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• Hyperloop is an advanced technology which is been made for transportation

purpose and in order to move any consignment to various places. Its working model
and full explanation was given by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. Both these
company have same owner only that ids Mr Elon Musk. So basically a hyperloop
structure is one which is fully packed which is having a minimum air pressure(act
like a tunnel)in which that tube travels easily which is free of fiction. Hyperloop can
transfer people and other things easily and by way it is an energy efficient method
also. This would drastically reduce travel times versus trains as well as planes over
distances of under approximately 1, 500 kilometers (950 miles). 
• Elon Musk first mentioned Hyperloop in year 2012. At beginning of project that he
will use pressure tubes which will there in capsule like structure which will be
• Hyperloop concept was first published in year August 2013, in which route from Los
Angeles to San Francisco was decided for trial run roughly following Interstate 5
corridors. At certain times many experts said that this project would be over budget
mean to say it will cost much money taking into consideration construction,
development, and operational costs etc



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