Initiation of Learning Culture (Ideas)

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Initiation of Learning Culture

(Ideas & Expectations)

Prepared by
AKM Shahedur Rahman
L&D Professional
Ideas to Start a Learning Culture -(Prerequisites)

 Define Mission & Expectation

 Sponsorship from Senior Management
 Commitment from Senior Management
 RACI should be Prepared & Agreed
 A Dedicated team should be identified and empowered
Ideas on How to Start a Learning Culture
 Identify the GAPs and key issues related with training & development (skills,
process, ways of working, roles & responsibilities, knowledge, capability,
leadership, education, experience, culture etc.)

 Identify the productivity loss, waste, defect, quality & safety issues & link up with
training & development.

 Conduct a survey within all employees to take ideas & suggestions from all level
of employees (Management, Worker, Casual etc.)
Ideas on Implementation of Learning Culture - towards
behavior change/ Cultural Shift

 Job Description

 Training Need Assessment

 Curricula Design & Development

 Identify the Training Delivery Method

 Prepare the Training Materials and SOP’s

 Train the Trainer Program

Ideas on Implementation of Learning Culture - towards
behavior change/ Cultural Shift

 Set some standards

 Launch the Induction Program

 Inaugurate the Learning Program in presence of Directors, Functional Head’s, Sr.

Management & Other Key Stakeholders in presence of All Employees.

 Empower people to have a culture on Speak Up for any issues (strong

commitment from Senior Management must be there)

 Engage all level of employees

Ideas on Implementation of Learning Culture - towards
behavior change/ Cultural Shift

 Knowledge Based Competition

 Learning Quiz
 Learning Championship
 Learning At Work Week
 Gift, Greetings Card, Appreciation
 Coaching, Mentoring & Feedback
 Awareness, Class Room & On Job Training
 Learning Evaluation Methodologies
Ideas on Implementation of Learning Culture - towards
behavior change/ Cultural Shift

 Set the KPI & ROI for Department, Section & Individual
 Link up the Promotion, Increment, Appraisal with Knowledge based assessment
 70:20:10 or 10:20:70 Concept
 90:90:1 concept
 Quality & Safety Inspector from manufacturing area & KPI to be Set within the
Department for Safety & Quality.
 Quality, Safety & Learning is a Competitive Advantage for the sustainability of

 Select an Area/ Unit as a Pilot area.

 Start the implementation activities.
 Start monitoring & review the success part & improvement scope through
PDCA cycle.

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