have to control every small
thing their employees do, and this can be disastrous
at your position.

When you delegate work to your employees, you are

multiplying the quantity of work that can be
accomplished. Also, you are helping develop your
employees’ capabilities, leadership skills and
2) Set achievable goals:

 Every employee must have something to work for

and therefore it is the duty of a manager to set
goals that his subordinate will strive for.

Not only will these goals give the employees a new

purpose and direction, they will also ensure that all
employees are marching towards the larger
organizational goals.

So fix measurable goals and regularly monitor the

progress towards their accomplishment.
3) Communication is essential:

 There are managers who do not understand the

importance of communication – this can be bad for them
as well as the organization.

On many occasions, managers have to serve as the link

between the top management and the executive-level

Whether you have news related to work or whether it is

an informal interaction, a good manager always makes an
effort to keep his subordinates in the loop.

Employees must remain updated as to what has to be done

how in order to do their job efficiently and on time.
4) Make time for your subordinates:

Management is mainly about making people work. When

an employee needs to talk to you, you must make sure
that you make time to see him and step aside for a

It is okay to put your work on the back-burner for a

moment and focus on this person in need of your
5) Recognize achievements:

 Every individual is hungry for appreciation. The day you begin

appreciating your team for their efforts, you subordinates
will be a happier lot. All employees are, at some point or the
other, seeking praise for the work they do. However, very
few bosses understand this need and do not do much to
contribute towards recognizing and rewarding them for a
task done well.

Thus, if you want your employees to have job satisfaction it is

vital to give them a pat on their backs. To be a good leader,
you must show your good qualities to the world and inspire

You will have to be the change you wish to see in others. So

start behaving as you would want your subordinates to behave
at work. However, do not forget in the process that your role
and position are different from the other employees.
6) Come up with lasting solutions:

 Managers must be effective problem solvers. No

matter how huge a problem is, there is always a
solution to it.

The trouble with coming up with quick fixes is that in

your enthusiasm to come up with quick solutions and
move on to another task, you may overlook another
viable option that may have taken longer to develop
and apply but could have been a long-lasting solution.
A good manager believes in dealing with the root
cause of the problem, rather than just superficially
fixing it.
7) Stop playing the blame game:

 It will always be someone’s fault. Fingers can be

pointed towards you. Not that you should start
pointing fingers to evade the situation! It is
possible that you do not have a stellar team, but
that should not mean you should settle for
mediocrity in work. You must hold the power to
inspire employees so that they exceed all
expectations. You do possess the power to sack
people who aren’t doing what they were hired to do.

However, you can’t go on blaming everyone in the

team for one person’s failure to perform or your own
failure to lead.

Being a good manager can be a challenge

sometimes and in order to succeed in this
position, you must realize that your success
is directly dependent on the success of
your team. So go on and motivate your
subordinates as happy workers bring more
productivity and respect to their manager.
The 12 Key Qualities Shared by All Effective Managers
1. They are great leaders.

2. They show empathy.

3. They are skilled at delegating tasks.

4. They have high emotional intelligence.

5. They are knowledgeable.

6. They capitalize on the strengths of their team

7. They mentor and develop their teams.

8. They set clear expectations.

9. They take accountability for their teams.

10. They promote an open-door policy.

11. They strive to relate to the challenges of their

12. They are fair in evaluating performance.
Prepare for your Prelim Exam

Types of Exam:
 Fill in the blanks

 Multiple choice

 Definition of terms

 Discussion

Prepared by:

Engr. Jane K. Zaportiza

ES 15 Instructor

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