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Carlos Antonio Cano Lopez

Luis Marcelo Mendez de la Cruz

Jose Abraham Salazar Fuentes

What Does Microprocessor  A microprocessor is a component that performs the
Mean? instructions and tasks involved in computer
processing. In a computer system, the microprocessor
is the central unit that executes and manages the
logical instructions passed to it.
How Does a  A microprocessor accepts binary data as input, processes that
data, and then provides output based on the instructions stored in
Microprocessor the memory. The data is processed using the microprocessor's
ALU (arithmetical and logical unit), control unit, and a register
Work? array.
Benefits of a
They don't cost a lot

Due to their use of IC

technology, microprocessors
don't cost much to produce. This
means that the use of
microprocessors can greatly
reduce the cost of the system it's
used in.
 The technology used to produce
modern microprocessors has

They are fast

allowed them to operate at
incredibly high speeds--today's
microprocessors can execute
millions of instructions per
They consume little
 Power consumption is much
lower than other types of
processors since
microprocessors are
manufactured using metal
oxide semiconductor
technology. This makes
devices equipped with
microprocessors much more
energy efficient.

 Techopedia. (2012, 25 junio).

Recuperado 14 de septiembre de 2022, de

 Wardynski, D. J. (2022, 17 febrero). What is a

Microprocessor and How Does it Work?
Recuperado 15 de septiembre de 2022, de

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