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Talent Management:

Mitigate Impact of Loss

with Talent Pools and
Succession Plans.

Talent Management: Succession Planning,

Talent Pools. OTBI

Demo Release: 22AD01

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Demo Services: HCM New Feature Demo Story

Story Mitigate Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans
New Feature(s) Add Talent Pool members from an Analysis. Add Succession Plan Candidates from a
Talent Pool.
Demo Release 22AD01+
Modules Talent Management: Succession Planning, Talent Pools. OTBI.
Author Demo Services: Rob Woodfine, Hai Pham
Date March 2022

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1. New Feature summary
2. Demo considerations
overview, including
seeded configuration
3. Storyboards
4. Demo click-through

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1. New Feature

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Mitigate Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans

Protects Business Continuity and Growth by combining two key new features
with the power of OTBI to create an integrated and optimized end-to-end process
with Talent Pools and Succession Plans.
Succession Plan
Analysis picking Talent Pool
up potential TP feeding potential
members Successors

Leveraging existing Talent Pools reduces redundant effort.

BI Analyses configured to meet customer’s criteria picks up potential TP members matching the
required profile each time it is run.
 Huge range of criteria for the BI to run against.
 HR reps can run the Analyses without the need to perform their own searches.
 Best-Fit still supported and allows flexibility if needed.
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Enhanced Succession Planning
Feature explanation and Value Proposition

Add Succession Candidates from Talent Pool

• What is it:
 Quickly add new succession plan candidates by selecting members from a talent pool.
 HR specialists and managers can select talent pool members from a talent pool and add them to
a succession plan.
• Value Proposition:
 Organizations have different processes for selecting succession candidates. Using Talent Pools
as a means to feed a set of potential candidates provides flexibility.
• Competitive Differentiator:
 Workday – no information
 SuccessFactors - supported

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Enhanced Succession Planning
Feature explanation and Value Proposition

Create Talent Pool from Analyses

• What is it:
 Use an OTBI analysis that includes the criteria you need to find the applicable employees to
add as talent pool members.
• Value Proposition:
 Organizations may want to define specific criteria for a talent pool and search and select all the
employees who meet that criteria.
 Now HR and leaders can flexibly determine conditions for applicable employees when
considering who should be members of a talent pool.
• Competitive Differentiator:
 Workday – not supported
 SuccessFactors – not supported

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2. Demo considerations
overview, including
seeded configuration

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Mitigate Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans
*** Demo Considerations ***
• The pre-requisite release for these features and the delivered content:
 Fusion 22AD01

• Regarding the data and the features

 A sample OTBI Analysis for generating the Talent Pool population is seeded from 22AD01
 Talented Director Level
 All OTBI Analyses used to populate the Talent Pool must be in this BI Catalog folder:
 /shared/Custom/HCM/HCM Embedded/Talent/Talent Pool Candidates
 Any new Analyses used to populate the Talent Pool must include the person_id column, otherwise
any criteria can be used to populate the report.
 It is not mandatory to populate the Talent Pool with all of the potential candidates returned by the BI.
 When the Talent Pool is created using the Analysis, the user can select All or some of the
candidates to be included in the Pool.

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Mitigate Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans
*** Demo Considerations ***

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Mitigate Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans
*** Demo Considerations ***

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Mitigate Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans
*** Demo Considerations ***
• Regarding the data and the features
 It is not mandatory to populate the Succession Plan with all of the potential candidates in the the
Talent Pool.
 The user can select All or some of the candidates to be included in the Succession Plan.
 In the view of the Talent Pool provided within the Succession Plan creation process, it is not possible
to change the Pool itself (cannot add candidates to, or remove from, the Pool).

• Potential Entry Points

 Talent stories addressing the need to mitigate Impact of Loss of key resources through integrated
Succession Planning.
• Potential Exit Points
 A suitable exit point would be to lead into Talent Review and include the Succession Plan created as
part of this flow.

