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Automate Cold Calls Script

Hi There! This is _____ with 3Shape. I’m calling to speak

with _____ about our new artificial intelligence design
platform, is He/She available?

If you get a gatekeeper…

I’d love to email over the details for them to review the
information at their convenience. Can I get a good email
address? And who should I address the email to? Great, and
when would be a better time to call back? Also, a few questions,
Do you mill Zirconia crowns in house? Are you designing in
house? Do you guys use 3Shape or Exocad for design? How
many designers/techs do you guys have?

Thanks for speaking with me, I’ll send over the email and call
back to try and speak with ______ when they are available.

Figure out size of lab & pain points to qualify the lead and get
details of who you should be asking for next time you call.
Automate Cold Calls Script

Hi There! This is _____ with 3Shape. I’m calling to speak with _____ about
our new artificial intelligence design platform, is He/She available?

Hi ____, this is _____ with 3Shape Design Services, how are you today? I’m
calling to chat with you about 3Shape Automate, have you heard about it

If No… If Yes…
Well, let me ask you a few That’s great! How did you
questions first… hear about it? Have you
Are you guys milling zirconia tried the technology yet?
crowns in house? If you’re
comfortable sharing, How
many per day?
One of the biggest struggles
we hear over and over again If No… If Yes…
is finding good technicians
and also managing the peak
It only takes What did you
seasons. That is where maybe 2 think? Did you
3Shape Automate can really minutes to set set up the DS
help you scale your business up your account 2021
with consistent designs in and once you’re integration? Do
minutes. Imagine having signed in you you have any
10,20, 50 crowns left that
need to get designed and
get $50 in free plans to
being able to upload all of designs to try it incorporate
them and get them all back in out. Another Automate into
30 minutes. It’s an incredibly great feature is your lab’s
powerful tool for scaling your it’s free to workflow? Have
capacity. And to make it upload & view you tried the full
better, you only pay for the
designs you like, AND you can
cases. You only arch workflow
edit them in your 2021 DS! use your credit yet? Do you
Would you have a few when you have any
minutes for me to show you download the questions about
how it works? cases. Did you Automate?
have a few
minutes for me
to walk you
through it?
Overcoming Objections

Afraid AI will take their job…

I can understand why you feel that way, new technology that is powerful can feel
threatening. The best way to think about it is using an airplane for example… AI can
fly a plane, but you still want a pilot in the captain's seat. You control the AI, you
control the inputs, AI just does the tedious, manual work for you. You still control the
design, and with 2021 you can even edit the design to put your personal touch on it.
AI helps to free up your time so you can focus on larger cases or growing the
business instead of working to get your small crown cases done on time. It’s simply a
tool to help give you more time.

Incorrect Margins..
One of the great features when you have DS 2021 is the ability to Premark your
margins and then send the case to Automate. Automate will maintain your margin
line so you know it will be correct. Once you bring the crown back into DS you can
then build your model to have those same margin lines. I would love to schedule a
time with our Automate specialist to go through tips and tricks and how to solve this

Not Interested right now….

I know how busy labs can be, when would be a good time to call back? OR I know
how busy labs can be, but this is a super powerful tool that labs all over the world
are using and I would love to show you a few more details, can I send an email with
some information for you to check out when you have some time?

Does not follow shape of adjacent teeth…

AI design isn’t perfect, 3Shape Automate has designed over 500,000 crowns with a
91% acceptance rating, that means there are a certain portion of crowns that you
won’t like. You can either reject them and not pay anything or you can edit them
with our cloud editor or bring them back into your 2021 DS for editing. I’d love to
schedule a time with our Automate specialist to go through tips and tricks and how
to edit crowns you are unhappy with.

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