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‫الصيدالني المتدرب على البرنامج السريري‬
‫حيدر عباس علي‬
‫دائرة صحة كربالء المقدسة‬
‫مدينة االمام الحسين(ع) الطبية‬
‫شعبه الصيدلة السريرية‬
Soap :

Ali ahmed is young men (8) years old , 35kg , no have any history of
diseases in the past , he presented to hospital with syncopal attack for 2
weeks before , headache , no fit , no vomiting .
Past medical history: no history.

History of surgery: no history

Drugs allergy : negative

Pervious medication : no history.


1-Severe headache

Lab . data in blood
- Ct. scan : brain hydatid cyst

- pulse rate : 87 b/min

- spo2 : 98%

- body temp : 38.2

The problems list that occur in this patient are :

1-Severe headache (active):

because of pressure of the size and place of hydatid cyst
in the brain

2-Anemia (inactive)
Assessment (A) :

Syncope (pronounced “sin ko pea”) is the medical term for fainting or passing
out. It is caused by a temporary drop in the amount of blood that flows to the
Syncope can happen if you have a sudden drop in blood pressure, a drop in heart
rate, or changes in the amount of blood in areas of your body. If you pass out, you
will likely become conscious and alert right away, but you may be feel confused
for a bit.
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
The ANS automatically controls many functions of the body, such as
breathing, blood pressure, heart rate and bladder control. Most times, these
things happen without us noticing.
Syncope is a common condition. It affects 3% of men and 3.5% of women at
some point in life. Syncope is more common as you get older and affects up to
6% of people over age 75. The condition can occur at any age and happens in
people with and without other medical problems.

Syncope can be caused by many things. Many patients have a medical condition
they may or may not know about that affects the nervous system or heart. You
may also have a condition that affects blood flow through your body and causes
your blood pressure to drop when you change positions (for example, going from
lying down to standing).
One of the causing of Syncope is the Hydatid cyst
Disease :Echinococcus is an infection caused by a parasitic
tapeworm from the Echinococcus genus. A few different types of
tapeworms can cause echinococcus in humans, including: E.
granulosus, E. multilocularis, and E. vogeli. In some cases, the
organs affected depend on which type of tapeworm has caused
your infection.
is a common condition which is caused by anumber of
pathologies and can be subdivided into microcytic ,
megaloblastic and haemolytic types.

Anaemia is not one disease, but a condition that results from a

number of different pathologies.
It can be defined as a reduction from normal of the quantity of
haemoglobin in the blood.
The World Health Organisation defines anaemia in adults as
Haemoglobin levels less than 13 g/dl for males and less than 12 g/dl for

However, there are apparently normal individuals with levels less than

The low haemoglobin level results in a corresponding decrease in the

oxygen-carrying Capacity of the blood.
Planning (p):

Non-pharmacological treatment in brain hydatid cyst patient : head


Pharmacologic therapy: Certain medications can destroy the parasite.

In some cases, your doctor may also recommend surgery. Your specific
treatment plan will depend on the severity of your symptoms, as well as
the organs affected.

Medication is almost always used to treat echinococcus. For example,

your doctor may prescribe mebendazole or albendazole.They may also
recommend taking antiinflammatory medication to treat inflammation
of your organs caused by the parasite.

Sometimes chemotherapy medications can be used to treat organ cysts

caused by the parasite.
In some instances, your doctor may recommend surgery to treat
cysts caused by the infection. If the infection has affected your
brain and fluid has accumulated there, your doctor may also
recommend surgery to install a shunt. This device is used to
drain fluid from your brain.
RX in hospital //

1.Roxif vial 1*2 ( diluted in 100 cc n/s and administrated iv

through 1 hr after making sensitivity test of drug )

2.Paracetamol vial 500mg *2 ( administrated directly iv

through 10-15 mint )
3.Fluxacillin amp 500mg *4 ( diluted in 100 cc n/s and
administrated iv through 1 hr after making sensitivity test of
drug )

4.Decadron amp 1cc *2 (diluted in 5 cc n/s and administrated iv

through 10 min )

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