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3. Storyboard

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Mitigating Impact of Loss with Talent Pools and Succession Plans
 The organization has recognized that strong leaders are essential to the successful
HR Business Partner delivery of it’s long term strategy for growth, particularly in the realm of HR and
Talent Strategy development.
 After searching for a solution fitting the need to enable the identification,
development and retention of key Talent, Oracle HCM Cloud was chosen as the
best-in-class offering.

 Curtis is a respected HR Business Partner tasked with implementing contingency
plans to mitigate against the impact of future potential losses.
 He will leverage the powerful tools and One Solution approach provided by Oracle
HCM Cloud to develop and implement an effective and flexible process which will
show real benefit to the organization and maintain it’s position at the head of the
Curtis Feitty
HR Specialist

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans

Setting the scene Leadership Capability Best-in-class HCM Powerful, but simple
Curtis’s organization has invested in best-
The organization has recognized that Curtis is the HR Talent Business Partner. Curtis has previously created Analyses
in-class HCM Cloud Applications from
strong leaders are essential to the He has been tasked with putting into place using Oracle Transactional Business
Oracle, to enable them to meet the
successful delivery of it’s long term processes to ensure steps are taken to Intelligence to identify talented
challenge of protecting internal capability
strategy for growth. minimized the impact of key leaders contributors at the Director Level.
through managing Talent.
As the competition for talent intensifies, leaving the organization. In this case, this
Curtis Feitty growing and protecting the talent base is means identifying a Talent Pool and He does not need to be a report-writing
So Curtis is in a great position, with all
HR Talent BP key, and so leadership in this area is creating a Succession Plan for Robert expert. OTBI is a great blend of powerful
the tools he needs, right here on his
particularly crucial. Jackman. analytics and ease of use.

Curtis has successfully leveraged the

Being able to generate the Talent Pool like Next Curtis moves on to create the
Curtis begins by creating the Talent Pool. power of Oracle HCM Cloud. The talent
this is super-useful. Succession plan for Robert Jackman.
ratings reliably collected during the career
He leverages the OTBI Analyses to create and performance management processes
It cuts down on the need to identify the He can quickly and easily populate the list
a real-time list of talented Directors and have helped define the Talent Pool which
right candidates for the pool individually of succession plan candidates by using the
potential successors. in turn has fed into the Succession Plan.
or using custom reports. Talent Pool and the main source. It’s
The impact of Robert Jackman leaving has
quick and easy.
been mitigated.

Seamless Efficient and Effective One Solution Impact Mitigated

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4. Demo click-through

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans
Click-through summary: Create Succession Plan
Create Talent Pool 1. Login as curtis.feitty
2. Navigate: My Client Groups > Succession Plans
1. Login as curtis.feitty 3. Click Add
2. Navigate: My Client Groups > Talent Pools 4. Enter Plan Name: HCM Leadership Succession
3. Click Add 5. [Optional] Enter text in Description
4. Enter Pool Name: HCM Leadership 6. Ensure Plan Type is Incumbent
5. [Optional] Enter text in Description 7. Click into the Incumbent field and start typing Robert Jackman,
6. In the Members region, click down arrow beside Add and select from the person list
select Members from Analysis 8. Moving to the Candidates region, click down arrow beside
7. Click into the Analysis Name field and select Talented Add and select Talent Pool Members
Director Level 9. Click into the Pool Name and select HCM Leadership
8. The Analysis will run automatically and populate the 10. The Members list will be populated
Workers list 11. Click the check boxes next to a sample of the population, or
9. Click the check boxes next to a sample of the population, click Select All
or click Select All 12. Click Add (upper right corner of the page)
10. Click Add (upper right corner of the page) 13. Your are returned to the Succession Plan Info page and the
11. Click Save and Close > Home Candidates region is populated
Steps to create Talent Pool complete 14. Update Readiness for Candidates by clicking into the Candidate
name and updating Readiness and Ranking
15. Click Save > Home

17 Confidential – © 2021 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted Steps to complete Succession Plan complete
Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


Curtis is a respected HR Business Partner tasked with implementing contingency plans to

mitigate against the impact of future potential losses.

