Group14 - Identification of Tools

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Music Genre Recommendation System

Student 1 : I003 Arul Bansal

Student 2 : I048 Fahad Shaikh
Student 3 : I059 Anunay Tripathi
Student 4 : I062 Madhav Vakharia
Identification of Tools and Technologies

• Datasets/APIs • Web Tools and Frameworks:

• Spotify API • JavaScript
• React
• Python Libraries • NodeJS
• Librosa • MongoDB
• Ipython
• TensorFlow
• Scikit-Learn
• Machine Learning Models
• MatplotLib • SVM
• Seaborn • Random Forest
• Python Pickle • Decision Trees
• Naïve Bayes
Comparison with Existing Solutions
Problems in existing Solution

- Only music recommender in most solutions

- No platform which has both music recommendation and genre classification
- The current recommendation solutions are not user customised


- Providing with accurate recommendations

- Providing a single platform to perform both classification and recommendation
- Creating our own website which looks and works according to the user mood
and classification and integrating with Spotify API
Discover Quickly
• Too much dependent on Spotify APIs
• Does not have any machine learning algorithm for any sort of working
• Bad User Experience
Spotify Audio Feature
- Doesn’t provide any recommendations
- The existing visualizer is not aesthetically pleasing and doesn’t work
- Requires Premium to use this feature
- Uses only HTML, CSS and Javascript
Magic Playlist

- Limited/fixed number of moods

- Sharing option not working properly
- No proper arrangements and numbering of songs
- Bad User Interface and shows advertisements
Audio Libraries

Librosa Ipython
• Useful in earlier stages of
• Useful in terms of visualizing development.
the audio files in terms of • Designed specifically for the
signals Jupyter environment.
• To read audio signals in terms • Serves the function of
of sample rates and help with extracting and letting users
MFCC Calculations play audio files directly on
Jupyter notebook
Web Tools

• Front-End • Back-End • UI/Prototype Tools

• HTML • MongoDB • Figma
• JavaScript • NodeJS • WordPress
• CSS • Django • Adobe
• React • Flask
Dataset /APIs
• GTZAN Dataset
• Will be used for genre classification
• TensorFlow library
• Multi-genre audio samples
• Most-used public dataset for evaluation in machine listening research for music genre
recognition (MGR).
• The files are collected in 2000-2001 from a variety of sources including personal CDs, radio,
microphone recordings, in order to represent a variety of recording conditions.
• GTZAN Genre Dataset represents a total of 1000 audio tracks with a 30-second duration are
contained in the dataset. The dataset is divided into a total of 10 genres, each with 100 tracks.
All the tracks are 22050Hz Mono 16-bit audio files in .wav format.

• Spotify API
• To fetch live data for recommendation model
• Updated live Recommendations based on genre classified
Thank you

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