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• a Latin word, meaning “to stick together.”
• all parts or ideas fit together well so that they form a
unified whole.
• its parts are well-connected and all heading in the same
• achieved when ideas are connected and flow together
smoothly. It allows one to move easily from one idea to
the next, from one sentence to the next and from one
paragraph to the next.

• Words or phrases that connect ideas of sentences

and paragraphs for coherence.
• Indicate building up of new idea or thought or
compare ideas or draw conclusion
•Points out alternatives or
•My sister Sarah hates green beans, and I, likewise, do
not like the vegetable
•The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent
years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite
•I need to go home, but all of the flights are cancelled.
•I thought he was busy, on the contrary, he was idle.
•My mom loves pasta, but she dislikes spaghetti.
Similarly, she did not like lasagna. On the contrary, she
loves macaroni. Likewise, she loves pancit guisado,
pancit bihon, sotanghon, and palabok.
These tell of the subsequent development of events as they
occur. They tell the order in which things happen.

Beginning Middle End

before after that at last
earlier afterwards in conclusion
first/at first during that time in the end
initially meanwhile finally
previously second to conclude
prior to then lastly
• We saw the film and afterwards walked home
• Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot.
• Before you go to the stadium to watch your
favorite basketball game, make sure that you
have your snacks and video camera that you will
use during the game. Later, you will find it
enjoyable when you can simultaneously eat
while videotaping.
• These signal a combination of action and reaction. They tell the
relationship between events or things, where one is the result of
the other or others.

as a result Accordingly so
because Due to therefore
consequently since thus
• Since you have been a consistent honor student and a skillful one,
therefore, there would be a possibility that you would graduate cum laude
or be cited with technical skills award in college. As a result, you would
have a better chance to find a job or be an entrepreneur, because some
companies would prefer those applicants with impressive school records or
those with technical skills.
• I wore a hooded sweatshirt because of the rain.
• She had suffered from parasites on the account of the impure water in
the village. She was often cold due to not having warm clothes or
blankets. She was hungry for the reason that she had no resources to
grow or buy food. She was fighting for survival since she had not been
given a chance.
• Add emphasis or to show evidence
truly To demonstrate
specifically Such as
For example namely
• Mateo loves vegetables. Truly, he is happy to eat those every day - specifically,
‘pinakbet’, ‘chopsuey’, and vegetable salads. To demonstrate his love for
vegetables, Mateo is planning a vegetable socials for all his friends.
• You don't have to splurge on expensive cleaning products. Vinegar, for example,
will clean most things
• As a way to demonstrate his product, the chef used the knife to chop up several
small tomatoes.
• The shop specializes in tropical fruits, such as pineapples, mangoes and
• These present two or more ideas that continue along the
same line of thought. They further express a harmony of
opinion or action to what has been previously stated.

also along with furthermor

and apart from moreover
another as well as plus
in addition besides to
also along with furthermore
and apart from moreover
another as well as plus
in addition to besides to

• Gabriel loves, respects, and obeys his parents. Moreover, he helps in the
household chores if he is not studying. Furthermore, he is grateful that his
parents are very supportive in every task he does.
• She always arrives on time; furthermore, her work is always excellent.
• In addition to a competitive salary, the company offers attractive employee
• The boy laughed cheerfully and jumped out.
These are used to explain, to make clear or to interpret a certain
point. They make something understandable and comprehensible.
I mean in fact in this case
as a matter of fact in other words that is (to say)
To put it another way

• I love going to school; that is, I like it very much. In other words, I
want to learn more. To put it another way, a school is one of the
best places I need to go for me to learn better.
• I knew him when we were in college - as a matter of
fact we were on the same course.
• Money makes money. To put it another way, the more
you invest, the greater your potential profit will be.
Presents conditions or intentions
Almost With this in mind Possibly
Probably Frequently Never

• With what was possibly the greatest fight of all times, the Filipino in
the front lines faced the pandemic with bravery. They almost gave up
but recovered. With this in mind, Filipinos have proven time and
again to be resilient.
• Huygens believed that a pendulum swinging in a large are would be
more useful at sea and he invented the cycloidal pendulum with this
in mind.
• Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly
protect against heart attack.
Restate idea
• All the documents have been presented and, as can be seen, the
facts are clear. Given this point, it's time to correct the practices that
do not conform to the policies. In the long run, the nation and its
people will benefit from this change.
• The scope of research is vast, as can be seen by the
number and variety of high quality conferences and colloquia
organised by the different research centres.
• To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the
• In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and
readily available form of exercise.

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