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In the context of Covid-19, personal protective equipment is much needed and often in short supply
as a protection against the virus, but nobody until recently was discussing the downside of its prolonged
use by its wearers. Increasing numbers of health care workers feel unwell using it and are overheating and
some have fainted.
PPE undoubtedly plays a crucial role in protecting the Forensic team involved in handling dead
bodies and autopsy-related work against Covid-19 infection during the current pandemic but its use is not
free from complications, which range from mild discomfort to fainting. The provision of safe, comfortable
and standard PPE is a challenge for the system and we need to consider and research what modifications
would improve matters. We need to discover how to limit these complications from PPE, otherwise its role
as a safety measure may be undermined.

PPE comprises protective clothing, helmets, goggles and/or equipment designed to protect the wearer from health and safety
hazards at work. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and aims to make the workplace safe. Proper
instructions, training and supervision are needed to ensure that it is used properly. They are used at different workplaces in
health care including the mortuary where dead bodies which have tested positive with Covid-19 or are suspected positive are
either being examined or handled.

PPE must be properly designed, constructed and maintained in a clean and hygienic environment and fit the users comfortably
otherwise it can make the difference between being safely covered or dangerously exposed and may discourage its use due to
continuous discomfort. Forensic personnel are not used to it and are finding it unpleasant. The shortage of PPE is proving to
be a tremendous challenge in the current pandemic, so to optimize its usage here it is being worn for longer periods even to
the extent of performing multiple autopsies at a stretch that run for hours wearing the same kit.

Needs and Limitations of PPE
PPE is essential for health workers in the current pandemic, irrespective of whether dead bodies or samples are positive for
Covid-19, because of the prevalence of so many latent and unreported cases. The careful selection and proper use of adequate
PPE to protect skin, eyes, face, nose, mouth, hands, feet, head and other parts of the body, can provide protection as an
effective barrier between the health worker and the contaminated materials like blood, body fluids, respiratory secretions and
aerosols. The proper disposal of PPE post procedure is very important.

The current pandemic has put pressure on the health care system’s ability to obtain PPE and it is compelled to accept whatever
is available even when it is substandard when delivered by many manufacturers who are new to making this and lacking the
requisite experience or who cut corners. The users often do not find their PPE comfortable while working.

With high temperatures in the summer season, it is worse for the wearers, particularly when facilities for controlling the
environmental temperature like HVACs are unavailable or were shut down for fear of spreading infection.

Apart from discomfort and the heat, users find verbal communications difficult and there is the loss of normal sense of smell,
reduced tactile sensitivity, increased difficulty of fine hand movements and impaired visibility due to deposition of water
vapours on the eye goggles. So, there may be procedural errors or unintentional self-injury. Some users suffer work stress,
anxiety and a feeling of working in a life-threatening environment and psychological claustrophobia and wish to limit its use
for these reasons.

PPE can protect its wearer from contracting Covid-19 but if worn for too long, or incorrectly or the PPE does not fit properly as recommended by
protocol, then instead of keeping the wearer safe it offers a false sense of security and can expose him/her to many complications. Many users
have reported significant adverse effects including fatigue, dehydration, headaches and hyperhidrosis and find working in PPE for long hours a
major physical and professional challenge. The users may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, and heat ‐related illnesses like fainting due to
heat syncope. PPE causes dehydration and discomfort in the same way as wearing a rubber coat, which hardly permits air.

PPEs may impact on performance and comfort level But poor levels of supply to hospitals caused by the sudden rise of global demand mean that
PPE on offer may be inappropriate for its purpose, untested, unproven, unreliable or of inferior quality.

There are many increasing instances of wearers fainting after prolonged use and of people finding it horrible and they become reluctant to work
with it any more. Therefore, a clear standard for PPE use is critical to safe practice during the pandemic when the risk of contracting Covid-19
remains high and there is an urgent need for improvement to and modification of the current guidance on its use.

1. Supply of standard kit.
2. Informing, educating and training for proper use.
3. Inclusion of powered respirators to facilitate blowing of air inside the mask.
4. Encouraging users to wear PPE but discouraging its use for long periods of time.
5. Readily and easily available replacement supplies.
6. Printed step by step illustrated instructions which demonstrate how best to don, doff and dispose of PPE.
7. There is a need for checks on quality, fitness and comfort.
8. Environmental control of air temperature in post-mortem examination rooms to avoid overheating of PPE
9. Taking regular feedback from the users and certification of quality.
10. Modification of kit to divide it into upper, middle and lower parts instead of a single piece.


1. The complications are associated with the usage of PPEs as safety

2. The research on desired modifications to find out the alternatives for
limiting these complications is needed.



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