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The Kano model is a theory of 
product development and 
customer satisfaction developed
in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki
Kano, Lecturer and consultant in
the field of quality management
.Tokyo University of Science
this theory can be applied to the user
experience to help us identify the key factors,
secondary management and attractive that
must Sciences contained in the site / product /
web application in order to ensure that the
site complies with the wishes of the user and
.therefore guarantee a great experience
which classifies customer preferences into
:five  Categories
Must-be Quality-
These attributes are taken for granted when
fulfilled but result in dissatisfaction when not
fulfilled. Since customers expect these
attributes and view them as basic, it is
unlikely that they are going to tell the
company about them when asked about
.quality attributes
One-dimensional Quality-
These attributes result in satisfaction when 
fulfilled and dissatisfaction when not fulfilled.
These are attributes that are spoken and the
.ones in which companies compete
Attractive Quality These attributes provide-
satisfaction when achieved fully, but do not
cause dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. These
.are attributes that are not normally expected
Indifferent Quality-
These attributes refer to aspects that are 
neither good nor bad, and they do not result in
either customer satisfaction or customer
Reverse Quality-
These attributes refer to a high degree of 
achievement resulting in dissatisfaction and to
.the fact that not all customers are alike
Kano model assumes that any site no matter how many
features or its potential advantages that it can be
:classified into three main types, namely
Basic Attributes: key factors that must be contained in
.the site / product
Performance Attributes: performance factors, and their
presence is not essential but, if any, will increase the
.chances of success of your site / product
Delight Attributes: luxury and pleasure factors, factors
that are unexpected presence on-site / product and its
existence increases customer satisfaction about the
site / product, in the case of absence, it does not affect
the quality of the site / product or customer satisfaction
.in any form
KANO model represents by a plan that shows*
the relationship of the three factors of both
requirements and user satisfaction about the
...  site / product
In order to understand this plan and how we could use it in a 
wonderful experience through the use of our sites, must
- : first understand what it represents these Axis

 :The Horizontal axis

represents how the user close or far to achieve his

goal. (Whenever we went to the right,
. the user approached achieve his goal)

:The Vertical axis

the degree of satisfaction reached by 
the user from dealing with site /product (whenever we go
. up ,the user satisfaction increased )
FIRST : The Basic
Factors / basic qualities representation of the 
things that must exist at the site, if the user
didn’t find these factors will not be satisfied
with the site, and if its existed ,that’s a
normal thing doesn’t change the quality of the
site, simply these factors will make your site
.normal ,doing its job , no more say no less
The Factors / basic Attributes may be expected by-1
the traveler when he books a trip in any air
carriers ,is that journey that he reserve it is not
canceled, postponed or the ticket that he was
purchased, guarantees him a seat in the plane
The Factors / basic Attributes may be expected by -2
the user of the Web such as Gmail, that the
application is always working and every time 100% or
when pressing the send button ,the message is
expected to arrive for the receiver within seconds
.and without delay

The Factors / basic Attributes may be expected by -3

the user from a computer application such as iTunes,
is that when he bought a song or an audio file from
the store, he can play it within an infinite number of
.times without pay any extra cost
When you providing the user the basic
attributes in your website don’t expect the
customer satisfaction 100%, when the user
found the things that he would expect to find,
that’s mean you didn’t give him something
new, As we say, "This is the weakest of faith",
but if you leave any of the basic attributes that
should be your site characterized ,no matter
how the great experience provided by or how
many gifts in your site, in this case ,the whole
.experience of use is broken

It's hard to say that your site compete, if he fulfills within

the basic attributes or factors that the user will expect it only, but if these
factors do not provided, you certainly have gone out of the
.competition early
: The attributes which make the customer
Satisfied : if they present .1

Dissatisfied : if they are not present and .2

. even if the basic attributes do present
Suppose that there is a miniature services site , 
the site announced that the transformations that
reach sellers profits to their accounts on PayPal
will not have any costs of transformation. If you
sign up to the site as a seller and found that the
site deduct transformation cost from your
account then you will be satisfied , though this
service is not essential in the performance of
the site . This kind of attributes is what the sites
are competing by , to provide a competitive
service , promice to achieve it and “ DO
If you reserve in airplane company then .1 
what is the weight that you can take with
? “ you “ without paying extra money
Choosing Gmail instead of yahoo because .2 

Gmail's storing space

Choosing ITunes on your mobile instead of .3
other application because of ITunes's better
. services
Attributes that give advantages or services that the
customer didn’t really expect during
.browsing the site
Main concept here is : Giving more than what is
expected so you’re here thinking Outside The
. Box
If you’re on an airplane and you were given .1 

! a meal who was made by a famous chef

In Gmail application , it would be great if .2
the site has a smart system that can arrange
. emails depending on what is more important
In Itubes it would be also great if the .3
application arrange the songs depending on
. what songs are most played
Delight attribute are different from basic and 
performance attributes because if they don’t
present then the customer will be satisfied
because he/she didn’t expect these
attributes from the basic but if you give
these attributes then your customers will
appreciate it and you’ll get more new
. customers
The effect of time on
the kano model
The effect of time on the
kano model

Very competitive on all day and

thus competitive advantages for a
product that Ataltguenha this month
will not be competitive after 6 month

The reason: Monitor competitors

And therefore everyone puts his
product sensuousness factors and
thus the user will expect to be
essential factors, not the thrill of

W ith the passage of time benefits

turn out to be key factors. This is
the view of customers because of
competition with companies that put
these benefits within the foundation
effect ofKANO
on the
kano model

Very competitive on all day and

thus competitive advantages for a
product that Ataltguenha this month
will not be competitive after 6 month

The reason: Monitor competitors

And therefore everyone puts his
product sensuousness factors and
thus the user will expect to be
essential factors, not the thrill of

With the passage of time benefits

turn out to be key factors. This is
the view of customers because of
competition with companies that put
these benefits within the foundation
 Application
 1-Break into Teams
 2-Select Team Leader
 3-Select Scribe
 4-Select Presenter
 5-Scenario – You work for a Hotel chain and your company is trying to identify Voice of the Customer
information to improve Hotel performance.

Designing Profitable Products Using QFD and kano model 

:Benefits derived from using the QFD tool include 


The creation of work teams that include multiple skills and experiences -1 

The determination of specific work aims -2 


A display of a wide variety of important design information in one place in a compact form -3 


Reduced overall costs from realizing a reduction in design changes -4 


Reduced production costs by eliminating redundant features and over-design _5 


? 
:QFD is composed of four stages 
_.Complete the house of quality (HOQ) _1 

Design the product_2: 

Determine tolerance of each part of the product so that it 
.satisfies the target value identified from the HOQ
Design the process _3 
Determine the necessary production process that will 
.satisfy tolerances established during product design
Control the process_4 
Determine quality standards for the new product design 

Benefits derived from using the

QFD tool include:

1-The creation of work teams that

include multiple skills and
2-The determination of specific
work aims

3-A display of a wide variety of

important design information in one
place in a compact form

4-Reduced overall costs from

realizing a reduction in design
What Is QFD?
QFD is composed of four stages:
1_ Complete the house of quality

2_Design the product :

Determine tolerance of each part of

the product so that it satisfies the
target value identified from the

3_ Design the process

Determine the necessary production process 
that will satisfy tolerances established during
.product design
Control the process_4 
Determine quality standards for the new 
product design

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