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Choices selected: Development Opportunities

Add space between “….Opportunities” and “(CDO)”

Changes to text suggested in Part 1 of testing feedback document (Testing_Part1_18April2022)

Possible to list the items here so we can include tooltips? For example, we can indicate “DAWIA certification requirements were
updated February 1, 2022” for “Certification Requirements” and “DAU provides other opportunities for career development
including, credentials, workshops, and additional training. Acquisition workforce members can take advantage of these
opportunities before, during, or after meeting their position requirements.” for “Career Development Opportunities” ? (see notes)

Future Note: At some point, Knowledge Areas will need to be included; no action at this time.

Assignment types are organized according to functional areas.

Text change
Delete this tooltip.

Possible to list the assignment types once the FA or

Knowledge Area is listed rather than as a drop-down list?
That way, we could put tooltips next to each that indicated
the definition…

Note: As with the first feedback document, please replicate suggestions here as well, e.g.,
relevant text changes, opening links on new pages, etc. Thank you! 
Choices selected: Development Opportunities & Business Cost Estimating & Purchasing

Should we consider a different division here, e.g., tab that says “Credentials” one that says “Courses” one that says “Other” and wonder if it will be possible to
include a filter for CLPs? (If possible, would that be something more appropriate for the next iteration due to it being a heavier lift?)

Change text to: “DAU offers a variety of career development opportunities

including workshops, events, courses and now Defense Acquisition Credentials
which are curated collections of training that focus on specialized topics and job-
Possible to list the FA, e.g., “CON” and the Assignment Type?
specific needs.
Choices selected: Development Opportunities & Business Cost Estimating & Purchasing

Ahaa … when I hover over the question mark, I get the “tool tip” but
when I click it I get the assignment type for BCE … I don’t expect two
different sets of information from one element, so when the tool tip
pops up, I don’t even think to click it for something different. Is there
another way? (I believe we made some suggestions in the feedback
sent 4/18.)
Choices selected: Development Opportunities & Business Financial Management & Systems Acquisition Contracting

NOTE: We have two options to consider

with how the recommendations display on Can we have a
this page: button to expand
1. Option 1: Keep the organization as is list?
from the iCatalog, e.g., “Functional
Area” and “Interdisciplinary”
2. Option 2: Delete “Interdisciplinary” and
merge the interdisciplinary credentials
into the functional area credentials and
the interdisciplinary courses into the
functional area courses.

We really prefer option 2 if possible.

Option 1: Since the text won’t Option 1: Can we change the “Interdisciplinary developmental opportunities…” text to “Interdisciplinary opportunities
change, can we move this text are ideal for those who wish to explore related content from other functional areas.”
next to Interdisciplinary?

Option 2: Delete “Interdisciplinary” section and move the

credentials and courses up into the functional area
credential and course section.

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