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What Is Wi-Fi
Introduction Usage History

Components Working of Application of

Types of Wi-Fi
of Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Wi-Fi

Terminology of Alternatives to Advantages of Wi-Fi

WIFI Wi-Fi WIFI Disadvantages

WI-FI Technology 3


Wi-Fi is also known as Wireless Fidelity.

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is a generic term for the wireless network in the communication norm. Wi-Fi operates like
a local area network without the use of a wire or cables.

WLAN stands for Wireless Local Area Network. IEEE 802.11 is the rule for communication. Wi-Fi
uses the Physical Data Link Layer (PDLL) to operate.

Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that permits to connect wirelessly to a network or to other computer or
mobile device. A circular radio frequency range is used to transmit data in Wi-Fi.

Currently, these frequencies function on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bandwidths.

All devices have a default bandwidth of 2.4 GHz.

WI-FI Technology 4

We use Wi-Fi every day. Without WIFI Network we cannot connect to the internet from any Wi-
Fi-capable device. Wi-Fi allows us to have wireless communication, including streaming or casting
audio or video to any device.

Data transfer rates are also very fast when using Wi-Fi to share files, data, etc., among two or
more computer , mobile phone or any other devices.

Another important attribute is the capability to print any document using a Wi-Fi printer.

Wi-Fi can be access by HOTSPOT, A mobile hotspot is a common feature on smartphones with
both tethered and untethered connections. When you turn on your phone’s mobile hotspot, you share
your wireless network connection with other devices that can then access the Internet.
WI-FI Technology 5

Using a wireless network to provide Internet service offers convenience and flexibility,
assuming your wireless router transmits a strong signal. Unfortunately, a weak signal can
lead to unreliable network performance and a frustrating user experience. One way to
boost a weak router signal and improve network performance is through the use of a
small device called a repeater.
Repeater functions as a kind of relay system for your wireless Internet network. The
repeater picks up the signal transmitted by your router and amplifies it while sending it
throughout your home or office. You'll also be able to get reception in areas where the
signal previously could not reach. If you use a laptop, you'll be able to work farther away
from the location of your router, providing greater flexibility.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for transferring files to and from
remote machines running FTP servers. The FTP client allows file and directory upload,
file and directory download, and directory navigation of remote and local file systems.
sftp client
The sftp client uses the SSH (Secure Shell) File Transfer Protocol to provide secure file
transfer over a non-secure network (such as a TCP/IP network).
For sftp Host On-Demand supports only the binary transfer mode. Host On-Demand does
not support the character transfer mode.
WI-FI Technology 6

What Is Wi-Fi 6?
WIFI 6 developed by Many
company But Qualcomm has
submitted most contributions to
So, how much faster is Wi-Fi 6?
all generations from WiFi 5 to
WiFi 7, followed by Huawei and

9.6 Gbps is the maximum Wi-Fi 6 can result in up to 75%

Wi-Fi 6 brings wired and
throughput of Wi-Fi 6 across less latency than previous
wireless signals closer to parity.
multiple channels. generation.

Generation/IEEE Frequency Maximum Linkrate Year

Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) 2.4/5 GHz 600–9608 Mbit/s 2019
WI-FI Technology 7

History of Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is an old concept, but its execution is a new concept. ALOHA System is a wireless network
mechanism that was used to link Hawaii island through a network in 1971.

1985 saw the release of a new network for broad use by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), which operates on frequencies between 900 Mhz and 5.8 GHz.

When waveLAN, a wireless cashier system, was invented in 1988, it operated at speeds of 1 to 2
megabits per second on the Token Ring Local Area Network.

This was followed by Vic Hayes (known as the "Father of WiFi") establishing IEEE 802.11 Working
Group for Wireless LANs in 1990.

This wireless network was later renamed IEEE 802.11a by the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in 1996
WI-FI Technology 8

History of Wi-Fi continued

After all of this, Security was

In 2003, 11g, a
in 1997, the first improved in 11i,
When the link faster version,
version of Wi- In the years that while Voice over
speed was was released.
Fi, 802.11, was followed, 11i Wireless LAN
increased to 11 Over 2.4 GHz,
released, which and 802.11e and multimedia
Mb/s in 1999, it the speed ranges
supports a were added. streaming were
was called 11b. from 54 to 108
maximum link added to
speed of 2 Mb/s. 802.11e.
WI-FI Technology 9

Components of Wi-Fi

Wireless access points

Wireless router : Wireless wireless adaptors : it also
( WAP ) : WAP is also
router is also called as wifi known as Network interface
known as hotspot. it is a
router. A router connects controller . which controls
networking device that
local networks to other local wireless network such as wifi
allows wireless device to
networks or to the internet. or Bluetooth.
connect with wired network

