A Return To Normalcy CH

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Parties, Presidents, & the

Black Electorate’s
Gender Gap
a return to normalcy?
Black Men and Women
in the Electorate
The gender gap has been present since women were initially
excluded from voting (pre-19th amendment) & still through Jim
Crow era.

Black voters are the largest racial/ethnic minority block (11%)

People think that the increase in turnout for Trump is because of

the electorate switching parties. It’s actually because it’s
reverting back to normal after the increased support for Obama,

the first African American president.

Black Men and Women
in the Electorate

Trump appealed to Black men Black women outperform Black

(19%) men in turnout - gap ranges 5-
10 points
Conservative focus on free
market capitalism, Engagement in communities,
individualism, & self- grassroots efforts, churches, &
determination are similar to the civil rights movement.
expressions of Black

Black Men and Women
in the Electorate
In some aspects, the gender gap is minimal.

Black men and women have high levels of support for Black
feminist ideals - Black women in leadership, gender
discrimination, feminist activism, & abortion.

Biden’s advantage in 2020 with Kamala as VP candidate -

resembles voting turnout patterns of Obama in 2008
Gender Differences in
Black Voting Behavior -
Peter Survey
Rossi & Andy Anderson

Created vignettes (short descriptive piece of writing) with a

range of social objects used to determine what influences
respondents’ decisions.

10 factors include: national economic well-being, African

American unemployment rate, crime rate, health care costs,
approach to civil rights assurances, stance on same-sex marriage,

stance on abortion, incumbency status, race, & party

Gender Differences in
Black Voting Behavior -
Black voters more likelySurvey
to support Democratic congress
members. Also more support to candidates who support civil
rights & BLM vs incumbent president w economic interests

Black women: prioritize party, policy, & present conditions

Black men: party and attributes- race & experience →

descriptive representation is important to them!
Q: In eyes of Republicans, what
can the party do to attract more
of the Black vote? And what can
Democrats do to further stabilize

their support?
The Black Gender Gap
in 2020 & Beyond
Findings of the survey confirmed 3 things:

1. Trump’s campaign focus on economics align w/ importance

of Black unemployment rate and grab interest of
conservative Black men.
2. Biden choosing Kamala taps into Black male interest in race
& descriptive representation
3. Black women are more likely to prioritize socioeconomic
policy & Black men place emphasis on on candidate’s

attributes → Republican attacking policy challenges to

Democratic leadership was the wrong message
The Black Gender Gap
in 2020 & Beyond
What does this mean overall? - Black Americans are still voting
uniformly, & polarization is actually making them lean more

Possible Republican candidates for 2024, most of whom are

white, will most likely not attract a large number of Black

Party polarization is a reaction to political and ideological

polarization. Trump’s version of the Republican party is racially

intolerant. → damages the possibilities of Republicans gaining

more Black votes. However, will Black voters accept Democrats’

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