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New Patients Guaranteed

Good business partners have a lot in common with
good patients.
Understanding the methodology behind why we designed our systems the way we
did gives you two advantages.

1. Making an informed decision that you have real confidence in.

2. No need to be “sold” to. This either makes sense for your practice or it
Why market at all?

(besides the obvious)

Marketing is no longer a “necessary evil”
(it definitely used to be though)

Lessons learned from our combined 12 years of marketing for local business

- A LOT has changed for local business owners.

- Most have tried “everything in the book”

- Most have not had a long, meaningful relationship with a good marketer.

- Most expect that it’s just how things are.

What else can you do?

Take a ride on The Hamster Wheel

1. Cycling through marketers who don’t deliver

- High volume but low quality of leads

- High cost to you, no risk skin in the game from them.

2. Marketing that takes up YOUR time and provides INCONSISTENT results

- Organic marketing (do it yourself / wait and see)

- Workshops / Lunch & Learns

- Health Fairs

- Event sponsorships

- Business Facebook page

- Push for referrals

- Call (and call and call) your list of patients

Lets get specific. How can we really help you?

- Your growth game changer is:

- Current # new Patients per week:

- Average cost of treatment:

Dr. XYZ…., DC.

[YOUR AGENCY ] Client for 13 months

"We started working with xyz…. And got xyz…. We love xyz…”

(clients name)

Insert screenshots of clients results-->

Insert screenshots of clients results (below)

"We started working with xyz…. And got

xyz…. We love xyz…”

(clients name)
"We started working with xyz…. And got xyz…. We love xyz…”

(clients name)
The Main Point
We do things differently than most marketing agencies. We believe marketing
should be an investment, that results should be transparent, and measured in
dollars -- not likes, clicks, engagements, etc.

We guarantee our clients at least 30 quality new patient opportunities in their

first month.

Or we’ll give you your money back plus $100, for wasting your time. We also
believe results should speak for themselves.
Why Facebook Marketing Matters

Pre 2010 - 13 2013 -16 2017 - 19 Present

Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing Boom FB & IG win the game Marketing Driven Sales

TV, Print, Radio, Coupons 3.8 BILLION monthly users Is a valid expectation
Online Media Saturation
>10 BILLION accounts Can be measured in $$$
“Digital Media” Emerges
Social media rises VERY sophisticated Should be a part of your mix
Articles online targeting and marketing
Ads aren’t very good Lots of competition
Not relevant to local biz Limited Local value Users + Advertisers win
Difficult to track ads to sale People see ads for things
they’re actually interested in
1. Reach out to large
targeted audience
- Moment of Motivation

1. Patient clicks on ad

- “I need help!”

1. Patient fills out

personal contact
info after info page

- Skin in the game

1. Doctor calls patient

- Humanize Practice

1. Automated back-
end follow up

- Right place, Right Time

Facebook Ads System

It all starts out with our xyz… (insert

more information about why your
product is the best)

• Reason #1
• Reason #2
• Reason #3
• Reason #4
• Reason #5
Local Practice Facebook Advertising
The “Great White Whale” of internet marketing

What does NOT bring in new patients on Facebook

- General posting on your FB page

- People have to like your page to see posts
- Only ~ 30% of those who do will see them anyway

- Boosting Posts
- Facebook makes this sound super enticing but it’s a waste of money
- Without a clear call to action, response tracking, and follow up this will not convert to new patients

- Running Paid Ads (on your own, without training)

- This is the only way to reach people who aren’t already your patients on Facebook
- Takes a lot of money, and more importantly TIME to learn to do this well through trial and error
- Most Chiropractors who do this on their own waste hundreds, if not thousands on this before getting frustrated and
giving up.
Local Practice Facebook Advertising
The “Great White Whale” of internet marketing

What DOES bring in new patients on Facebook

- Targeting the right audience size and location

- The “Goldilocks Zone” is within 10 miles of your practice, and under 150k population

- Split testing the right audience segments

- Various age ranges, and genders respond to different messages

- Ad Copy + Art that is proven to convert

- What they see is what they believe
- Pattern Interrupter
- Call to action
NAME ] Difference
Above and beyond simply running ads
Insert articles you are featured in below (if none then Insert articles you are featured in below (if
simply delete this slide) none then simply delete this slide)
The Vault

Access to xyz…

• Vault resource #1

• Vault resource #2

• Vault resource #3

• Vault resource #4
Your Personal
Account Manager
You will have direct access to the man in
charge of the entire operation!

You’ll also get your dedicated point of

contact whose only job is to ensure your
campaign is meeting your ROI goals and
your staff have everything they need.
Things to keep in mind…

- Everything is month to month (no contracts)

- Exclusivity Policy (10 miles or 100k population)

- Results are guaranteed

Money Back Guarantee
- Minimum of 30 qualified new patient opportunities

If we don’t deliver we’ll give you a full refund, and $100 out of our pocket for
wasting your time.
With that in mind, here’s what you’re
actually getting
In Review..

- New [AGENCY NAME] Ads system ($5000 value)

- Personalized sales dashboard ($2000 value)

- Personal Account management ($2000)

- Guaranteed Results: 30 HIGHLY qualified new patient opportunities in your first

month. All you’ve gotta do is close them! (actually priceless)

Total Value: $9,000

But….we have some sign up bonuses too!
(These videos will bring your more customers)
In Review..
- {{YOUR AGENCY NAME}} Ads system ($5000 value)

- Personalized sales dashboard ($2000 value)

- Personal Account management ($2000)

- Guaranteed Results: 30 HIGHLY qualified new patient opportunities in your first month. All you’ve gotta
do is close them! (actually priceless)

Total Value: $90,000

With bonuses included: $12,500 in total service value

Remember (clients name) from earlier?

- 539 leads Avg. Treatment plan: $1500

- 269 appointments
Total Revenue:
- 162 new patients $142,500 in her first year.
- 95 long term treatment plans
- Avg. 8 treatment plan patients per month.
Moving Forward…

Option 1: Industry Standard

- It’s $XYZ per month plus $500 for ad spend, and a one time setup fee of
- Total investment of $3,497.00

Option 2: One Flat Fee

- Or if we get started right now it’s a flat $XYZ per month
- We will cover ad spend, and the initial setup fee out of our own pockets
- Sign-up Bonuses included ($2500 worth of service for FREE)

Which investment sounds best to you?

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