Wireless bridge: it is a type Wireless controller:

of networking device that Wireless controller manages
connects two different wireless network access
segments of local area point that allow wireless over the air devices to connect to the
connection. network.
WI-FI Technology 10

Types of Wi-Fi
Standards Year of Release Description
Wi-Fi-1 1999 This version has a link speed from 2Mb/s to 11 Mb/s over a 2.4
(802.11b) GHz frequency band
Wi-Fi-2 1999 After a month of release previous version, 802.11a was released
(802.11a) and it provide up to 54 Mb/s link speed over 5 Gaz band
Wi-Fi-3 2003 In this version the speed was increased up to 54 to 108 Mb/s over
(802.11g) 2.4 GHz
802.11i 2004 This is the same as 802.11g but only the security mechanism was
increased in this version
802.11e 2004 This is also the same as 802.11g, only Voice over Wireless LAN
and multimedia streaming are involved
Wi-Fi-4 2009 This version supports both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio frequency
(802.11n) and it offers up to 72 to 600 Mb/s speed

Wi-Fi-5 2014
(802.11ac) It supports a speed of 1733 Mb/s in the 5 GHz band

 A new version will release in 2020 named 802.11ax developed by Huawei, which can

support, a maximum of 3.5 Gb/s. it will know Wi-Fi 6
WI-FI Technology 11

Working of Wi-Fi

What is the Wi-Fi protocol?

First and foremost, Wi-Fi is a wireless communication system that transmits networks using
electromagnetic waves. The radiofrequency is utilized in Wi-Fi because we understand that there are
several types of electromagnetic waves based on their frequency, including X-rays, Gamma-rays, radio
waves, microwaves, etc.
• Base station network or Ethernet(802.3) connection: It is the primary host network from which
the router receives its network connection.
• Access Point or Router - Network bridge, also known as an access point or router, connects wired
and wireless networks. A wired Ethernet connection is accepted, and the wired connection is
converted to a wireless connection, which is then spread via radio waves.
• Accessing Device - There are several ways to gain access to information. From our mobile,
computer, etc., we access Wi-Fi and surf the web using Wi-Fi
WI-FI Technology 12

Point-to-Point network using Wi-Fi or WLAN technology. Two sites that are hard to reach by wire, such as two
corporate office buildings, can be connected using this method.

Vow-Fi is also recognized as voice-over Wi-Fi, which is another useful tool. Few years ago, telecom firms put
forward the VoLTE (Voice over LTE) (Voice over Long-Term Evolution ). In recent years, Vow-Fi has become
increasingly popular, allowing us to make calls and anyone using our home Wi-Fi network.

Internet via Wi-Fi in offices: In offices, all computer systems are linked to the Internet via Wi-Fi. In the case of Wi-
Fi, there is no need for complicated wiring. Also, the network's speed is excellent. It's possible to present an entire Wi-
Fi project, such as a spreadsheet or ppt, to all participants at once..

As a positioning system, Wi-Fi can be used to recognize a device's area by detecting the placements of Wi-Fi
WI-FI Technology 13

Terminology of WIFI

SSID (Service Set Identifier)-

WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected
Wi-Fi networks are identified
Access- Pre-Shared Key): It's
and distinguished from one
a programmed created by the
another by their service set
Wi-Fi Alliance Authority to Ad hoc networks are used by
identification (SSID) numbers,
safeguard wireless networks Wi-Fi in order to transmit data.
Another term for Wi-Fi is which are 32 characters long.
using Pre-Shared Key A point-to-point network
"wireless LAN." All gadgets are trying to
authentication. WPA comes in without an interface, it's a
communicate to the same
three varieties: WPA, WPA2, wireless mesh network
SSID (Service Set Identifier).
and WPA3. An encryption
SSID stands for "Service Set
method for Wi-Fi signals to
Identifier" and is the title of the
keep out unwanted users.
wireless network.
WI-FI Technology 14

Alternatives to Wi-Fi

As a short-range
Bluetooth is a
great option.

5G / 4G LTE
IEEE 802.3ah
twisted pair
WI-FI Technology 15

Wi-Fi Extenders make it possible to expand the network.

It's easy and quick to set up.

It is also more affordable.7

Hotspots are another feature that it offers.

Roaming is supported as wel

WI-FI Technology 16

Wi-Fi Disadvantages

Mobile phones, laptops, and other devices with batteries consume a

lot of power when using Wi-Fi.

Limited Bandwidth

Security issues:

In comparison to a direct cable connection, the speed is slower.

Since a router is required to access the internet via Wi-Fi, we can't

access the internet if the power goes out
WI-FI Technology


Can reach over 50km in

range and have a
The future is WiMAX
maximum throughput of
70 Mbps.

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