He will leverage the powerful tools and One Solution approach provided by Oracle HCM
Cloud to develop and implement an effective and flexible process which will show real
Login: Curtis.feitty benefit to the organization and maintain it’s position at the head of the field.

Curtis begins his day by logging into Oracle HCM Cloud.

The first task for Curtis is to create the Talent Pool which will drive the Succession Plan.

He goes there now.

Navigate: My Client Groups > Talent

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


Curtis begins by creating a new Talent Pool.

Click: Add

He can give the Talent Pool a relevant name which will allow him or others to locate the pool
quickly and easily.

Enter Pool Name: HCM Leadership After naming the pool, then next step is to add pool members.
[Optional} Enter text in Description
Curtis is going to use the great feature which will generate a list of potential pool members by
Members region: Click down arrow for running an real-time analysis against the worker population.
Add and select Members from Analysis The analysis has been pre-configured to always look for the right kind of potential pool

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


Curtis selects the right analysis for his current requirement.

Click into Analysis Name and select

Talented Director Level

Curtis finds this a really neat feature, he doesn’t need to go around the system hunting down
potential members for the Talent Pool.
Click the check boxes next to a
selection of the population or check He runs the analysis and the output is a list of potential pool members.
Select All to select all of the population
He can select all in one click, or in this, as there are some potential members he wishes to
Click Add (upper right corner of the focus on, he clicks beside each one he wants to use.

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


In just a few clicks Curtis has created his Talent Pool.

He’s ready now to move right along to create the Succession Plan.

Click Save and Close

Steps to create Talent Pool complete

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


Curtis moves to his Succession Plans app.

Navigate: My Client Groups >

Succession Plans

He is presented with a list plans for which he is administrator.

Curtis wants to create a new Succession Plan for this requirement.

Click Add

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


Curtis gives the Succession Plan a meaningful name which will allow him or others to locate
Enter Plan Name: HCM Leadership the plan quickly and easily.
[Optional] Enter Description In this case, Curtis is creating the plan in relation to a particular incumbent, Robert Jackman.
Ensure that the selected Plan Type is He checks to make sure the Plan Type is correct and then goes ahead and types the name into
Incumbent the Incumbent field. The field uses type-ahead and soon brings up the worker record.
Click into the Incumbent field and start
typing Robert Jackman

Just like in the Talent Pool, Curtis has options on how to create the list of succession
candidates to add into the plan.

He’s going to go right ahead and utilize the Talent Pool he created earlier.
Candidates region: Click down arrow for
Add and select Talent Pool Members

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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


Curtis is presented with a choice of Talent Pools.

He selects the HCM Leadership pool.

Click into the Pool Name and select

HCM Leadership

Curtis wants to include all of the Talent Pool members as Succession Candidates and so
selects them all with a single click.
Click the check boxes next to a
selection of the population or check Finally he adds the selected pool members.
Select All to select all of the population

Click Add (upper right corner of the


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Mitigate Impact of Loss through Talent Pools and Succession Plans


To complete the plan information, Curtis adds candidate Readiness and Ranking information
based on outcomes from the latest Talent Review meetings.

Click into Candidate name(s) and This will enable Curtis to track the progress of the successors and ensure that the plan is as
update Readiness and Ranking strong as possible.

Click Save after each Candidate

Curtis saves the Succession Plan.

He has put the organization in a stronger position to mitigate the potential impact of losing a
Click Save and Close key leader from the organization.

Steps to create Succession Plan. Curtis was supported by the One Solution approach of Oracle HCM Cloud and is ready to
help his organization face the next challenge.

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Demo Services Contacts:


Thank you

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