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Energy Concepts
Engr. Raymond S. Abesamis, ME
 It is basically defined as the capacity to do work. It is the capacity of the substance or
system to do an effect.


It states that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it just transform into other

Types of Energy
1. Potential Energy – it is the energy of a body or substance because of its position or
elevation measured with respect to a certain datum line. This energy is also called
gravitational potential energy.
 For Total Potential Energy
~ kJ, kW, Btu, Btu/min
 For change of Potential Energy, total value
~ kJ, kW, Btu, Btu/min
 For change of Potential Energy, unit mass
where: m = mass of body or substance, kg, lb,
= change in elevation of body, m, ft
= initial position of the body, m, ft
= final position of the body, m, ft
g = acceleration due to gravity,
2. Kinetic Energy – it is basically defined as the energy of a body because of its velocity.

 For Total Kinetic Energy of a Body

~ kJ, kW, Btu, Btu/min

 For change of Kinetic Energy, total value
() ~ kJ, kW, Btu, Btu/min
 For change of Kinetic Energy, unit mass
where: m = mass of body or substance, kg, lb,
= initial velocity of the body, m/s, ft/min
= final position of the body, m/s, ft/min
g = acceleration due to gravity,
3. Internal Energy – it is the sum of the energies of all the molecules of a body or substance. It
is also the sum of the various forms of energy that a molecule has.

where: U = total internal energy , kJ, kW, Btu, Btu/min

= change of total internal energy, kJ, kW, Btu, Btu/min
= initial specific internal energy, kJ/kg, Btu/lb
= final specific internal energy, kJ/kg, Btu/lb
= specific heat at constant volume, ,
= initial temperature, K, °R
= final temperature, K, °R
4. Work Energy – it is basically defined as energy in transition. It exists only when a force is
moving through a distance.

where: W = work energy, N-m = Joules (J), kN-m = kJ, Btu, ft-lb
F = force applied to a body, N,
s = distance travelled by the body, m, ft, in
 Work is positive (+) when work is done BY the system
 Work is negative (-) when work is done TO the system.
Classification of Work Energy
a. Non-flow Work – it is a work done to or by a non-flow closed system during a reversible
process without the flowing of a working substance or through a moving boundary.
- a typical example of non-flow work is a piston-cylinder arrangement wherein the
substance expands (or compresses) against resistance and does work. (see figure)

For Total Work:

For unit mass:
where: W = non-flow work or work done during the process, kJ, Btu
w = unit mass non-flow work, kJ/kg, Btu/lb
p = pressure, kPaa, psia
V = volume, ,
v = specific volume, /kg, /lb
b. Flow Work or Flow Energy – it is the work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary
usually into or out of the system.

 Flow work for any given boundary

 Change of flow energy between boundaries

 Change of flow energy, unit mass analysis

Example No. 1
Determine the work done by a 1-kg fluid system as it expands slowly within the piston-
cylinder arrangement from an initial pressure and volume of 60-kPaa and 0.028-m³,
respectively, to a final volume of 0.123-m³ in accordance with the following relations: a.) ,
b.) , c.) , and d.) .
(solution to be discussed by instructor)
Example No. 2
In a steady-flow open system, a fluid moves between two boundaries. In boundary 1: . In
boundary 2: . Determine a.) the mass flow rate, b.) the velocity in boundary 2, c.) the change
in kinetic energy between the boundaries, and d.) the change in flow energy between
(solution to be discussed by instructor)
Example No. 3
A piston-cylinder device containing air undergoes a series of two processes. The first process
is constant volume with the pressure decreased from 300-kPaa to 60-kPaa. The second process
is compression in accordance with and the pressure increases to 300-kPaa with a final volume
of 0.10-m³. Determine the work done.
(solution to be discussed by instructor)
5. Heat Energy – it is basically defined as the energy in motion. It moves from a body of
higher temperature body to another body of lower temperature.
 Work can be converted entirely into heat, or ideally entirely into other forms of energy.
 Heat cannot be converted entirely into work, only part of it will be converted into work

SPECIFIC HEAT - it is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a
unit mass substance by one degree Kelvin.
a. Constant Volume Specific Heat,
It is the change of the molecular internal energy for a unit mass or one mole of a
substance per degree change of temperature with the volume that remains constant from the
initial state to the final state.
~ kJ, Btu
For unit mass analysis:
) ~ kJ/kg, Btu/lb
b. Constant Pressure Specific Heat,
It is the change of enthalpy for a unit mass or one mole substance per degree change of
temperature between two states without changing the pressure.
~ kJ, Btu
For unit mass analysis:
~ kJ/kg, Btu/lb
c. Specific Heat Ratio
It is the ratio of constant pressure specific heat to that of constant volume specific heat.

d. Specific Heat Relation (For Ideal Gas)

Example No. 4
Assume that 4-kg of a substance receives 253-kJ of heat at constant volume undergoes a
temperature change of 66-K. Determine the average specific heat of the substance during the
(solution to be discussed by instructor)
Example No. 5
For a constant pressure system where mass is 36-kg, 45-kJ of heat is required to raise its
temperature by 3-K. Find the constant pressure specific heat.
(solution to be discussed by instructor)
Example No. 6
A 1.5-kg gaseous non-flow closed system receives heat while its pressure remains constant at
360-kPaa. The internal energy and temperature are increased by 215-kJ and 65-K, respectively.
If the work done is 112-kJ, find:
a. The constant pressure specific heat
b. The change in volume, and
c. The , R, and k
(solution to be discussed by instructor)

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