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The stability of an object may be described

in terms of how likely it returns to a state
of equilibrium after a small deviation.
When an object is in stable equilibrium,
any small displacement from an
equilibrium position results in a force that
tends to return the object to that position.
Consider, for example, the ball in a bowl in figure
4.15. When this ball is displaced, it will return to
the bottom of the bowl, which is its equilibrium
Meanwhile, an object is in
unstable equilibrium if any
small displacement from its
equilibrium position results in a
force or torque that tends to take
it farther away from that position.
Figure 4.16, for example,
shows a ball on top of an
overturned bowl; the ball is
in unstable equilibrium.
This is because if a small
displacement occurs, the
ball will not return to the
top of the bowl, which is its
original equilibrium
position, but rather move
farther away from it.
If after a small displacement an object in
equilibrium remains in its new position,
then the object is in neutral equilibrium.
An example of an object in neutral
equilibrium is a ball resting on a tabletop
(fig. 4.17). If the sphere is moved slightly to
one side, it will remain in its new position.
The center of mass is a point that
represents the average location of the
total mass of a system. Figure 4.18, for
example, shows two particles with
masses m1 and m2, which are located on
the x-axis at positions x1 and x2,
respectively. The center of mass xcm is
In general, the center of mass xcm of a system
with n particles is

For a rigid object, which contains so many particles, the

center of mass is the geometric center of the object,
provided that the mass is distributed symmetrically about
the center.
Suppose in figure 4.18, the mass of
the smaller particle m1 is 5 kg and is
located at position x1 = 2 m along the
x-axis, while the mass of the more
massive particle m2 is 10 kg and at
position x2 = 5 m. Where is the center
m1 = 5 kg x1 = 2 m

m2 = 10 kg x2 = 5 m
xcm = ?
The center
of mass is
at 4 m
along the
1. Suppose a system is composed of two particles
with equal masses. Where is the probable location
of the center of mass of the system? Present a
mathematical explanation of your answer.
2. Where do you expect the center of mass of a
baseball bat to be: halfway between the ends of
the bat, nearer the lighter end, or nearer the
heavier end? Explain your answer.
Center of
The equilibrium of rigid bodies can be
described as stable or unstable. These categories
of stability are analyzed in terms of the center of
gravity (cg). The center of gravity of a rigid
body is the point where the weight of the body
is concentrated. Since the acceleration due to
gravity (g) is constant, the center of gravity
coincides with the center of mass.
Just like the center of mass, if an object has a
symmetrical shape and its weight is distributed
uniformly, the center of gravity lies at its
geometric center. For example, a uniform
meterstick has its center of gravity at its
geometric center. If, for instance, this meterstick
is pivoted at one end (fig. 4.19), then the torque
produced by the weight of the meterstick is T =
In a similar fashion, the center of gravity of any
symmetrically shaped and uniform object, such
as a sphere, a disk, a cube, or a cylinder, is
located at its geometric center. However, this
does not mean that the center of gravity always
lies within the object itself. The center of
gravity of a compact disc lies at the center of the
hole in the disc and is, therefore, outside the
How is the center of gravity of an
irregularly shaped object determined? The
plumb-line method is used to determine the
center of gravity of objects with no definite
shape. The following activity is designed to
locate the center of gravity of an object with
an irregular shape and a nonuniform weight
of Center
of Gravity
on Stability
The location of center of gravity (or center of
mass) is important for the stability of objects. In
figure 4.21, which shape is more stable? If you
trace the line of action of the center of gravity of
an object of any shape and the line falls inside
the base, the object is said to be stable. Thus, the
upright L-shaped object is in a stable
equilibrium, while the inverted L-shaped object
is unstable (fig. 4.21).
Since the term small displacement is relative, the
stability of an object is also relative. An object may
become stable depending on the amount of
displacement of the center of gravity. Figure 4.22a
shows a block of wood balanced on its base on top of
the table. If the displacement of the block is very small
(fig. 4.22b), the block will move back to its original
position. However, if the displacement is large enough
so that the center of gravity no longer lies over the base
of support (fig 4.22c), the block will fall.
The location of the center of gravity of the human
body also has an effect on certain physical activities.
For example, women can generally bend over and
touch their toes or the floor with their palms more
easily, while men often fall over trying to do the
same. This is because, in general, men have higher
centers of gravity than women do. Thus, it is more
likely that a man’s center of gravity will be outside
his base of support when he bends over.
There are sports where the athletes have to make
use of knowledge on center of gravity and
stability to perform better (fig. 4.24). In weight
lifting, for instance, the lifter should bend his
knees to lower his center of gravity to make
himself stable in lifting a heavy weight. Center of
gravity should be also considered when
executing somersaults in diving and gymnastics.
Knowing the center of gravity also allows a person to
move efficiently, preventing possible injuries. This way,
a person performing stunts such as somersaults and flips
can control his/her body parts accordingly to also
achieve a stable finishing position. Players in ball
games such as volleyball and baseball move their body
parts in certain ways to control and stabilize the
movement of the ball while maintaining their balance
and position.
A person standing or walking upright,
especially for long periods, might have
difficulty in maintaining balance because
the center of gravity must be kept over a
relatively small base support, the feet. A
four-legged animal has an easier time in
walking because the base of support is
larger and the center of gravity is lower.
1. Find out why women have lower centers of
gravity than men.
2. Why is it advisable to remain seated instead of
standing while riding in a small boat?
3. Which way would you lean if you held a heavy
load in front of you? Which way would you lean
if you strapped a heavy pack on your back? Give
a reason for every answer you give.

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